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What is null sent a message on Messenger?

What is null sent a message on Messenger?

Seeing a message sent by “null” on Facebook Messenger can be confusing and concerning for users. There are a few potential reasons why this may occur:

Someone blocked you

If you previously had an ongoing conversation with someone on Messenger and suddenly receive a message saying “null sent a message” where their name used to be, it likely means they have blocked you. When a user blocks someone on Messenger, their name is replaced with “null” from the blocked person’s perspective. So if you receive a message from “null”, it means the person you had been messaging has blocked you and you can no longer see their name or interact with them.

Message failed to send

Sometimes if there is a technical issue when someone attempts to send you a message on Messenger, it may show up as from “null” on your end. This could happen due to problems with internet connectivity, a glitch in the app, or other software issues. In this case, you may see a message that appears to be from no one. Restarting the app or your device can sometimes resolve temporary glitches like this.

Test message from Facebook

Facebook occasionally sends test messages on Messenger to users to check for functionality or bugs in the app. These test messages may display as being from “null”. If you receive a message that seems random or doesn’t make sense, it may be one of these test messages from Facebook rather than an actual person attempting to converse with you. These can usually be disregarded.

When does the “null” message occur?

There are a few specific scenarios when the “null” message phenomenon tends to happen on Facebook Messenger:

During an active conversation

You’re actively chatting back and forth with someone in an ongoing Messenger conversation, and all of a sudden you receive a new message that now displays as from “null” instead of the person’s name. This likely means you’ve been blocked mid-conversation.

First message from a new match

Some online dating app users report receiving a “null” message for the very first message they get from a new match. This may occur if the match unmatched them or deleted their account after sending the initial message.

Random one-off message

Sometimes users receive a single message out of the blue from “null” when they are not actively messaging anyone. In this case, it’s likely a technical glitch or test message from Facebook.

Group message

In a Messenger group chat, you may see a message that appears to be from “null”. The most likely reason is that another group member has blocked you, so you can’t see their name for any of their messages.

What does the message from null say?

The actual content of the message labeled from “null” can provide clues as to the cause:

Seemingly normal conversation

If the message appears to continue an ongoing conversation you’ve been having and contains specifics related to your dialogue, the other user likely blocked you mid-chat.

Random generic message

A message that says something generic like “Hello” or “Test” without any context is likely a technical glitch or test message from Facebook.

Nonsensical symbols/characters

A message full of random letters, numbers, symbols is probably just a connectivity issue causing a failed message.

Continued group chat

In a group chat, if the “null” message maintains the same train of conversation, another member blocked you specifically. If it’s random, could be a glitch.

Troubleshooting steps

Here are some tips for troubleshooting and figuring out what to do when you receive a message from “null” on Messenger:

Check if you’re blocked

If you were recently chatting with the person now labeled “null”, it likely means you’ve been blocked. Check by trying to access their profile directly – if it’s unavailable, you’ve been blocked.

Restart the app

A quick restart of the Messenger app can often clear up any temporary technical issues that may cause missing names and “null” messages.

Log out and back in

Fully logging out of Messenger and logging back in can also refresh the app’s settings and data and may solve “null” message problems.

Update app

Make sure you’re running the latest version of the Messenger app, as outdated versions may have bugs that cause problems with messages. Update to the newest version from the app store.

Check internet connection

Spotty internet or bad reception can interfere with sending messages and cause “null” messages. Make sure you have a stable internet connection.

Switch devices

Try accessing your Messenger account from a different device to see if the problem persists, which helps determine if the issue is account-related or device-specific.

Contact Facebook support

For ongoing “null” message issues across devices that restarting/reinstalling doesn’t fix, you may need to report the problem directly to Facebook’s Messenger support team.

Preventing “null” messages

While most “null” messages are out of your control, there are a few things you can do to help avoid them:

Don’t block people mid-conversation

If you need to block someone, avoid doing it mid-chat, as this will make your name appear as “null” in the conversation. Finish the chat first before blocking.

Check for mutual friends

People are less likely to block you if you share mutual connections and friends on Facebook. Avoid messaging random strangers you have no connections with.

Report spam/bots

Many “null” messages come from spam bots or suspended accounts. Report junk messages to help Facebook identify and shut down these accounts.

Use Messenger Lite

The stripped down Messenger Lite app has fewer bugs than the main Messenger app, reducing issues with “null” messages caused by glitches.

Make your account private

Having a private account and only accepting message requests from friends limits your chances of getting unwanted messages that could end up marked “null”.

Avoid bugs in group chats

Group chats with hundreds of participants are more prone to having message issues causing “null” labels. Keep your group conversations smaller.

What to do after getting a “null” message

When you receive a message on Messenger labeled from “null”, here are some good next steps:

1. Check if you’re blocked

First determine if the “null” message is due to being blocked by attempting to view the sender’s profile. If unavailable, you’ve been blocked.

2. Review message content

Read the actual message – is it a continuation of a previous chat or some random message? This provides context.

3. Restart/update app

Restarting and updating Messenger can clear up minor technical glitches causing “null”.

4. Switch devices

See if the issue only occurs on one device or is account-wide. Isolate the source.

5. Contact Facebook

If you cannot resolve the “null” message problem, reach out to Facebook support for additional troubleshooting.

6. Adjust privacy settings

Review your privacy settings and adjust them if needed to limit unwanted messages in the future.

7. Monitor ongoing issues

Take note if the “null” messages persist after troubleshooting. Recurring issues should be reported to Facebook.

FAQs about “null” messages

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about receiving messages from “null” on Messenger:

Why did my friend’s name change to null in Messenger?

If a friend’s name changed to “null”, the most likely reason is they blocked you, making their name unviewable from your end in the chat history.

Can a null send you a friend request on Messenger?

No, “null” is just a placeholder name, not an actual account. A message from “null” means the real account name is hidden from you, so they cannot send you friend requests.

What does it mean when null messages you on Tinder?

If you match with someone on Tinder and their first message shows up as from “null”, it likely indicates the person unmatched you shortly after messaging you, which erased their name.

Why do I see messages from null on Messenger group chats?

In a Messenger group chat, you’ll see messages labeled “null” when another group member has blocked you specifically. You can’t see names of people who block you.

Can you find out who null is on Messenger?

No, there is no way to find out the actual identity behind a “null” Messenger account. The name is hidden from you intentionally in cases like being blocked.

Is null a bot on Messenger?

No, “null” is not an actual account or bot. It is just placeholder text where the name of the real account should be when it is being hidden from you.

Why did null send me a message on Instagram?

A “null” message on Instagram means the account messaging you either blocked you, deleted their account, or was deleted/disabled by Instagram after messaging you.


Receiving a message from “null” on Facebook Messenger or other platforms is usually the result of being blocked, an account being deleted, or a variety of technical issues. Check for a block or glitch first. While frustrating, most “null” messages are temporary and can be resolved by troubleshooting app issues or waiting for the other user to unblock you. Persistent “null” messages with no obvious cause may need to be reported to Facebook for further investigation. With the right steps, mysterious “null” messages can usually be decoded and explained.