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What is my Facebook Page App ID?

What is my Facebook Page App ID?

Determining your Facebook Page App ID is an important step in setting up certain features for your Facebook Page. The Page App ID is a unique identifier that allows you to connect your page to other apps and services. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through what the Page App ID is, why you need it, and the different ways you can find it for your Facebook Page.

What is the Facebook Page App ID?

The Facebook Page App ID is a unique numeric identifier assigned to every Facebook Page. It allows you to connect your page to third-party apps and services through the Graph API. The Page App ID is different from your Facebook Page ID, which is the vanity username or URL slug for your page.

Some examples of how the Page App ID is used:

  • Connecting your page to chatbots or messaging apps
  • Displaying your page’s content in other applications
  • Allowing apps to publish posts or comments on your page
  • Syncing data between your page and other services

So in summary, the Page App ID acts like an integration key that lets your page communicate securely with outside apps and tools through the Facebook Graph API. It provides read and write access to your page’s content, insights, and more based on the permissions you grant.

Why Do You Need the Page App ID?

Here are some of the main reasons you may need your Facebook Page App ID:

  • To connect your page to a chatbot or messaging tool like ManyChat or Chatfuel
  • To display your page’s posts or videos on your website or blog
  • To allow apps to publish content directly to your page
  • To sync your page data with analytics or marketing tools
  • To embed custom tabs or apps within your Facebook page
  • To programmatically access insights data, post content, moderate comments, etc.

Essentially, any time you want to integrate your Facebook presence with another tool or platform, you’ll need your Page App ID to enable that connection. It allows the outside service to access your page via the Graph API in a secure, authorized way.

How to Find Your Facebook Page App ID

There are a few different ways you can locate the App ID for your Facebook Page. Here are step-by-step instructions for each method:

Via the App Dashboard

The easiest way to find your Page App ID is through the App Dashboard:

  1. Go to and log in with your Facebook account.
  2. Click on the app associated with the page you want the ID for.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Settings > Basic.
  4. Scroll down to the App ID field. This is your Page App ID.

Via the Graph API Explorer

You can also get your Page App ID through the Graph API Explorer tool:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. In the request fields, select your page from the Get token dropdown.
  3. Select “Get User Data” from the list of operations.
  4. Click Submit. In the response, look for the “id” field – that is your Page App ID.

Via the Page Insights Tool

If you have access to your page’s Insights data, you can find the App ID there as well:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click on Insights in the top menu bar.
  2. Click the Export Data button.
  3. In the pop-up window, your App ID will be displayed near the bottom under the Advanced section.

Via the Business Manager

If your page is managed through Business Manager, you can find the App ID:

  1. Go to Business Manager at
  2. Click Business Settings in the left sidebar.
  3. Select your Facebook page from the list.
  4. Scroll down to the App ID field. Copy the numeric ID.

Using the App ID for Common Integrations

Once you have your Page App ID, you can use it to enable some very useful integrations. Here are steps for a few popular examples:

Connect to ManyChat

ManyChat is a powerful bot platform for Messenger. To connect it to your page:

  1. Sign up for a ManyChat account and log in.
  2. Click Connect Facebook Page.
  3. Enter your Page App ID and click Continue.
  4. Accept the permission request on the next screen.

Your page is now connected to ManyChat. You can build automated conversational experiences, create Messenger bots, segment your audience, and more.

Display Posts on Your Website

To embed your page posts on your website, use a plugin like Social Feed Generator:

  1. Install and activate the Social Feed Generator plugin on your site.
  2. Go to the plugin settings page.
  3. Enter your Page App ID into the relevant Facebook Page ID field.
  4. Copy the shortcode and paste it where you want your feed displayed.

The plugin will now pull in your page’s latest posts automatically.

Connect to Zapier

To integrate your page with 1000+ other apps via Zapier:

  1. Sign up for a Zapier account.
  2. Choose Facebook as the app trigger.
  3. Enter your Page App ID to connect your page.
  4. Build your Zaps to connect Facebook data to other services.

Zapier uses your App ID behind the scenes to access your page and sync data between platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about the Facebook Page App ID:

Can I change my Page App ID?

No, the Page App ID is a permanent, unchangeable identifier assigned by Facebook. Unlike your username or URL, it cannot be modified.

Does each of my pages have a unique App ID?

Yes, each page has its own distinct App ID that only applies to that specific page.

Where can I find the App ID for my Facebook group?

Groups do not have App IDs. Only Facebook Pages use App IDs for integrations.

Why can’t I see the App ID in my page settings?

The App ID is not displayed directly within your Facebook Page settings. You need to retrieve it from the App Dashboard, API Explorer, Insights, or Business Manager as shown above.

Do I need to renew or update my App ID?

No, the App ID remains the same and does not need to be renewed. You can use the same ID indefinitely.

Can someone else see or take my App ID?

The App ID is not sensitive or secret information. Anyone can use the above methods to retrieve your page’s App ID. However, they would need your explicit permission through the API to access or control your page.


Finding your Facebook Page App ID is easy once you know where to look. This unique identifier opens up many great opportunities to extend your page’s capabilities and integrate with other tools.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can locate your Page App ID in just a few minutes from the App Dashboard, API Explorer, Page Insights, or Business Manager.

Armed with this ID, you can seamlessly connect your page to chatbots, embed posts on your site, sync data between platforms, and much more. Unlocking the power of the Graph API starts with this simple string of numbers.

So locate your Facebook Page App ID today and explore the integrations that will help take your page to the next level.