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What is meant by Facebook feed?

What is meant by Facebook feed?

The Facebook feed refers to the constantly updating list of stories that appears when you log into your Facebook account. It shows you a customized selection of posts, photos, videos, links, events, and more from people and pages you follow on Facebook.

What kinds of content can appear in your Facebook feed?

Many different types of content can appear in your Facebook feed, including:

  • Status updates from your friends
  • Photos and videos posted by people you follow
  • Links, articles, and web pages shared by others
  • Life events like engagements, marriages, births, etc.
  • “Check-in” updates when people share their location
  • Comments your friends make on posts
  • Suggested posts from advertisers
  • Updates from Groups you’ve joined
  • Notifications when it’s someone’s birthday
  • Live videos from people you follow

So in summary, your feed shows a personalized mix of updates from friends, family, Groups, businesses, news sources, and advertisers that you follow on Facebook.

How does Facebook determine what appears in your feed?

Facebook uses complex algorithms to select posts, photos, and updates to show you in your feed. The specific factors determining feed ranking are constantly changing and evolving. But in general, Facebook’s ranking system is designed to:

  • Show you posts from close friends and family first
  • Prioritize recent content over older content
  • Show you posts that have generated a lot of likes and comments
  • Display content that you tend to interact with more often
  • Mix in some sponsored content from advertisers

So posts from people you interact with frequently are more likely to appear towards the top of your feed. Content that gets lots of engagement in the form of reactions, comments, and shares may also be ranked higher. Sponsored and suggested posts are mixed in periodically as well.

How is the Facebook feed customized for each person?

While different users may see some of the same popular viral content, each person’s feed is personalized based on their specific preferences and behavior on Facebook. Some of the ways the feed is customized include:

  • Following different friends, family, Pages, Groups, etc.
  • Adjusting settings for who can see your posts
  • Interacting more frequently with certain people and types of content
  • Using features like Snooze or Unfollow to hide posts
  • Your history of likes, shares, and comments
  • How you use and interact with Facebook overall

So your feed is unique based on the network of people and accounts you follow and interact with. Facebook’s ranking algorithm uses your personal usage patterns to fine tune your feed.

What are some tips for managing your Facebook feed?

Here are some tips to help organize and improve your Facebook feed:

  • Unfollow people who post too much or irrelevant content
  • Snooze friends or Pages temporarily if needed
  • See First close friends whose posts you always want to see
  • Follow hashtags and interests to discover new content
  • Stay active and regularly engage with the feed
  • Adjust News Feed preferences in Settings
  • Use Lists to group friends and prioritize their posts
  • Hide posts you don’t want to see anymore
  • React and comment on posts to improve relevance

Using these options gives you greater control over the content you see each time you check Facebook. Curating the feed by following your interests helps highlight the content most relevant to you.

What are some common problems or issues with Facebook feeds?

Some common complaints and issues that users report about their Facebook feeds include:

  • Too many irrelevant or repetitive posts
  • Spam or sponsored posts
  • Missing updates from certain people
  • Outdated information in the feed
  • Difficulty finding certain content
  • Posts not loading or refreshing properly
  • Algorithm not accurately ranking best content
  • Too much content to scroll through
  • Irrelevant suggested posts and topics

These types of issues can make the Facebook experience frustrating at times. However, adjusting settings, curating who you follow, and providing Facebook with feedback on posts can help improve feed relevance over time.


The Facebook feed is the customizable stream of updates that forms the core Facebook experience for users. It displays a ranked selection of posts, photos, videos, events, links, and more from all the people and accounts you follow. Facebook uses complex algorithms to personalize each person’s feed based on their usage patterns and preferences. While feeds can sometimes show irrelevant content, users have options to manage what they see by unfollowing accounts, snoozing friends, and customizing settings to improve their Facebook experience.