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What is see insights and ads on Facebook?

What is see insights and ads on Facebook?

Facebook provides users with insights about how people interact with their posts as well as detailed analytics on advertisements run through Facebook. These insights can help users understand how their content is performing and optimize their Facebook strategy.

What are Facebook Insights?

Facebook Insights provide metrics and analytics about a Facebook Page’s content and users. Page owners can use Insights to track growth, engagement, reach, and more. Key Insights that Page owners can access include:

  • Page views
  • Post reach
  • Engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares, etc)
  • Demographics and location data about followers
  • Traffic sources driving people to the Page
  • Posts and types of content that perform best

Insights are available for public Facebook Pages as well as for groups and individual profiles. However, more detailed analytics are available for Pages versus individual profiles.

How to Access Facebook Insights

There are a few ways to access Insights as a Page owner:

  1. From a Facebook Page, click “Insights” in the left sidebar
  2. In the Facebook Pages manager, select “Insights” below a specific Page
  3. From Ads Manager, select “Page Insights” below a connected Page

Insights provides data for the last 2 years by default. Users can change the date range to view different time periods.

Key Metrics in Facebook Insights

Some of the most important metrics that Page owners can view in Insights include:


Reach shows how many unique people had your posts enter their screen. This indicates how many people you are getting content in front of.


Engagement metrics such as reactions, comments, shares, and clicks show how people are interacting with your content.

Page Views

Page views reveal how many times your Facebook Page was viewed over a given time period.

Follower Demographics

Demographic data shows the age, gender, location, and language of people following your Page.

Traffic Sources

This shows where visitors to your Page are coming from – such as directly, via ads, or through other Facebook content.

Video Metrics

For video content, you can view additional metrics like 10-second views, completion rate, and more.

Using Insights to Improve Your Facebook Strategy

Monitoring your Facebook Insights regularly and analyzing the data can help improve performance in a number of ways:

  • Compare different types of content to see what content your audience responds to best.
  • See when your followers are most active to plan when to post.
  • Identify where your audience lives to plan location-based content.
  • Set goals and benchmarks for engagement and reach.
  • Look for changes and trends week-over-week and month-over-month.
  • Optimize boosting budgets and ad targeting based on demographic data.

Facebook Ad Insights

In addition to Insights for Pages and content, Facebook also provides powerful analytics for ads. Advertisers can access Ad Insights to view performance data and optimize campaigns.

Metrics Available in Facebook Ad Insights

Key metrics provided for Facebook ads include:

  • Impressions: Number of times your ads were shown.
  • Reach: Number of unique people who saw your ads.
  • Frequency: Average number of times each person saw your ad.
  • Clicks: Clicks on links included in your ads.
  • CPM: Cost per 1,000 impressions.
  • CPC: Cost per click.
  • CPA: Cost per action for conversion campaigns.
  • Conversions: Actions taken or sales made from your ads.
  • Video views: Number of times your video ads were viewed for at least 10 seconds.
  • Engagement: Likes, shares, and comments generated by the ad.

Analyzing these metrics helps advertisers track ROI, optimize budgets, and improve performance over time.

Viewing Ad Insights

There are two primary places to access Ad Insights:

  1. The “Ads Manager” section shows campaign, ad set, and ad data.
  2. The “Page Insights” section shows how ads impacted your Facebook Page’s metrics.

Facebook provides Insights data for both active and inactive ads and campaigns. Advertisers can dig into the full Insights history to inform future ad strategies.

Tips for Analyzing Facebook Insights Data

Here are some tips to get the most value out of Facebook Insights:

  • Check Insights frequently – at least once a week, if not daily.
  • Compare Insights over time to identify trends and changes.
  • Set benchmarks and goals for engagement, reach, and other metrics.
  • Break down video metrics like completed views and drop-off rates.
  • Review Insights before creating new content to inform your strategy.
  • Use Insights to build audiences and target ads to people likely to engage.
  • Share Insights with stakeholders to demonstrate your Facebook performance.

Facebook Insights FAQs

What are the limits on Facebook Insights data?

Page Insights provides data for the last 2 years by default. For newer Pages, data will be limited to the date the Page was created. Advertisers can view historical ad data as far back as their account history goes.

Are Facebook Insights available on mobile?

Yes, Page admins and advertisers can view Insights from both the Facebook mobile app and the Pages Manager app. However, options are more limited compared to the desktop experience.

Do I need a Facebook business Page to access Insights?

Accessing the full suite of Page Insights does require having a Facebook business Page. However, some basic Insights are available for individual profiles as well.

Can I export my Facebook Insights?

Yes, Facebook offers options to export Insights data in either .CSV or .PDF formats. This allows Page owners and advertisers to manipulate and analyze the data in other programs.


Facebook Insights provide a wealth of data to optimize both organic content and paid advertising. Monitoring Insights regularly and responding to trends in the data is crucial for any brand or business marketing on Facebook. The analytics help identify high-performing content types, ideal posting times, relevant audiences, effective ad targeting, and more. While the data can seem overwhelming at first, taking the time to dig into Facebook Insights provides invaluable information to maximize results.