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What is live stream ads on Facebook?

What is live stream ads on Facebook?

Live stream ads on Facebook allow businesses to sponsor live videos from Facebook Pages or creators to reach specific audiences. They are a type of in-stream video advertising that appears before, during, or after a live broadcast on the platform.

How do live stream ads work?

Facebook live stream ads work similarly to other video ad formats on Facebook. Advertisers can choose a target audience, set a budget, and sponsor a live video from a Facebook Page or creator. When viewers watch the live stream, they will see the video ad play before, during, or after the broadcast.

There are a few key ways live stream ads work:

  • Ad placement – Ads can play before, during, or after a live stream video. Pre-roll ads play before a stream starts, mid-roll ads play during a stream, and post-roll ads play after a stream ends.
  • Audience targeting – Advertisers can target a specific demographic, interest, behavior, or custom audience to reach with their live stream ad.
  • Bidding and budgeting – Live stream ads use an auction-based model. Advertisers set a budget and bid for each view. Higher bids increase the chance of winning the ad auction.
  • Video format – Live stream ads can be image ads or video ads up to 240 seconds long. They can include a call-to-action button.
  • Reporting – Detailed analytics show views, reach, follower gains, clicks, and other metrics to determine performance.

When a viewer sees a sponsored live stream on their feed, the word “Sponsored” appears on the video thumbnail. Then when they click to view the stream, the video ad will play at the advertiser’s chosen insertion point before, during, or after the live broadcast.

What are the requirements to run live stream ads?

To run Facebook live stream ads, advertisers need:

  • A Facebook ad account and page
  • To select the live video that they want to sponsor
  • To set up billing and payment information
  • To choose a bid and budget for the ad campaign
  • To define the target audience
  • Creative assets for the video ad (optional)

The live video being sponsored must also meet certain requirements, including:

  • It must be broadcast from an official Facebook Page or creator account
  • The Page or creator must comply with Facebook’s Partner Monetization Policies
  • The video content must follow Facebook’s Community Standards and Advertising Policies

As long as these requirements are met by both the advertiser and the content creator, any business can set up and run live stream ads on Facebook without any special permissions.

What are the benefits of live stream ads?

Some key benefits of running live stream ads on Facebook include:

  • High visibility – Live videos stand out in the News Feed and capture viewer attention with their real-time nature.
  • Engagement – Live streams create an interactive, community experience that generates comments and shares.
  • Targeting – Detailed audience targeting ensures live stream ads reach specific demographics and interests.
  • Strong reach – Millions of people tune into Facebook Live daily, creating a large potential audience for ads.
  • Flexibility – Ads can be inserted at any point before, during or after a live stream.
  • Measurement – In-depth analytics provide insight into views, clicks, actions, and other ROI metrics.

For brands and businesses looking to drive awareness, increase engagement, and reach specific audiences, live stream ads provide a highly visible advertising option on one of the top live video platforms.

What types of content are best for live stream ads?

Certain types of video content tend to perform particularly well for live stream ads on Facebook. Some top content types include:

  • Behind-the-scenes – Give an exclusive look at products, services, events, or processes.
  • Q&As or interviews – Let viewers engage directly with interesting people.
  • Tutorials or how-tos – Offer tips and advice from experts.
  • Product launches or announcements – Share exciting company news as it happens.
  • Conferences and events – Provide insider access to live happenings.
  • Contests or giveaways – Encourage viewers to engage for prizes and rewards.

The most successful live streams are informative, entertaining, or helpful for viewers. Advertisers should work closely with content creators to develop ideas and sponsorship opportunities that will genuinely interest their target audiences.

What are some examples of successful Facebook live stream ad campaigns?

Here are a few real-world examples of successful Facebook live stream advertising campaigns:

Marriott Hotels

  • Sponsored live cooking and mixology classes from their hotel properties
  • Positioned their hotels as destinations for unique experiences
  • Drove bookings by reaching engaged travel and food audiences


  • Sponsored athlete interviews and training broadcasts before major events
  • Created exclusive insider access for sports fans
  • Promoted new products featured on athletes in real time


  • Sponsored weekly home and lifestyle streams from influencers
  • Shared deals, products, tips, and home organization ideas
  • Increased brand awareness and affinity with home-focused consumers

Red Bull

  • Sponsored daring live stunts and extreme sports events
  • Aligned their brand with excitement and adventure
  • Engaged millions of thrill-seeking viewers

These examples highlight the range of possibilities with live stream ads – from events and behind-the-scenes access to influencer collaborations and original productions. Aligning ad content closely with business objectives is key to driving results.

How much do Facebook live stream ads cost?

The cost of running Facebook live stream ads depends on several factors, including:

  • Bid amount – The amount an advertiser is willing to pay for each view or action
  • Competition – How many others are bidding for the same audience
  • Targeting – A narrower audience drives lower costs per view
  • Ad length – Longer ads generally have higher costs
  • Ad placement – Mid-roll ads cost more than pre/post-roll
  • Video type – Video ads cost more than image ads
  • Campaign budget – Daily budgets impact total spend

Some typical costs for Facebook live stream ad placements include:

Ad Type Estimated Cost
Pre-roll image ad $0.10 – $0.30 per view
Mid-roll video ad (15 sec) $0.20 – $0.60 per view
Post-roll video ad (30 sec) $0.30 – $0.80 per view

Setting a daily budget cap can help control costs. Advertisers can start small at $5-10 per day and scale up as they test and optimize performance.

How can I measure the results of live stream ads?

Facebook provides detailed analytics to measure and optimize live stream ad performance. Key metrics to track include:

  • Reach – Total number of unique viewers who saw the ad
  • Views – Number of times the video ad was viewed
  • Frequency – How often viewers saw the ad on average
  • Engagement – Likes, shares, comments generated
  • Clicks – Number of clicks on the ad or call-to-action
  • Conversions – Leads, sales, or other goals achieved
  • CPM – Cost per 1,000 ad impressions
  • CPC – Cost per click on the ad
  • CPA – Cost per conversion achieved

Proper tracking should be implemented to monitor conversions on the advertiser’s website or landing pages. Comparing metrics before, during, and after the campaign provides insight into the incremental lift generated by the live stream ads.

How can I optimize live stream ad performance?

There are a few key best practices advertisers should follow to optimize Facebook live stream ad performance:

  • Refine audience targeting over time to focus budget on best-performing demographics and interests.
  • Test different ad placements (pre/mid/post-roll) to see which drives most conversions.
  • Experiment with lower bids and budgets to reduce costs while maintaining performance.
  • Analyze engagement metrics to identify most compelling ad content and creators.
  • Ensure strong creative and clear calls-to-action that drive desired actions.
  • Measure beyond views – track site traffic, leads, and sales for true ROI.

Regularly optimizing based on performance data is key to getting the most value from live stream ad investments and improving results over time.


Facebook live stream ads provide a way for brands to sponsor engaging, real-time video content and reach specific audiences. By targeting viewers, choosing strategic ad placements, working with popular creators, and measuring key metrics, advertisers can generate awareness, increase engagement, and drive conversions with this social video ad format. As live video continues growing across social platforms, live stream ads present an exciting opportunity for marketers to connect with audiences in an authentic and impactful way.