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What is my Facebook password?

What is my Facebook password?

Your Facebook password is likely one of your most important passwords – it provides access to private information about yourself, your friends, and potentially sensitive data like photos or private messages. Having a strong, unique password is essential for protecting your Facebook account from unauthorized access.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of password security, analyzing the risks of weak passwords and password reuse. We’ll provide tips and strategies for creating more secure Facebook passwords, as well as how to store and manage your passwords safely. Proper password hygiene is critical for protecting your online identities and accounts.

The risks of weak and reused passwords

Many people use weak, easy-to-guess passwords like “password” or “123456” to protect their online accounts. Others reuse the same password across multiple sites for convenience. Both of these practices make accounts highly vulnerable to attackers.

Using an easily guessed password greatly increases the chance that an attacker can gain access by simply guessing common passwords. Password cracking programs can run through millions of password guesses per second, often discovering weak passwords in just minutes or hours.

Reusing the same password across multiple accounts is equally risky. If that reused password is exposed in a data breach of one site, attackers can then gain access to all other accounts protected by the same password.

According to a recent Google study, reused passwords are the cause behind up to 80% of account compromises. Even if you have a strong, unique password for your Facebook account, reusing it on another breached site would allow that password to be discovered and provide access to Facebook.

To protect your accounts, every password needs to be unique and difficult for attackers to guess. This is especially true for important accounts like email, social media, and financial services.

Creating a strong Facebook password

When creating a password for Facebook, there are some best practices you should follow:

– Make it long – use at least 12 characters, and up to 20 for better security. Longer passwords require exponentially more guesses to crack.

– Include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Using a mix makes passwords far more complex.

– Avoid common words, names, dates, patterns like keyboard rows, or any personal information. These are all easy for attackers to guess.

– Consider using a random phrase or even a whole sentence as your password. Correct horse battery staple is more secure than Tr0ub4dor&3.

– Avoid using substitutions like @ instead of a or $ instead of s, which are common tricks that don’t add much strength.

You can use a password generator tool to easily create a random, secure password for Facebook and other accounts. Just be sure to adjust the length and character settings to create a strong, memorable password.

Storing and managing passwords securely

Once you’ve created a strong, unique password for Facebook, you need to make sure you can actually remember it. Here are some tips for keeping your password secure but accessible:

– Use a password manager. This encrypts and stores all your passwords in one place behind a master password. Popular options include LastPass, 1Password, and Keeper.

– Write it down on paper and keep it in a safe, hidden location. Do not store passwords in a file on your computer.

– Memorize your master password for the password manager if using one. For other passwords, try mnemonic devices or memory tricks.

– Never share your Facebook password with others, not even close friends or family. This provides access to all your private data.

– Change your Facebook and other important passwords every 6-12 months. This limits the damage if a password is eventually exposed.

– Avoid entering passwords on devices or networks you don’t control, like public WiFi or a shared computer.

Proper password hygiene takes some time and effort but is essential to limiting your exposure and preventing unauthorized account access or identity theft.

Enabling two-factor authentication

In addition to a strong password, you should enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Facebook account for enhanced security. 2FA requires providing two separate forms of authentication when logging in from a new device:

Authentication Factor Example
Something you know Password
Something you have Code from app or SMS

So after entering your password, Facebook will send a code to your phone that you also need to provide. This means that even if an attacker guesses or phishes your password, they still cannot access your account without also hijacking your phone number.

Facebook supports 2FA using the Facebook mobile app, third-party authentication apps, security keys, and text message codes. Enabling 2FA provides substantial additional protection for your account and personal information.

Recovering and changing your password

If you forget your Facebook password or it may have been compromised, you’ll need to go through the password recovery process. This allows you to reset your password to something new:

– Go to and click “Forgot password?”

– Enter your email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account.

– Facebook will send you a recovery code via email or text to verify your identity.

– After entering the code, you can set a new password. Make sure it is unique and strong.

– If you no longer have access to your recovery email/phone, provide proof of identity to Facebook support to recover access.

You should also change your Facebook password periodically, at least every 6-12 months. And any time you notice suspicious activity on your account, changing the password locks out anyone who may have gained unauthorized access.


Your Facebook password protects access to your private profile information, photos, conversations, and potentially sensitive personal data. Having a weak, reused, or compromised password puts all of that at risk.

To keep your account secure, always use a long, complex, unique password for Facebook and every other important account. Enable 2FA for enhanced protection. Store your password securely and change it periodically.

With proper password hygiene habits, you can feel confident that your Facebook account and data are safe from unauthorized access.