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What is reels API?

What is reels API?

Reels API allows developers to programmatically access and integrate the functionality of Reels in Instagram into their own applications. With Reels API, developers can build creative tools for users to make and share Reels, analyze reels performance, and more.

Why use Reels API?

Here are some of the key benefits of using Reels API:

  • Create reels creation and editing tools – Build custom Reels creation workflows, add stickers, effects, filters, etc.
  • Integrate reels into your app – Seamlessly integrate Reels capabilities into your mobile or web application.
  • Analyze reels performance – Get data on impressions, likes, comments, saves, etc. for better understanding of reels performance.
  • Automate reels posting – Schedule and auto-post reels to Instagram programmatically.
  • Develop innovative reels experiences – Leverage Reels API to create unique reels-based social experiences.

By tapping into the capabilities offered by Reels API, developers can drive more engaging and interactive experiences around Reels for users.

Core capabilities of Reels API

Here are some of the main things that can be done with Reels API:

Reels Management

  • Create new reels
  • Upload and edit reels
  • Fetch reels media data
  • Delete existing reels

Reels Publishing

  • Programmatically publish reels
  • Schedule upcoming reels
  • Publish reels as drafts
  • Publish reels to Facebook

Insights & Analytics

  • Get metrics on reels performance – impressions, likes, comments, saves, reach etc.
  • Analyze metrics over time to identify trends
  • Fetch analytics for reels media assets
  • Get demographic data on reels viewers

User Experience

  • Interactive stickers for reels
  • AR effects for reels
  • Reels-focused cameras and creation tools
  • Seamless reels browsing and viewing

Leveraging these and other capabilities, developers can build immersive reels experiences.

Reels API endpoints

Reels API exposes a number of REST API endpoints that can be used to integrate Reels capabilities.

Endpoint Description
/reels/media Create, upload, and manage reels media assets
/reels Publish, delete, and manage reels
/reels/insights Get analytics and metrics on reels performance
/reels/interactive_items Manage interactive stickers for reels

Additional endpoints are available for managing accounts, effects, filters and more. The full documentation provides details on all available endpoints and their parameters.

Authentication and authorization

To start using Reels API, you will need to:

  1. Register as an Instagram developer
  2. Create an app in the Instagram app dashboard
  3. Get an access token for your app

Reels API uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. A valid access token must be passed in the API request to authenticate and authorize access to reels data.

The access token can be obtained by having your users sign in to your app using Instagram Login, which provides the required permissions. Your app can then make API calls on behalf of the user.

Use cases and examples

Here are some examples of how Reels API can be used:

Reels analytics platform

Build a dashboard that gives creators and brands insight into the performance of their reels content using the /reels/insights endpoints.

Reels scheduling tool

Develop a content marketing tool that allows easy scheduling and auto-posting of reels to Instagram at optimal times using /reels endpoints.

Reels camera app

Create custom in-app camera experiences for recording reels using Instagram effects, filters, interactive stickers etc. made possible by /reels/media and other endpoints.

Reels viewer app

Make a mobile or web app for browsing, viewing and interacting with reels leveraging capabilities like /reels and /reels/interactive_items.

Client libraries and SDKs

Reels API can be accessed from various platforms and languages using the Instagram-provided SDKs:

Platform SDK
Android Instagram Android SDK
iOS Instagram iOS SDK
JavaScript Instagram JavaScript SDK
Python Instagram Python SDK

These SDKs provide convenient wrappers and abstractions for calling Reels API endpoints from the respective platforms.

Limitations and requirements

Here are some important limitations to note when using Reels API:

  • User access token required – All API calls need a valid user access token.
  • App review required – Apps need to undergo Instagram platform review before getting live access.
  • Rate limits – API calls are rate limited to prevent abuse.
  • Content compliance – Reels must comply with Instagram’s community guidelines.

Instagram also has certain app requirements around permission screens, authentication flows etc. Make sure to consult Instagram’s developer policies when building apps using Reels API.

Pricing and availability

Access to Reels API requires approval from Instagram as part of the review process. The API is currently available only to approved partners and not general public developers.

The Reels API is free to access and use. There are usage quotas in place but no charges otherwise.

To request access to Reels API for your app, you can fill out Instagram’s partner access form. Instagram reviews all requests carefully.


Reels API opens up a variety of opportunities for developers to integrate reels capabilities into their apps and services. With programmatic access to reels creation, publishing, analytics and more, innovative reels experiences can be built on Instagram.

By providing Instagram’s broad suite of reels features via API, Instagram enables developers to tap into reels virality and engagement. If you have an idea for a reels-focused app, exploring Reels API can help bring it to life.