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What is the 1,000 views Reels bonus?

What is the 1,000 views Reels bonus?

Instagram Reels is a popular short-form video feature that allows users to create and share 15-30 second multi-clip videos on Instagram. Reels was launched by Instagram in 2020 as a way for creators to share fun and entertaining video content similar to TikTok.

Instagram offers a Reels bonus program as an incentive for creators to make engaging Reels content. One part of the bonus program is the 1,000 views bonus – when a user’s original Reel hits 1,000 views within 7 days of posting, they get a cash bonus.

Who is eligible for the 1,000 views bonus?

The 1,000 views Reels bonus is available to Instagram users worldwide who create original Reels content and meet the program eligibility requirements. Here are the basic requirements to be eligible for the 1,000 views bonus:

  • You must have a public Instagram account
  • Your account must adhere to Instagram’s Community Guidelines
  • You must create and post original Reels content (no repurposed feed posts or stories)
  • Your Reel must be viewed by 1,000 unique accounts within 7 days of posting

Influencers, creators, businesses, and everyday Instagram users are all eligible as long as they meet the requirements above. The bonus is available for both personal and professional accounts.

How does the 1,000 views bonus work?

The process to earn the 1,000 views Reels bonus is straightforward:

  1. Create an original Reel that is at least 15 seconds long
  2. Post the Reel to your public Instagram account feed
  3. Within 7 days, your Reel must receive 1,000 views from unique Instagram accounts
  4. Once your Reel hits 1,000 views, you’ll receive a notification from Instagram that you’ve earned a bonus
  5. The cash bonus (around $35 USD based on reports) will be paid out to you via bank transfer or PayPal

Instagram tracks the number of views on your Reels within the first 7 days. As soon as you cross the 1,000 view threshold, you qualify for the bonus payout. One-time bonuses are paid per Reel – so you can earn multiple bonuses by posting multiple Reels that hit 1,000 views.

Tips for hitting 1,000 views on Reels

Here are some tips to help you create Reels that can gain 1,000 views within 7 days:

  • Optimize your Reel for discovery – use relevant hashtags and songs, tag people/brands, etc.
  • Hook viewers quickly – make sure the first 3-5 seconds are engaging
  • Provide value and useful information that people want to see
  • Use eye-catching visuals – vibrant colors, text overlays, etc.
  • Encourage reactions and engagement with comments/questions
  • Post at optimal times when your audience is most active
  • Promote your Reels through Stories, feed posts, IGTV, etc.
  • Run Reels ads to boost views if needed towards the end of the 7 days

Do views from Reels ads count towards the bonus?

Yes, views gained from Reels ads do count towards the 1,000 views threshold needed to qualify for the bonus. Instagram confirms that as long as the views come from unique accounts, it does not matter whether they are organic or paid.

Running Reels ads can be an effective way to give your content a final boost if you are close to hitting the 1,000 view mark within the 7 day eligibility period.

What content formats work best to hit 1,000 views?

Instagram’s internal research has revealed some insights into the types of Reels content that tends to perform well and hit view thresholds like 1,000 views. Here are some of the top performing Reels formats:

  • Behind-the-scenes footage – shows an interesting process/workflow
  • Listicles – Top 10 lists, What I Eat In a Day, etc.
  • Memes – Funny relatable content, pop culture references
  • Quote Reels – Motivational or inspirational quotes overlaid on vibrant backgrounds
  • Life hacks and DIY tips – Quick problem solving tricks
  • Product reviews and recommendations – Useful buying advice

Of course, the right content format will depend on your niche and audience. But these popular formats are a good starting point for brainstorming engaging Reels ideas.

Do all Reels with 1,000 views get the bonus?

Instagram has not provided specifics on what percentage of eligible Reels receive the bonus. However, it appears that not every single Reel that crosses 1,000 views will automatically get the bonus.

Some factors that likely impact bonus payouts:

  • Low engagement – If views come from accounts that do not follow you or engage much, that may reduce chances of getting the bonus
  • Violating policies – Reels with community guideline violations will not qualify
  • Limitations per user – Instagram may cap bonuses per user/account

But in most cases, if your original Reel legitimately hits 1,000 views within 7 days, you have a very good chance of earning the 1,000 views bonus.

How often can you earn the 1,000 views bonus?

Instagram has not placed a public limit on how frequently you can earn the 1,000 views bonus. As long as you continuously create original Reels that reach 1,000 views within 7 days, it appears you can continue earning bonuses.

Some users have reported earning several bonuses per week by consistently posting new Reels content. However, Instagram may implement caps per user if they notice excessive bonus payouts.

Is posting multiple Reels per day better for getting views?

Posting more frequently can help you hit 1,000 views faster, but it also risks oversaturating your audience. Here are some best practices when it comes to daily Reels posting:

  • 1-2 Reels per day is optimal for most accounts
  • Space out your Reels – don’t post them back to back
  • Monitor your engagement data – if views drop, reduce frequency
  • Make sure each Reel provides value – don’t just post to post
  • Reuse content across Reels if needed, but make it unique/new value

Finding the right posting cadence requires testing different frequencies and seeing what resonates best with your audience.

Do YouTubers get extra Reels bonuses?

Yes, Instagram launched a Reels Summer Bonus program in 2021 that offered additional bonuses for popular creators who posted Reels:

  • YouTubers with over 100k subscribers got a $1,000 bonus for posting Reels regularly
  • Creators with large audiences but less than 100k subscribers on YouTube got $750 for posting Reels

These extra summer bonuses were a limited time promotion. But it shows Instagram rewards top creators who bring their audience to Reels. There may be other special bonus programs for elite creators in the future.

Can businesses and brands earn the Reels bonuses?

Yes! The Reels bonus programs are available for both personal accounts and business/brand accounts. Any public Instagram account that creates original Reels and meets the view thresholds can earn bonuses.

For businesses, focusing on useful “how-to” Reels and behind-the-scenes content can be especially engaging. The key is providing value that aligns with your brand.

Do you need 10k+ followers to earn bonuses?

No, you do not need a certain follower threshold to earn Reels bonuses. Even accounts with only a few hundred followers can earn bonuses if their content resonates.

Having more followers can help you hit view thresholds faster. But it’s the quality of your Reels, notfollower count, that ultimately determines whether you get a bonus.

Are Reels bonuses worth the effort?

For most regular Instagram users, the time investment required to consistently create high-performing Reels may not justify the small one-time bonus payouts.

But for influencers, creators, and brands invested in their Instagram presence, Reels bonuses can provide a nice incremental revenue stream on top of other monetization methods like sponsorships and the Instagram Creator Fund.

Even if the bonuses are small, they add up. And successful Reels provide other key benefits like reaching new audience, driving engagement, and boosting your profile within the Instagram algorithm.


The Instagram Reels 1,000 views bonus offers creators and brands a cash incentive to produce engaging short-form video content. While requirements must be met to qualify, the bonus provides a simple way to start monetizing your Reels audience and capabilities.

Creating content that hits key view milestones takes effort. But the rewards from bonuses, new followers, and increased visibility are well worth the investment for creators focused on their Instagram presence and channel growth.