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What is the algorithm of Facebook content?

What is the algorithm of Facebook content?

Facebook’s algorithm for determining which content to show users in their News Feed is complex and constantly evolving. The main goals of the algorithm are to show users content that is most relevant to them and to maximize user engagement on the platform. Some key factors that go into the News Feed ranking algorithm include:

How relevant is the content to each user

Facebook priotizes showing users posts from their friends, family, and pages they have liked or followed. Content from those close connections is deemed more relevant. Facebook also tracks user activity to understand their interests and preferences, so it can show them more of the types of posts they frequently engage with.

How popular and engaging is the content

If a post is getting a lot of likes, comments, and shares, that signals to Facebook it is interesting content that should be shown to more users. Popular posts get boosted higher in the News Feed. How much time users spend looking at a post also impacts its ranking.

How recent is the content

More recent posts are generally considered more relevant than older posts, so Facebook’s algorithm gives a recency boost to newer content. This allows users to see the latest updates from their connections.

Does the content contain clickbait or sensationalism?

Facebook works to demote posts with exaggerated or sensationalist headlines that try to goad users into clicking or sharing without offering meaningful content. Their algorithm looks for clickbait patterns to minimize them in the News Feed.

Is the content thought-provoking or discussion-worthy?

Posts that spur a high volume of comments and back-and-forth discussion get prioritized by Facebook’s ranking algorithm. Comment threads are seen as a sign of engaging content.

What is the authenticity of the source?

Content from authentic and credible sources, like established news outlets and trusted brands, is given more weight than questionable sources that may spread misinformation. Pages that frequently post false, misleading, or inflammatory content will see their reach suppressed.

Does the content contain advertising?

Facebook gives less priority to promotional posts, ads, and other content designed specifically to sell products or drive traffic to external sites. Organic user engagement is preferred over commercial content.

How is the post formatting?

Formatting also impacts reach, as Facebook’s algorithm favors posts that are easy for users to view and interact with. Video and image posts tend to perform better than plain text posts. Clear, concise writing is also preferred.


Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithm is extremely complex, but maximizing relevance and engagement are always the driving factors. Understanding these key elements of the algorithm can help page owners and businesses optimize their content strategy to reach more of their target audience on Facebook.

Detailed analysis of key algorithm factors

User connections and interests

Showing users content tailored to their individual tastes is a top priority for Facebook. To achieve this, the algorithm gives the highest weight to posts from a user’s closest connections – their family, significant other, closest friends, and favorite pages they follow. Facebook believes this content will naturally be the most relevant.

Facebook also tracks users’ activity across the platform to discern their interests, likes, and dislikes. Pages or topics a user frequently engages with are noted, and more of that type of content is added to their News Feed. User data like age, location, and demographics also help determine relevance.

Engagement and popularity

Engagement metrics like reactions, comments, shares, clicks, and dwell time are all strong signals of interest and importance. Content that goes viral and sees high engagement almost always gets pushed by the algorithm. Facebook wants to promote and spread popular posts that get people reacting and interacting.

The more likes, loves, wows, hahas, sads, or angry reactions a post receives, the stronger its News Feed reach. Comments and shares also boost reach, as they demonstrate users finding the content worth discussing or passing on to others. Clicks to links, images, or videos show interest as well.

Recency bias

Being a platform for staying up-to-date, Facebook typically shows users the latest posts from connections first. Older content can still perform well if it continues seeing strong engagement, but newer posts have an advantage. Recency bias causes timelines to favor fresh updates.

However, users who haven’t logged in for a while may see some older viral posts surfaced upon returning, as Facebook works to catch them up on any trending content they missed.

Clickbait and sensationalism

Facebook recognizes that exaggerated, sensationalist headlines are a low-quality signal of relevance. While they aim to provoke clicks, once users read the content they often feel disappointed or misled.

So posts that use excessive caps, emojis, or shocking claims without merit may see their reach suppressed. The algorithm demotes obvious clickbait patterns and sensationalism.

Meaningful engagement

Comments show Facebook a post is sparking discussion and engagement between users – an indicator of compelling content. So posts accruing many comments have an advantage in the ranking algorithm.

However, the quality of comments also matters. Toxic or harassing comments do not count as meaningful engagement. Uplifting and constructive discussion is what the algorithm seeks to promote.

Content authenticity

Facebook works to surface content from authentic sources. These include established news and media outlets, respected brands/organizations, verified profiles, and connections within a user’s network. Unverified or dubious sources may be suppressed.

This aims to limit sketchy clickbait farms and the spread of misinformation from questionable sites. It also provides users content from sources they can trust.

Advertising and promotions

Facebook clearly separates ad posts and organic posts in the News Feed. While businesses can pay to boost their reach via ads, unpaid promotional posts are given lower priority. Facebook has moved toward content that sparks authentic engagement between users.

Overt call-to-action or salesy language can also cause organic posts to underperform. User reactions tend to be more positive toward entertaining or informative content posted simply for its inherent value.

Post formatting

The rise of video, images, live streams, and Stories has shaped Facebook’s algorithm to favor visual posts. Video sees very high engagement rates on Facebook, more so than text-only posts. Clean formatting with ample white space also aids readability.

Clear, concise writing helps hold user attention. Attention-grabbing photos and videos that vividly show what the post is about increase click-through rates as users want to see the full-sized media.

Tips to improve Facebook reach

Here are some top tips for optimizing Facebook content based on ranking algorithm factors:

Post at optimal times

Pay attention to when your audience is most active on Facebook and aim to post during those high traffic periods. More potential eyes on your posts will increase engagement. The best posting times can vary by factors like location, audience demographics, and page industry.

Use relevant hashtags

Adding hashtags helps surface your posts to users interested in those topics, expanding your reach beyond just your current followers. Include a mix of popular and niche hashtags where appropriate to tap into broader conversations.

Try different post formats

Experiment with posts like colorful graphics, eye-catching photos, compelling videos, interactive polls, and live streams. Visually engaging content tends to perform better. Videos often see the highest reach and engagement.

Encourage Likes and Shares

Asking viewers to like, react, comment, and share can give posts a boost by priming that engagement. This signals to the algorithm the content is interesting and worth spreading.

Spark discussion

Pose interesting questions, post polls, or share thought-provoking content that gets conversation flowing in the comments. Facebook picks up on these back-and-forth discussion threads.

Refine targeting

Really dial in your target audience and create content tailored specifically to their interests and needs. Well-targeted content that deeply resonates with a core audience has an advantage.


Facebook’s opaque and ever-changing News Feed algorithm will likely always have an element of mystery. But focusing on relevance, engagement, quality shares, and authentic community interaction will put any page’s content strategy on the right track. Mastering these algorithmic factors helps ensure Facebook users see the posts designed for them at optimal times.