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What is the 24 1 rule on Messenger?

What is the 24 1 rule on Messenger?

The 24 1 rule is a best practice guideline for using Messenger as a marketing and customer service channel. It recommends responding to new messages within 24 hours, and following up on existing conversations at least once every 24 hours. The goal is to provide timely, responsive service to customers on Messenger.

Why is the 24 1 rule important?

The 24 1 rule aims to set customer service expectations on Messenger. People expect rapid responses on messaging platforms. According to research by Nielsen Norman Group, the average response time expectation on Messenger is just under 2 hours. Other studies have found expected response times under one hour.

By responding within 24 hours, you are meeting typical consumer response time expectations. Following up within 24 hours on existing conversations shows you are attentive and engaged. The 24 1 rule helps deliver responsive CX and strengthens your Messenger presence.

When does the 24 1 rule apply?

The 24 1 rule applies whenever a new message comes in or when an existing conversation requires follow up. Some specific scenarios include:

  • New incoming messages from customers
  • Questions from potential leads
  • Follow up questions from existing conversations
  • After requests for more information
  • Being notified the customer has seen your latest message

Anytime the customer gives you a reason to respond within a 24 hour period, following the 24 1 rule is recommended.

How to follow the 24 1 rule

Here are some tips for sticking to the 24 1 rule:

  • Turn on notifications – Get notified of new messages instantly. Respond to messages promptly instead of batching.
  • Designate responsibility – Have set team members manage Messenger inquiries to adhere to 24 1.
  • Monitor conversations – Check back on conversations requiring follow up within 24 hours.
  • Set reminders – Use timers or CRM reminders to follow up on outstanding messages.
  • Provide canned responses – Have quick response templates ready for common questions.
  • Integrate a ticketing system – Connect Messenger to help desk software to monitor conversations.

Staying organized, having responsibility assigned, and using prompts can make it easier to stick to the 24 hour commitment window.

24 1 rule exceptions

While you should try to adhere to the 24 1 rule as much as possible, there are some exceptional cases where longer response times are understandable:

  • evening and weekend messages – no expectation for late night or weekend responses
  • high inbound volume – flooding may delay some responses
  • complex issues – may require deeper research and patience
  • account issues – payment, login, or tech issues could take longer
  • legal review – responses needing legal approval may be delayed

The key is to meet the 24 1 rule when reasonably possible, and to set proper customer expectations when you need more time. A quick message explaining the delay and when to expect a full response goes a long way.

24 1 rule templates

Here are some template messages you can use to buy time when you need to respond outside the 24 1 window:

Acknowledging new inquiries

  • Thanks for your message! I’m looking into this for you and will follow up within [time frame].
  • I received your message and am pulling together the information for you. I’ll get back to you by [time frame].

Following up on existing conversations

  • Appreciate you following up. I need a little more time to look into this for you. I’ll get back to you by [time frame].
  • Thanks for your patience here. I’m still working on getting this resolved, and will follow up with an update by [time frame].

24 1 rule and customer expectations

Setting customer expectations is a big part of successfully implementing the 24 1 rule. When customers understand your response commitment, they are more accepting of occasional longer wait times. Some best practices include:

  • Setting the 24 1 rule expectation upfront in your away message, profile, or when customers first message
  • Reinforcing your commitment to 24 1 in your responses
  • Being transparent whenever you need to deviate from the policy
  • Thanking customers for their patience if you go beyond 24 1

Automating the 24 1 rule

Automation tools can make it easier to adhere to the 24 1 guideline. Here are some capabilities to look for:

  • Smart routing – Automatically distribute messages to the right agents
  • Canned responses – Quickly respond to common questions
  • Follow-up reminders – Get notified when follow up is needed
  • Workflow triggers – Send info automatically based on conversation cues
  • Chatbots – Use AI to handle common FAQs 24/7

The right automation setup can streamline 24 1 operations and reduce human workload. This helps assure more consistent adherence.

Benefits of following the 24 1 rule

The 24 1 rule has proven to deliver strong results when applied properly. Benefits you can expect include:

  • Increased customer satisfaction – Customers feel heard and cared for
  • Higher response rates – Prompt replies encourage reciprocal engagement
  • Reduced inbox clutter – Conversations are resolved faster
  • Fewer repeat messages – Questions are answered the first time
  • Stronger lead generation – Build rapport and trust with quick replies
  • Boost brand loyalty – Customers value responsive service

The 24 1 rule sets messaging customers up for success. Some studies have found it can improve customer satisfaction scores by over 25%.

Pitfalls of ignoring the 24 1 rule

On the flip side, not consistently following 24 1 on Messenger can hurt your performance:

  • Customers feel ignored, unimportant, and frustrated
  • Less time-sensitive information provided after delays
  • More messages sent trying to get a response
  • Lower open and click-through rates when you finally do respond
  • Reduced lead generation and sales opportunities
  • Lower CSAT and net promoter scores

Slow response times are one of the top complaints consumers have about messaging customer service. Not adhering to standards like 24 1 magnifies these issues.

24 1 rule vs. broader response time metrics

The 24 1 rule focuses specifically on Messenger. More broadly, brands aim for fast response times across all channels. Here are some common benchmarks used:

  • 80% of chats answered within 60 seconds
  • 75% of calls answered within 20 seconds
  • 70% of emails answered within 1 hour
  • 90% of social messages answered within 1 hour

Channels like phone and live chat have stricter requirements, while email and social media allow for slightly more leeway. But the overarching goal is providing responsive service across the board.

The 24 1 rule origin

The 24 1 rule was first coined by Facebook marketing Evangelist, Amy Wood in a 2016 blog post. It outlined best practices brands should follow on the fledgling Messenger platform.

Facebook had just opened Messenger to businesses beyond the initial launch partners. Amy wanted to set clear expectations for how customers should be served. The handy 24 1 phrasing encapsulated the urgency of messaging.

The rule has caught on as Messenger has grown. It remains central part of most Messenger customer service programs. Although not an official mandate, following 24 1 helps deliver the experience Facebook expects on its channels.

The 24 1 rule vs. 72 1 rule

Some brands follow a “72 1 rule” instead – responding within 72 hours and following up within 24. This adjusts the timeline for slower moving industries like real estate. The 72 hour initial response window still beats email while allowing more flexibility.

In most cases though, 24 1 represents the ideal. Customers understand certain complex issues require extra time. But most incoming inquiries warrant a 24 hour or less first response.

If your business can’t consistently adhere to 24 1, aim for at least 72 1. This maintains reasonably prompt replies while being more achievable. But reaching the full 24 1 standard should be the ultimate goal.

Response rate metrics

When assessing your Messenger responsiveness, look at two key metrics:

First response time (FRT) – The time between when a customer first messages you and when an agent responds. This measures adherence to the 24 hour component. Benchmark of 80% responded to within 24 hours.

Follow up response time (FURT) – The time between the latest customer or agent message and the next agent response. Monitors the 1 day follow-up aspect. Benchmark of 90% followed up within 24 hours of prior message.

Tracking both FRT and FURT sheds light on how closely you are aligning with 24 1 across both new and existing conversations.

Sample FRT and FURT performance

Conversations Within 24 hrs Over 24 hrs
FRT 100 85 15
FURT 200 190 10

Here FRT needs improvement to meet the 80% goal, while FURT is almost at the 90% target.

Staffing to meet 24 1

Having adequate staffing is key to hitting 24 1 KPIs. Use these tips to ensure sufficient resourcing:

  • Measure peak message volumes to size appropriately
  • Factor in local business hours for coverage gaps
  • Allow for vacation, sick, and off-hour coverage
  • Plan for surges from campaigns and promotions
  • Test assumptions and adjust staffing up or down accordingly

Ongoing monitoring of inbound and response metrics helps refine staffing needs. The right resource model provides redundancy for 24 1 consistency.

Prioritizing messages

When faced with a sudden spike in message volume, you may fall behind on 24 1. Applying smart message prioritization helps you recover more quickly:

  • VIP customers – Expedite replies for high-value customers. Send quick updates if full responses are delayed.
  • Complex issues – Defer simpler questions to handle more involved problems first.
  • First touch – Clear unopened messages before circling back on existing conversations.
  • Oldest inquiries – Answer earlier messages before newest when volumes spike.

Staying disciplined when triaging keeps your latest backlog down and adherence to 24 1 higher.

Ongoing optimization

Regularly examine your performance against the 24 1 rule and look for improvement opportunities:

  • Audit FRT and FURT metrics weekly
  • Review periods with low adherence to find causes
  • Get customer feedback on satisfaction with response times
  • Assess processes, workflows, tools, and staffing
  • Explore automation options to streamline
  • Consider incentives for employees hitting 24 1 KPIs
  • Make adjustments and monitor impact

Keep 24 1 top of mind as a critical CX and efficiency target. By continually optimizing, meeting this lofty service level is possible.


The 24 1 rule sets a robust but achievable response standard on Messenger. Customers expect timely replies on messaging, and 24 1 aligns with these demands. Following 24 1 requires commitment, focus, and resources – but pays dividends in customer satisfaction.

Brands who closely adhere to 24 1 give themselves a meaningful competitive edge. In a crowded marketplace, differentiated messaging experiences matter. 24 1 provides that differentiation.

With a sound strategy, process, tools, and culture of accountability, the 24 1 rule is an attainable gold standard. Build your Messenger initiative around 24 1 for customer service success.