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What is interactions in Facebook Reels?

What is interactions in Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels allow users to create and share short videos on Facebook. Interactions on Reels refer to the ways that viewers can engage with the videos. There are several types of interactions available on Reels that content creators can use to measure engagement and get their videos in front of more people.


One of the most basic interactions on Facebook Reels is liking a video. When a user likes a Reel, it shows up under the “Likes” section of the creator’s profile. Likes also push the video further up in rankings so more people see it. Reels with lots of likes tend to perform better in terms of reach. As such, likes are an important metric that Reel creators should pay attention to.


Viewers can also comment on Facebook Reels. Comments allow audiences to provide feedback, ask questions, or further engage with the video’s topic. A Reel with many comments signals that it is prompting discussion and evoking reactions from viewers. Creators can respond to comments to build relationships with their followers. Frequent commenting back and forth also bumps the Reel higher in the algorithm. Reels with more comments also tend to get more overall engagement.


When people share a Reel to their own profile or in Facebook Groups and chats, it exposes the video to new audiences. Sharing brings new viewers who may like, comment, and further share the Reel. This creates a viral effect that expands the reach. Most successful Reels leverage high sharing rates to get in front of large numbers of people quickly. The more shares a Reel has, the more Facebook’s algorithm will push it out to untapped audiences.


Viewers can save Reels they like to a private playlist to watch again later. A high number of saves indicates that audiences find a Reel useful, interesting or entertaining enough to rewatch. Saves also lead to repeat views as people return to their saved content. Creators should aim for quality over quantity when it comes to saves by focusing on value-driven content.

Sticker Interactions

Facebook Reels include interactive stickers that users can tap on to engage further. For example, the “Follow” sticker lets viewers easily follow the Reel creator’s profile with one tap. The quiz and poll stickers prompt input from viewers. And the emoji slider and countdown comment stickers encourage viewers to comment. These stickers provide opportunities to engage audiences, collect feedback and boost comments.

Interaction Type Icon Purpose
Like Shows enjoyment and approval
Comment Provides feedback or reactions
Share Exposes to new audiences
Save Saves for repeat viewing
Sticker Tap Triggers further interaction


The duet feature allows users to create a split-screen Reel that combines their video with someone else’s. When a Reel gets duetted often, it signals engaging content that inspires creativity in others. Duets also introduce the original Reel to the audiences of those who duet it. A high duet count helps Reels gain more visibility on the platform.

Profile Visits

When a Facebook Reel leads viewers to check out the creator’s profile, it results in a profile visit. Users have to click through to the profile from the Reel, so it shows strong interest in the creator. Profile visits enable creators to attract new followers who may watch more of their content. Reels that drive a lot of traffic to the creator’s profile perform well in feeds.


Potentially the most valuable interaction on Reels is followers gained. If a Reel gets viewers to follow the creator, it establishes an ongoing connection. Followers become part of the creator’s long-term audience. They will now see all future content in their feeds. Follows derived directly from Reels are critical for creators looking to build their brand and presence.

Link Clicks

Creators can add links to their Reel videos, like in the profile or website link stickers. When viewers click these links, it demonstrates viewers taking action beyond just watching the video. For creators promoting products, events, merchandise etc., link clicks show that the Reel is driving traffic to the destination. Valuable actions like sales, sign-ups, event registrations etc. can result.


If a Reel causes viewers to exit Facebook and go to another app, it results in an exit interaction. For example, clicking a link to an external website, opening a shopping app, or following instructions in the video to take an offline action. Exits show the Reel incited real world value and engagement. This helps signal to Facebook that it provides useful content.

Factors That Increase Interactions

There are several strategies Reel creators can use to get more of the above interactions:

  • Engaging thumbnail – Use an eye-catching frame from the video to inspire profile clicks.
  • Strong hook – Interesting opening secures immediate attention.
  • Add text overlays – Onscreen captions make it easier to understand and engage.
  • Use interactive stickers – Quizzes, polls, follows etc. prompt taps.
  • Ask viewers to interact – Explicitly requesting likes, comments, shares drives engagement.
  • Spark conversation – Controversial, funny or discussion-worthy content gets more comments.
  • Leverage trends – Capitalize on viral content, songs, hashtags, etc.
  • Quality production value – Invest in good lighting, camerawork, editing to stand out.
  • Consistent branding – Logos, colors, style make content recognizable.
  • Promote outside Reels – Cross-post to feed, stories, ads to maximize reach.

Why Interactions Matter

Interactions are the best way to measure how well Facebook Reels are resonating with audiences. The level of response and engagement shows both the quality of content and how easily it is discovered by interested viewers. More interactions signal to Facebook that a Reel provides value. This makes the algorithm promote it more.

High interaction rates result in increased visibility as Reels surface in more feeds and on the Browse tab. The further reach gained from ranking pushes sparks a positive feedback loop of even more engagement. Interactive viral Reels can gain huge amounts of exposure thanks to Facebook’s AI.

There are also direct benefits creators see from growing interactions. Followers, link clicks and profile visits support creators’ business objectives. Comments provide useful audience feedback to inform future content. And saves indicate more repeat viewership of the Reel. Overall, interactions translate to bottom line results.


Facebook Reels have multiple options like likes, comments, shares, saves, follows and more that allow audiences to actively engage with video content. These interactions are key signals that help Reels stand out in the Facebook algorithm. Creators should focus on sparking actions beyond passive video views to fully leverage the platform. Building engagement and virality through strategic content pays dividends in increased organic reach. Overall, interactions are the best metric of Reel performance and success on Facebook.