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What is my Facebook page handle?

What is my Facebook page handle?

As your virtual assistant, I unfortunately do not have enough context to definitively answer what your specific Facebook page handle is. However, I can provide some general information about Facebook page handles that may help you determine or recall what your handle is.

What is a Facebook Page Handle?

A Facebook page handle, also known as a username, vanity URL, or custom URL, is the unique text that comes after in the URL for a Facebook Page. For example, is the handle for a page with the custom URL

Page handles allow for easier sharing and discovery of Facebook pages by creating a simple, identifiable URL rather than the default alphanumeric Facebook Page ID that is assigned when a page is created. Page handles must be unique and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Claiming a Custom Facebook Page Handle

To claim a custom handle for a Facebook Page, the Page must first meet the following requirements:

  • Be administered by an individual person, not an organization or business
  • Have at least 200 followers
  • Be at least 30 days old

If a Page meets these prerequisites, you can select a unique handle to represent the Page by following these steps:

  1. Go to your Page and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar
  2. Click “Page Info” in the Settings menu
  3. Click “Create a Custom URL for this Page” under the Username section
  4. Enter the desired handle in the “” field if available
  5. Click “Create URL”

Facebook will check to make sure the handle is available and assign it to your Page if so. The handle can’t be changed once selected.

Finding Your Facebook Page Handle

If you can’t remember your specific Facebook handle, there are a few ways you can try to locate it:

Check the URL When Viewing Your Page

The easiest way is to simply navigate to your Facebook Page and look at the URL. Your handle will show up after the portion of the address.

Look Up Your Page by Name

Go to the Facebook search bar and search for your Page name as it appears on your profile. Visit the Page result and the URL shown should reflect your handle.

Check Your Profile URL

If your Page handle is the same as your personal Facebook profile handle, you can navigate to your personal profile and view the URL there.

Verify Emails from Facebook

Check any emails or notifications you’ve received from Facebook related to your Page – these should reference your Page handle in links or URLs.

View Page Access Tokens

If you’ve used your Page for any API, SDK, or developer integrations, your Page handle may be visible in associated access tokens or endpoint URLs.

Contact Facebook Support

If you still can’t locate your handle through other methods, you can contact Facebook support for assistance in locating the handle associated with your Page.

Changing Your Facebook Page Handle

If you need to modify your Page handle for any reason, it is possible to change it one time for free:

  1. Go to your Page settings and click “Update Public Page Info”
  2. Click “Change” next to your handle
  3. Enter a new available handle
  4. Click “Change URL”

After changing your handle once, any subsequent changes will incur a fee – currently $300 per change.

Best Practices for Facebook Page Handles

When selecting a handle for your Facebook Page, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use a name people can easily remember and spell
  • Keep it short and simple
  • Make it relevant to your brand, products, or services
  • Avoid overused or generic terms if possible
  • Make sure it aligns with your handle on other platforms
  • Check for handle availability before finalizing your selection

Using Your Facebook Page Handle

Once you have a custom handle set up for your Page, be sure to:

  • Share it on your website, business cards, and other marketing materials
  • Promote it to your existing audience and encourage sharing it
  • Register matching domain names if applicable
  • Set up 301 redirects from any old domain names

This will help point more people towards your new custom Facebook Page URL and make it easier for new audiences to discover your Page.

Facebook Page Handle FAQs

Can I change my Facebook Page handle?

Yes, you can change your Page handle one time for free in your Page settings. Any subsequent changes will incur a $300 fee.

Are custom handles available for all Pages?

No, only Pages administered by individual people that meet minimum follower and age requirements can get a custom handle.

Can I re-use an old handle?

No, once a handle is dissociated from a Page it cannot be claimed again – even by the original Page.

Can I have multiple Facebook Pages with the same handle?

No, Facebook Page handles must be unique and cannot be used for multiple Pages.

What if someone is squatting on the handle I want?

Unfortunately there is nothing you can directly do to claim a handle already in use by someone else’s Page. You will have to brainstorm alternatives until you find one available.


Your Facebook Page handle serves as a unique identifier to help people find and engage with your Page. Knowing how to locate, claim, change, optimize, and promote your handle is key to maximizing discoverability and engagement on Facebook.

If you still can’t determine your specific handle, try some of the tips outlined above or contact Facebook support for assistance. With your ideal handle in place, you can drive more traffic to your Page and enhance your presence on the world’s largest social media platform.