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What is the 20 questions game for couples?

What is the 20 questions game for couples?

The 20 questions game is a fun way for couples to get to know each other better. One partner thinks of a person, place, thing or idea and the other partner tries to guess what it is by asking yes or no questions. The guessing partner has 20 questions to try to figure it out. If they guess correctly, they win and get to go next. If not, the partner who thought of the item wins and gets another turn. Here’s more on how to play this classic game with your significant other.

How to Play the 20 Questions Game for Couples

To play the 20 questions game with your partner, follow these simple steps:

  1. Decide who will think of the first item. This person will be the answerer for the first round.
  2. The answerer thinks of a person, place, thing or idea and keeps it secret.
  3. The guessing partner starts asking yes or no questions to try to figure out what the item is. Questions like “Is it a person?”, “Is it alive?” or “Can you eat it?” are good starting questions.
  4. The answerer responds with “yes” or “no” answers. Remind them not to give any other hints!
  5. The guessing partner continues asking questions until they either guess the item or run out of questions.
  6. If the guesser guesses the item correctly, they win that round. If they don’t get it right within 20 questions, the answerer wins.
  7. Switch roles and repeat! The person who just had to guess now thinks of an item for their partner to guess.

That’s the gist of how to play the 20 questions game as a couple! To keep it fun, make sure both partners get turns coming up with items and guessing. Get creative with your items and questions!

20 Questions Game Tips for Couples

Here are some tips to help couples get the most out of their 20 questions game experience:

  • Take turns coming up with items/guessing so you both get to participate equally.
  • Use different categories like people, places, animals, foods, books/movies, abstract ideas, etc. to vary the game.
  • If your partner is struggling, offer hint questions like “Does it involve music?” or “Is it bigger than a breadbox?”
  • Don’t always stick with “Is it a person/place/thing?”-type starting questions. Get creative!
  • If you guess early, keep asking questions to learn more rather than ending the round.
  • Don’t overthink your items. Funny or obscure ones can lead to laughs.
  • For an extra challenge, limit questions to a certain format like only “Can/Would you __?”
  • Reward a correct guesser with a kiss, cuddle session or by granting a request!

20 Questions to Ask Your Partner

Not sure what kinds of questions to ask when playing 20 questions with your significant other? Here are some fun ones to try:

  1. Is it something I would find in nature?
  2. Can you hold it in your hand?
  3. Is it alive?
  4. Is it a place you’ve visited before?
  5. Is it larger than a microwave?
  6. Does it have fur?
  7. Can you eat or drink it?
  8. Is it a thing you can buy in a store?
  9. Does it provide entertainment or recreation?
  10. Is it useful for transportation?
  11. Does this thing bring you comfort?
  12. Is it an animal, vegetable or mineral?
  13. Is it an activity we’ve done together before?
  14. Could you find this in our home?
  15. Does it remind you of a happy memory?
  16. Is it an item of clothing or accessory?
  17. Does it have anything to do with music?
  18. Would you find this thing in a school?
  19. Can most people easily afford to buy this item?
  20. Does it relate to any of your/my hobbies?

Fun & Creative 20 Questions Ideas

Looking for some inspiration for fun, interesting or challenging things for your partner to guess when playing 20 questions? Here are some ideas:

  • A character from a favorite movie or TV show
  • An item you’d take on a desert island
  • A favorite fictional place like Hogwarts or Narnia
  • Something that symbolizes your relationship
  • A favorite scent or smell
  • Your celebrity crush
  • Your ideal superpower
  • Your perfect vacation destination
  • Something you’re afraid of
  • A special moment from when we were dating
  • Something that reminds you of me
  • Your favorite food as a kid
  • Your dream job besides your current one
  • Something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet
  • The title of an autobiography about your life
  • Your spirit animal
  • A random object in this room

Abstract ideas or feelings also make fun 20 questions game topics. You can even have your partner try to guess the answer to “Would you rather” scenarios or ethical dilemmas.

Playing 20 Questions Long Distance

You can easily play 20 questions over the phone or video chat if you and your partner are in a long distance relationship. Simply follow the usual game rules, taking turns coming up with an item and asking/answering questions. Here are some tips for making it work when playing long distance:

  • Schedule a dedicated 20 questions phone or video date.
  • Use a timer to keep questions paced rather than taking too long to think.
  • Text or email your item if playing over the phone, then verbally ask questions.
  • Video chat with audio only if bandwidth is limited.
  • Screenshare photos of your item using Skype/Zoom if video chatting.
  • Limit questions to a format you can both answer over audio/video only.
  • Record your 20 questions session to laugh at later!

Playing 20 Questions Over Text

The 20 questions game translates seamlessly to texting or messaging as well. To play over text:

  • Decide who will go first and privately think of an item.
  • Take turns sending questions and “yes/no” answers by text.
  • Keep responses quick to keep the game moving.
  • Use emojis to give hints or react to questions asked.
  • Send a photo of your item if your partner is really stumped.
  • Time each other’s responses if you want an extra challenge!

You can even use a messaging app’s limit on characters per message to cap how long your questions can be. This texting twist on 20 questions is perfect for flirty back-and-forth during the workday or before bedtime.

Making Your Own 20 Questions Game

You and your partner can also make your own personalized 20 questions game. Here’s how:

  1. Get an index card deck and markers.
  2. Take turns writing down people, places, items or abstract ideas that relate to your relationship.
  3. Include inside jokes, memories only the two of you share, favorite date spots, etc.
  4. Decorate the cards to make them special.
  5. Store the deck together for future 20 questions games.
  6. Pull cards randomly when you want to play.

Creating your own deck lets you tailor the game to your relationship. Plus, the reminder of special memories and intimate details will bring you closer as you play.

Making 20 Questions Naughtier for Couples

For an extra romantic twist, try making 20 questions more flirty or sensual when you play as a couple. Ideas for spicing it up include:

  • Guessing erogenous zones or turn-ons for each other.
  • Thinking of fantasies, romantic escapes or sexual scenarios.
  • Asking suggestive would-you-rather or this-or-that style questions.
  • Turning the game into a form of 20 questions foreplay.
  • Incorporating kissing, teasing or stripping when you guess right.
  • Thinking of sex toys, lingerie or other bedroom items.
  • Making questions intimate things you want to know about each other.

Just agree on comfort levels first before getting cheeky! An R-rated 20 questions game can be a fun way for couples to get to know each other’s desires.

History & Origins of 20 Questions

The 20 questions game has been around for centuries. Some key points in its history and origins include:

  • Early versions were seen in ancient Greece as rhetorical exercises.
  • The game was played as “Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?” in the Victorian era.
  • It increased in popularity as a spoken parlor game in the mid 20th century.
  • The board game “20 Questions” was commercialized in the 1940s.
  • It gained attention from the 1948-49 radio show “Twenty Questions.”
  • Traditional rules settled into their current form during the 1950s-60s.
  • The game continues today as a way to pass time, learn about others.

While electronic games have blurred some lines, at its heart 20 questions remains an interactive, back-and-forth experience connecting people. Uncovering those personal details, laughter and moments of joy is what makes playing as a couple so rewarding.


The 20 questions game is a simple yet endlessly engaging way for couples to have fun while learning more about each other. Taking turns thinking of topics and guessing keeps it lively and conversational. Tailoring questions to your relationship dynamic or throwing in some flirty twists also helps you get closer as you play. When you need an easy, screen-free activity for your next date night at home, give 20 questions a try.