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What is memory networks?

What is memory networks?

Memory networks are a type of artificial neural network that have an explicit memory component. They are able to learn and reason from prior knowledge and experiences stored in their memory. Memory networks have shown promising results on complex question answering and language understanding tasks.

How do memory networks work?

The key components of a memory network are the memory and the learning components. The memory stores knowledge facts in a structured way, like a database. The learning components include an input feature map, generalization, and output feature map. These read from the memory and write back to it.

Here is a high-level overview of how memory networks operate:

  1. The input feature map encodes the incoming input (e.g. a question) into an internal representation.
  2. This input representation is then used to query the memory to retrieve relevant knowledge facts.
  3. The generalization component combines the input representation with the retrieved memory to form a new representation.
  4. The output feature map converts this new representation into a predicted output (e.g. an answer to the question).
  5. Finally, the memory is updated with knowledge learned during this process.

This cycle of reading from the memory, reasoning over retrieved facts, and writing back allows memory networks to learn from data over time. The memory acts as a knowledge base that can be referenced to understand new inputs in the context of what’s been learned previously.

Types of memory networks

There are a few key types of memory network architectures:

Long short-term memory (LSTM)

LSTMs are a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that have memory cells to store information over time. This allows them to learn long-term dependencies in sequence prediction problems like language translation and speech recognition.

Differentiable neural computers (DNCs)

DNCs contain a neural network controller interacting with a memory bank using read and write operations. The external memory acts as knowledge base and the controller learns to operate over it for tasks like question answering.

Neural Turing machines (NTMs)

NTMs couple a neural network with a memory bank that can be read and written to via read and write heads. The neural network learns to manipulate the memory by outputting locations to access and content to write.

End-to-end memory networks

These networks have a memory component and a controller connected end-to-end. The memory stores facts and the controller reasons over these to generate outputs. Training is done over the whole network using backpropagation.

Key components

Let’s look at some of the key components that make up memory networks:

External memory

The memory stores knowledge required for reasoning and inference. It can take different formats like vectors, matrices, knowledge graphs, etc. The memory is read from and written to by the controller component.

Memory interface

This controls how facts are stored in and retrieved from memory. It manages read and write operations. For example, in NTMs the interface consists of read and write heads that access memory locations.


The controller is responsible for carrying out reasoning and updating the memory. It takes the input, queries the memory, processes the retrieved facts, and returns an output. For example, the controller could be an LSTM or feedforward neural network.

Input feature map

Encodes the incoming input, like a question in QA tasks, into an internal representation that can be used to query the memory.

Generalization component

Integrates the input representation with retrieved memory facts to update the memory and form the output representation used to generate the final output.

Output feature map

Maps the output representation to the target output format, like class probabilities for classification or sequences for language tasks.

Memory network architecture

Putting these components together, here is what a generic memory network architecture looks like:

The input feature map encodes the input question which is used by the controller to query the memory. Relevant facts are retrieved via the memory interface. The generalization component combines the input and retrieved memory to form an output representation. Finally, the output feature map converts this to the predicted answer.

Working example

Let’s walk through a concrete example to understand how memory networks operate. We’ll use a question answering scenario.

The memory is populated with general knowledge facts about the world like:

  • London is the capital of England
  • Paris is the capital of France
  • Berlin is the capital of Germany

Now we input the question “What is the capital of England?” to the network.

The input feature map converts this to a vector representation of the question. This representation is used by the controller to query the memory for relevant facts. It retrieves the fact “London is the capital of England”.

The generalization component combines the original input with the retrieved fact to select London as the most likely answer. Finally, the output feature map generates the natural language response “The capital of England is London”.

Over many such question answering examples, the network learns an effective strategy for querying its memory to find relevant facts and answering questions correctly.

Key properties and capabilities

Some of the key properties and capabilities of memory networks include:

  • Explicit memory – Has a dedicated memory component to store knowledge, unlike standard RNNs or CNNs.
  • Multiple computational steps – Carries out multiple read/write steps to iteratively reason about the knowledge in memory.
  • Addressable memory – Can selectively focus on certain memory locations using addressing mechanisms.
  • Memory updating – Can add to and refine memories based on new inputs for lifelong learning.
  • Differentiable operations – Memory read/write operations are differentiable, allowing end-to-end training via backpropagation.
  • Variable memory size – Memory can be a large external store independent of the model parameters.
  • Reasoning – Infers new knowledge by combining facts from the context of what is stored in memory.

These attributes allow memory networks to learn effectively from question answering problems, document reading, and other complex language tasks involving reasoning.

Strengths of memory networks

Some of the key strengths of memory networks include:

  • Reasoning and inference – Can perform logical reasoning and inference steps based on knowledge stored in memory.
  • Contextual learning – Makes decisions in the context of everything it has learned up to that point in memory.
  • Knowledge integration – Can integrate facts from disparate sources into its memory.
  • Lifelong learning – Memory allows accumulating knowledge over time for continual learning.
  • Transparency – Operations and reasoning are interpretable since we can inspect contents of memory.
  • Versatility – Memory network framework is versatile enough for QA, language understanding, and other AI applications.

By providing context and operating over explicit memory, memory networks are well-suited for complex reasoning and inference heavy tasks involving natural language.

Limitations of memory networks

Some limitations and challenges with memory networks include:

  • Memory size – Storing large memories is expensive and adds computational overhead during training.
  • No semantics – Memory lacks inherent semantics, so reasoning relies on learnt patterns.
  • Slow training – Multi-step reasoning process can slow down training compared to feedforward networks.
  • Difficult optimization – Optimizing memory read/write operations during training can be unstable and difficult.
  • Brittle reasoning – Learnt reasoning patterns may not generalize reliably to complex reasoning.
  • Basic memories – Most memory networks rely on simple memory representations like vectors and matrices.

Researchers are exploring ways to mitigate these challenges through more efficient memory architectures, semantic memory representations, better optimization techniques, and combining memory networks with other reasoning models.

Applications of memory networks

Some of the key applications where memory networks have driven progress include:

Question answering

Memory networks have achieved promising results on open-domain QA where they must reason over a large knowledge base to answer questions. Tasks like reading comprehension also benefit from memory.

Language modeling

Memories can help store long-term context for coherent multi-sentence language modeling and generation.

Document understanding

Memory can aid in processing documents by maintaining topic and entity information across sections and chapters.


Chains of reasoning based on knowledge can be carried out using memory networks for entailment, inference, and fact-checking applications.

Recommendation systems

Memories of user context and history allows personalized recommendations grounded in their preferences.

Goal-oriented dialog

Memory networks applied to dialog agents remember context and user intentions for coherent conversations aimed at specific goals.

Trends and future directions

Some key trends and future directions for memory networks include:

  • Scalable memories – Developing more scalable and efficient memory architectures to store larger memories with lower overhead.
  • Explicit reasoning models – Combining memories with more structured reasoning like theorem proving, planning, and symbolic AI techniques.
  • Relational memories – Storing memories in structured knowledge graph formats to capture relationships and semantics.
  • Lifelong and continual learning – Enabling memory networks to continuously accumulate knowledge over a lifetime of learning experiences.
  • Multi-task and transfer learning – Leveraging knowledge in memory for better generalization across tasks.
  • Neural-symbolic integration – Combining neural memory components with statistical and symbolic methods for robust reasoning.

Research in these directions can help scale memory networks to more complex real-world reasoning and inference tasks while addressing some of their limitations.


Memory networks are an important class of neural networks that augment standard models with external memory. This allows them to learn from experience and leverage prior knowledge for complex reasoning tasks. While they have achieved promising results in applications like question answering, there remain important challenges around scalability, optimization, and generalization. By developing more efficient and semantically-rich memory architectures, and combining neural memory components with reasoning and symbolic AI techniques, memory networks have the potential to advance AI capabilities in reasoning, knowledge integration, and lifelong learning.