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What is the ad creation limit on Facebook?

What is the ad creation limit on Facebook?

Facebook Ads Manager allows advertisers to create and run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audiences Network. However, Facebook enforces limits on the number of ads and ad sets an advertiser can create to maintain quality and prevent abuse.

Ad Creation Limits

The ad creation limit depends on the advertiser’s spending history, account status and other factors. Here are some key limits to be aware of:

  • New advertisers are limited to creating 100 ads per ad account.
  • Established advertisers with a history of spending can create up to 1,000 ads per ad account.
  • The limit is on the number of individual ad creatives, not ad sets. You can use the same ad in multiple ad sets without counting against the limit.
  • Video ads have a separate creation limit of 250 per ad account.
  • Carousel ads count as a single ad creative even if they contain multiple images/videos.

In addition to the above limits, Facebook also enforces the following creation limits:

  • Maximum 2,000 ad sets per campaign
  • Maximum 100,000 ad sets per ad account

Why Ad Creation Limits Exist

Facebook implements ad creation limits to:

  • Maintain ad quality by preventing repetitive and irrelevant ads
  • Ensure advertisers provide a good user experience
  • Prevent abuse from low quality advertisers like spammers
  • Control load on their ad review and delivery systems
  • Encourage more thoughtful ad creation from advertisers

While the limits may seem restrictive, they force advertisers to be more strategic in their ad creation process. The focus shifts to crafting highly relevant, high performing ads rather than trying to overwhelm users with quantity of ads.

How to Check Your Ad Creation Limits

You can check your current ad creation limits in a few places:

  • Ads Manager – The ads manager dashboard shows your limits at the top
  • Ads API – The ads API returns your limit usage in responses
  • Power Editor – Power Editor shows your limits in the account overview
  • Your Facebook Account Manager – Ask your Facebook rep to confirm your limits

Monitoring your limits regularly will help you avoid hitting the cap unexpectedly. You want to stay well below the limits to allow room for spur of the moment testing and expansion ideas.

What Happens When You Hit the Limit?

Once you reach the ad creation limit, Facebook prevents creation of any additional new ads in that ad account. Some of the consequences include:

  • inability to duplicate existing ads
  • inability to create new ad sets
  • inability to use the Ads Manager wizards
  • error messages when trying to save new ads

However, you’ll still be able to edit existing ads and change targeting on ad sets. But any new ad creation or duplication will be blocked.

How to Get Your Ad Creation Limit Increased

If your advertising needs outgrow the standard Facebook ad limits, you can request a limit increase. Here are some tips on getting Facebook to raise your limits:

  • Spend more – Increasing your ad spend is the easiest way to justify higher limits
  • Use your limit – Max out your current limit first before requesting more
  • Remove unused ads – Delete old ads you’re no longer running
  • Maintain ad quality – Keep ad relevance and performance high
  • Request via account rep – Work with your Facebook rep to request increase
  • Provide specific business need – Explain the business context for needing more ads

However, Facebook may still deny a limit increase request if they feel you haven’t made the case for needing more ads. Some things that can trigger a denial include:

  • Low ad spend or spend history
  • Poor performing ads
  • High ad disapprovals
  • Spammy ad content
  • Violating Facebook’s ad policies

Persistently requesting a higher limit without addressing these issues is unlikely to succeed. Work on improving ad quality and performance before asking for more ads.

Tips for Managing Facebook’s Ad Limit

Here are some tips for effectively managing Facebook’s ad creation limits:

  • Consolidate and reuse – Combine similar ads into ad sets instead of creating multiples
  • Use rules to limit targeting – Create fewer broad ad sets with rules
  • Delete stale ads – Remove unused old ads regularly
  • Monitor usage – Check limits regularly to avoid surprises
  • Plan expansions – Forecast limit needs for upcoming promotions
  • Request early – Don’t wait until you hit the limit to ask for more
  • Use other accounts – Spread ads over multiple ad accounts if possible

Table of Facebook’s Ad Creation Limits

Ad Limit Type New Advertisers Established Advertisers
Ads per Ad Account 100 1000
Video Ads per Ad Account 250 250
Ad Sets per Campaign 2000
Ad Sets per Ad Account 100,000

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook limits ad creation to control quality and prevent abuse
  • Monitor your limits regularly in Ads Manager and Power Editor
  • Delete unused ads and consolidate similar creatives
  • Increase spend and performance to justify higher limits
  • Work with reps and provide a solid business case for more ads

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I hit the Facebook ad limit?

Once you reach the Facebook ad limit, you will be unable to create any new ads in that ad account. You’ll see errors when trying to save new ads. However, you can still edit existing ads.

How many ads can I create on Facebook per ad account?

New advertisers are limited to 100 ads per ad account. Established advertisers with spending history can create up to 1,000 ads per ad account.

Does the Facebook ad limit include all ad variations?

No, the Facebook ad limit counts each creative or image/video as an individual ad. You can use one creative in multiple ad sets without increasing the ad count.

What are Facebook’s ad set limits?

Facebook limits you to 2,000 ad sets per campaign and 100,000 ad sets per ad account.

How do I request an increase in my Facebook ad limit?

Work with your Facebook account rep and provide a solid business case for needing more ads. Limits can be increased for advertisers with good performance and high spend.


Facebook’s ad creation limits help maintain the quality and relevance of ads on their platforms. While the limits can be restrictive for large advertisers, they force more thoughtful ad creation practices. Monitor your limits regularly and focus on creating high-performing ads over generating large quantities of ads. Work proactively with your Facebook rep to request reasonable limit increases before hitting the cap.