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What is my Facebook password if I login with Instagram?

What is my Facebook password if I login with Instagram?

Quick answer: Your Facebook password and Instagram password are separate and not connected. Logging into Instagram does not reveal or give access to your Facebook password.

When you create accounts for Facebook and Instagram, you set up separate passwords for each platform. Even though Facebook owns Instagram, your login credentials are not shared or synced between the two platforms by default for security reasons. This means you can’t use your Instagram password to log into Facebook, and logging into Instagram does not reveal or provide access to your Facebook password.

The only way your Facebook and Instagram passwords would be the same is if you intentionally set the same password for both accounts. Some people do this to make their passwords easier to remember across platforms. However, from a security perspective, it’s better to use unique passwords for each account.

Why Facebook and Instagram Passwords are Separate

Facebook and Instagram keep passwords separate for a few important reasons:

Account Security

Unique passwords for each platform improves overall security. If your Instagram password was compromised, it would not put your Facebook account at risk since the passwords are different. Separate passwords limit exposure across accounts.

User Privacy

Keeping passwords siloed also respects user privacy. Facebook likely does not want to link identities across platforms without consent. Requiring separate logins maintains a level of privacy and control for users.

Platform Differences

Facebook and Instagram have some overlap in features, but are still distinct platforms with different purposes and user experiences. Separate passwords match these differences and allow the platforms to evolve independently.

Legacy Infrastructure

Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012. Integrating logins and infrastructure takes time and gradual upgrades. Separate passwords may be partly a legacy of originally separate systems.

When Facebook and Instagram Passwords are Linked

There are a couple cases where your Facebook and Instagram passwords can become linked:

Using Account Linking

You can optionally link your Instagram account to your Facebook account through Facebook’s account linking settings. This allows cross-posting between the platforms.

However, even with linked accounts, your underlying passwords stay separate. Linking just associates the accounts and grants cross-posting abilities. It does not sync the passwords.

Resetting Passwords

If you reset or change your password using the Facebook mobile app, it will reset your Instagram password as well. This is because the mobile apps have tighter integration and unified password reset flows.

However, this functionality must be initiated through the Facebook mobile app specifically. Resetting your Facebook password directly on the Facebook website would not change your Instagram password.

Using a Third-Party Password Manager

Some third-party password managers like LastPass allow filling passwords across apps. These managers can insert the same saved password into both the Facebook and Instagram login fields.

But this is just autofilling convenience from the external password manager. Facebook and Instagram themselves still consider the passwords distinct.

When Do Facebook and Instagram Share Login Info?

Facebook and Instagram limit password sharing and only synchronize credentials in specific cases:

Using Facebook to Log Into Instagram

You can log into Instagram using your Facebook account instead of an Instagram username and password. When logging into Instagram this way, you simply enter your Facebook credentials which are then authorized for access to Instagram as well.

New Instagram Account Creation

When creating a brand new Instagram account, you have the option to use your Facebook profile information to set up the account. If you go this route, your Facebook login will be used to create the new Instagram account.

Facebook Account Center

The Facebook Account Center lets you view and manage logins across Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. This central hub can show connected logins, but does not reveal passwords.

Data Downloads

Your Facebook and Instagram passwords are not included in Facebook Data Downloads. However, your login history and authorized devices are included so you can audit them.

Law Enforcement Requests

Facebook may share limited login information with law enforcement if compelled by a legal request. But this is only done for serious cases under strict policies.

When Are Facebook and Instagram Passwords Kept Separate?

There are also many scenarios where Facebook and Instagram actively keep passwords separate:

Existing Independent Accounts

If you already have Facebook and Instagram accounts with different passwords, these are kept isolated regardless of any account linking.

Logging in on Each Platform

Entering your credentials on the Facebook login page only signs you into Facebook. Similarly for Instagram’s login. The passwords work exclusively for each platform.

Changing Passwords

If you change your password on Facebook, this does not affect or update your Instagram password. The new passwords are specific to each platform.

Forgot Password Flows

If you go through Facebook’s forgot password flow, it only resets your Facebook password and does not touch your Instagram password.

Signing Up for New Accounts

When creating brand new accounts, your login credentials are siloed for each platform by default during sign up.

Using Multi-Factor Authentication

Turning on 2FA requires re-entering passwords separately for both Facebook and Instagram. 2FA codes are also platform specific.

Third-Party Apps and Linked Logins

Outside of Facebook’s native login integration, third parties handle linked logins differently:

Facebook Login for Websites

Websites that allow signing in with Facebook do not automatically gain access to your Instagram account or password info. Facebook tightly controls what data is shared through third-party Facebook Login.

Linked Social Logins

Some websites consolidate logins across social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google. However these just link accounts, not passwords, and still authenticate separately with each platform.

Third-Party Password Managers

As mentioned earlier, some password managers like LastPass can conveniently auto-fill the same credentials into both Facebook and Instagram. But the passwords are still technically distinct per platform.

Best Practices for Facebook and Instagram Passwords

To maximize security and account separation between Facebook and Instagram, follow these password best practices:

Use Unique Passwords

Do not reuse the same password for both Facebook and Instagram. Unique passwords limit account linkage and reduce risks.

Consider a Password Manager

A dedicated password manager makes managing unique passwords easy. Use strong auto-generated passwords per account.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Add an extra security layer with 2FA enabled on both Facebook and Instagram. This requires your password plus a temporary code during login.

Change Passwords Periodically

Make a habit of changing passwords every few months on each platform. Regular password rotations boost security.

Avoid Password Reset Email Link Abuse

Only use Facebook’s password reset email when truly needing to reset your Facebook password. Avoid using it to improperly access Instagram.

Log Out Fully After Use

Fully logging out of Facebook or Instagram after each session terminates login access. Don’t stay permanently signed in.

The Risks of Password Reuse

Reusing the same password across multiple accounts is an insecure practice that risks account hijacking through credential stuffing attacks. If your reused password is exposed in one website breach, attackers can pivot and try it on other accounts like Facebook or Instagram. To minimize this risk:

Avoid Reused Passwords

Using the same password on multiple websites or apps makes your accounts vulnerable if that password leaks anywhere. Unique passwords stops lateral movement.

Regularly Change Passwords

If you have reused passwords in the past, change them periodically on all affected accounts to limit exposure windows. Use new unique passwords for each account.

Check Breached Password Databases

Monitor breached password lists to see if any of yours were compromised. HaveIBeenPwned allows checking email addresses or passwords themselves.

Enable Extra Login Protections

Where possible, turn on additional login protections like two-factor authentication to block unauthorized access even with correct passwords.

Use a Password Manager

Password managers make adopting unique, complex passwords easy across all your accounts. This prevents reuse and stepping stone attacks across accounts.

How to Disconnect Facebook and Instagram Logins

If you previously connected your Facebook and Instagram accounts through account linking, you can disconnect logins if desired:

Use Facebook Account Center

The Facebook Account Center provides an option to disconnect your Instagram account under “Logged in with Facebook”. This removes the link while retaining separate passwords.

Change Instagram Password

Changing your Instagram password will also disconnect it from Facebook login authorization while keeping your accounts intact.

Remove Instagram from Facebook Settings

In Facebook app settings, remove Instagram’s connected app authorization. This also disconnects Facebook login access on the Instagram side.

Unlink Connected Accounts and Logins

You can also unlink connected accounts and third-party app logins from the Instagram app itself through settings. This removes Facebook login linkage.

Delete Instagram Account

Deleting your Instagram account entirely also removes any linkages with your Facebook account and login credentials in the process.

In Summary

– Your Facebook and Instagram passwords are separate by default and logging into Instagram does not reveal your Facebook password.

– The only way to use the same password is intentionally setting matching credentials on both accounts.

– Facebook and Instagram only synchronize passwords in specific cases like account creation or resetting via Facebook’s mobile app.

– Using the same password across accounts is an insecure practice. Always use unique passwords and enable extra protections.

– If you previously connected Facebook and Instagram logins, you can disconnect accounts through various settings in Facebook and Instagram.


Maintaining separate passwords for Facebook and Instagram accounts is recommended for privacy and security. While the platforms make selective use of integrated logins, passwords are kept distinct by default and when logging in through each platform’s standard login flows. Only through specific account linking, mobile password resetting, or intentional password matching do the credentials synchronize. Following password best practices of using strong unique passwords per account, enabling two-factor authentication, and using a password manager reduces risks and maintains separation between your Facebook and Instagram accounts.