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What is page authorization?

What is page authorization?

Page authorization refers to the process of limiting access to certain pages or content on a website or web application. It allows site owners to control who can view or access specific pages, often based on a user’s login status, permissions, or other attributes.

Why is page authorization used?

There are several key reasons page authorization is commonly implemented:

  • To limit access to private, sensitive, or privileged content – For example, allowing only logged-in users to access account pages or settings.
  • To restrict pages based on user roles or permissions – Such as only allowing admin users to access admin pages.
  • To require login to view pages – Often used to gate access to premium content or members-only areas.
  • To control page access based on context – Such as showing different pages to logged in vs anonymous users.
  • To improve security by limiting access – Preventing users from accessing pages they should not be able to view.

Overall, page authorization gives site owners greater control over their content and enables more advanced security and access controls.

How does page authorization work?

There are a few common techniques used to implement page authorization:

Server-side page authorization

Server-side authorization relies on server-side code (such as PHP, Python, Ruby, etc) to check a user’s permissions before displaying a page. For example:

  • Checking if a user is logged in and restricting anonymous users.
  • Checking a user’s role or permissions flags before allowing access.
  • Looking up the user in the database and restricting pages based on their attributes.

Server-side authorization happens before the page is rendered, allowing full control over access.

Client-side page authorization

Client-side authorization relies on client-side JavaScript to control page access. For example:

  • Checking if a user is authenticated via JavaScript when loading a page.
  • Verifying a JSON Web Token or other credential before displaying page content.
  • Dynamically showing/hiding page elements based on user attributes.

Client-side authorization happens after initial page load, allowing customizable access control.

HTTP authorization

At a protocol level, HTTP authorization mechanisms can control access:

  • Basic authentication – requiring a username and password.
  • Digest authentication – using a hash of the username, password, and additional challenge data.
  • HTTP headers – checking headers like Authorization or Cookies.
  • IP whitelisting – allowing only certain IP addresses.

HTTP authorization is commonly used in combination with other methods to protect web pages and APIs.

User interface authorization

The user interface can also be designed to prevent access to certain pages. For example:

  • Not displaying UI elements like menu links unless a user is authorized.
  • Showing an error or “access denied” page for unauthorized users.
  • Redirecting to login screen or homepage if a user is not authorized.

UI authorization provides front-end protection, but cannot fully secure back-end access.

Common page authorization techniques

Some specific techniques and tools used to implement page authorization include:

Access control lists

An access control list (ACL) defines access permissions for users, roles, or IP addresses. ACLs allow whitelisting authorized users and blacklisting restricted users.

Role based access control (RBAC)

With RBAC, users are assigned roles which determine their access rights. Roles provide a simple way to implement least-privilege access models.

LDAP / Active Directory integration

User directories like LDAP or Active Directory can centralize identity management. Page access can be granted based on user attributes in the directory.

Session variables

Session variables preserve user identity and state across page requests. Checking the session can authorize pages based on logged-in status.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

JWTs encode user identity and security claims in a signed token. Client-side code can require valid JWTs to display page content.

.htaccess rules

The .htaccess file enables access controls on Apache servers. Restricting access to .htaccess protected directories effectively locks down pages.

Implementing page authorization

When implementing page authorization, it is important to:

  • Have a plan for how users will login/authenticate – This enables verifying their identity.
  • Design a user data model and attributes to authorize against – Such as usernames, roles, permissions etc.
  • Check authorization on both server and client side – To prevent back-end access by unauthorized users.
  • Layer multiple authorization mechanisms – For stronger security.
  • Fail securely and use “deny by default” – Only allow whitelisted users.

Here is an example user table showing fields that could be used for page authorization:

id username role permissions
1 user1 member view_content
2 user2 admin edit_content

Based on this table, we could allow:

  • All users to see home page
  • Only “member” role to access /content
  • Only “admin” and “permissions=edit_content” to access /admin

We would implement these rules using server-side access control checking the user table.

Common approaches by language/framework

Page authorization logic can vary by language and framework:


PHP page authorization relies on server-side code. Common techniques include:

  • Checking $_SESSION variable for user identity
  • Reading from $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] to allow/deny by IP
  • Calling database queries to authorize against user tables
  • Using .htaccess files to require login for page directories

Python / Django

Python and Django approaches include:

  • Using the @login_required decorator to check logged in status
  • Checking request.user object for identity details like roles
  • Setting model/view permissions based on authorization rules
  • Using middleware to check user permissions on every request

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails authorization techniques involve:

  • Checking current_user helper method in controllers
  • Using before_action callbacks to authorize before page actions
  • Restricting access with authorize! and authorize_resource methods
  • Assigning and checking user roles


For Node.js apps, authorization may leverage:

  • JWT tokens validated before accessing route handlers
  • Middleware to check sessions or tokens on all requests
  • Loading user roles from a database
  • Third-party Node authorization middleware

Regardless of language/framework, the authorization logic ultimately follows similar patterns – checking the user identity against access rules before displaying UI or returning API data.

Storing authorization rules

Authorization rules and user permissions can be stored in different ways:

  • Application code – Hardcoded if/else checks for certain routes or controllers.
  • Configuration files – Declarative YAML/JSON/INI files mapping routes to permissions.
  • Database tables – Tables linking users, roles, permissions toRESTful resources.
  • Key-value stores – Redis/Memcached for high performance rule lookups.
  • External services – Using a dedicated service like Auth0 or Firebase Auth.

The optimal approach depends on the application and complexity of authorization logic required.

Handling unauthorized access

When a user tries to access an unauthorized page, the application should:

  • Return a 403 Forbidden status
  • Display an error or “access denied” page
  • Redirect to login page to re-authenticate
  • Log the unauthorized attempt for security monitoring

Unauthorized access should fail safely. Silently showing an empty page or partial content could expose information.

Authorization best practices

Some best practices for handling page authorization include:

  • Fail securely by default – Whitelist authorized resources
  • Perform checks on both server and client side
  • Layer multiple authorization mechanisms for defense in depth
  • Limit direct object references – Only allow access via IDs user owns
  • Log and monitor unauthorized access attempts
  • Use parameterization to avoid dynamic SQL injection issues
  • Consider authorizing at the service layer, not just controllers

Authorization should be applied consistently across an application, not just at the UI level. Following security best practices helps minimize risk.


Page authorization is crucial for securing access in web applications. By limiting access to specific users, roles, and permissions, site owners can improve security, enforce business rules, and provide a better user experience. Implemented correctly, authorization checks validate the user’s identity before allowing access while failing safely for unauthorized users.

Common techniques include server-side access control, user interface restrictions, HTTP authentication mechanisms, and client-side JavaScript checks. Authorization logic may be coded into the application, stored in configuration files or databases, or managed by external services. Frameworks like Django and Rails provide built-in functions to help implement authorization schemes.

Proper logging, monitoring, and secure defaults ensure restricted pages and content stay protected. Applying authorization consistently across backend and frontend protects all application layers.