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What is it called when you do a check in on Facebook when there’s an emergency?

What is it called when you do a check in on Facebook when there’s an emergency?

When there is an emergency situation such as a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or other crisis event unfolding, Facebook has a feature that allows users to let friends and family know they are safe and out of harm’s way. This is known as performing a “Safety Check-in” on Facebook.

What is a Safety Check-in?

A Safety Check-in on Facebook is a way for users to easily notify their friends list that they are out of danger during a major crisis event. When a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or other emergency is unfolding, Facebook will activate the Safety Check feature for the affected area.

This allows users in that region to tap a button to share that they are safe. It posts a notification to the user’s timeline reading “[Name] marked themselves safe during [Disaster].” It also temporarily highlights the user’s name in the friends list of everyone who is connected to them.

Safety Check was launched by Facebook in October 2014 and is activated by Facebook staff when a major disaster occurs. It is turned on for natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other crises where there is a substantial threat to life and property. When activated, Notification is sent to users in the affected region guiding them to the tool.

How Does Safety Check Work?

When a major disaster strikes, Facebook’s engineers and support teams determine if Safety Check should be activated for that region. There are no hard thresholds for number of deaths or injuries that automatically trigger it, but significant threats to a large population are required.

Once enabled, notification goes out to all users determined to be in the area. This is based on location services data and the city listed in the user’s profile. The notice guides them to tap the button to mark themselves safe if they are able to.

This sends a message to the user’s friends list that they are accounted for. Their name is also temporarily bolded in the friends list of those who are connected to them. This allows people to easily see who among their network has checked in as safe.

The tool also provides quick links to share that you are in the affected area but unharmed, or to mark friends as safe if you have confirmed they are okay. This expands the notifications out to wider networks spread through friends of friends.

Who Can Use Safety Check?

When Safety Check is activated, it becomes available to all users believed to be within 100 kilometers of the disaster epicenter based on location services and profile city. However, anyone believing they have contacts in the area can also activate it manually to notify their own networks.

Friends lists are pre-populated based on profile location data, but the tool allows marking anyone safe regardless of their listed hometown. This allows people to use it notify they are safe even if their profile city is outdated.

How Widely Available is Safety Check?

As of 2018, Facebook stated that Safety Check has been activated more than 400 times worldwide for disasters both natural and human-caused. It has been used for events including:

  • Hurricanes
  • Earthquakes
  • Tsunamis
  • Terrorist attacks
  • Active shooter situations
  • Explosions
  • Severe weather such as tornados or floods

It was first rolled out only to areas with large Facebook usage, but is now available globally including lower-usage areas. However, for remote regions it still relies on profile location data which may be sparse.

Benefits of Safety Check

Performing a Safety Check-in on Facebook provides important benefits:

Notifies Friends and Family

Millions of people actively use Facebook every day. Checking in as safe during a crisis reaches a wide audience very quickly to notify you are unharmed. This eases concern and focuses efforts.

Prioritizes Close Connections

By bolding names in friends lists, Safety Check focuses visibility on those with closer connections wanting status updates.

Quick and Simple

With a single tap users can notify broad networks they are safe. Much easier than individual calls, texts, emails, or posts.

All in One Place

Friends can instantly check Facebook to see status updates from their entire network in one spot, rather than scattered across various platforms.

Viral Reach

Notifications spread virally beyond just immediate friends through shared connections expanding reach exponentially.

Mark Anyone Safe

Users can manually mark friends as safe too if they receive confirmation, increasing spread of notifications.

Works Globally

Safety Check is now activated globally by Facebook for any high-risk crisis situation anywhere in the world.

Safety Check Usage Statistics

Disaster Date Location Safety Checks Performed
Nepal Earthquake April 25, 2015 Nepal 7.5 million
Paris Attacks November 13, 2015 Paris, France 4.1 million
Brussels Bombings March 22, 2016 Brussels, Belgium 1.6 million
Ecuador Earthquake April 16, 2016 Ecuador 1 million
Hurricane Patricia October 23, 2015 Mexico 1.4 million
Storm Desmond Flooding December 5, 2015 United Kingdom 360,000
Hurricane Matthew October 2016 United States 3.6 million
Central Italy Earthquake October 30, 2016 Italy 960,000

As of May 2017, Facebook reported Safety Check had been activated almost 400 times worldwide and used by almost 2 billion people. The numbers continue rising with each new disaster requiring its activation.

Controversies Around Safety Check

While intended to provide a straightforward notification tool during disasters, Safety Check has also faced controversies:

Inconsistent Activation

Facebook uses internal criteria to decide when to activate Safety Check that is not shared publicly. This can lead to perception that some populations have disasters prioritized over others when availability is inconsistent.

Can Spread Inaccurate Information

If users mistakenly or intentionally mark contacts as safe who have not confirmed status, it can propagate false information.

Potential for Abusive Use

When terror attacks or other violent crises occur, the tool can be used to track people against their will or spread panic if abused.

Mental Health Concerns

While intending to reassure, constant Safety Check notifications during continuous disasters can potentially heighten anxiety and emotional duress for some users.

User Location Privacy Concerns

Safety Check relies on collecting and using people’s location data, which raises user privacy concerns Facebook continues working to address.


Facebook’s Safety Check feature provides a fast, simple way for people to notify wide networks they are safe during emergencies. Tapping a single button can instantly communicate wellbeing status to family, friends, local connections, and beyond. While controversial in some aspects, Safety Check continues evolving to help fill a basic human need to know loved ones are unharmed in times of crisis. It offers a prime example of social technology adapting for an age where social networks span the globe.