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What is group claim code Amazon?

What is group claim code Amazon?

Group claim codes are used by Amazon to categorize items for various business purposes. Here is an overview of what group claim codes are, why Amazon uses them, and some common examples.

What Are Group Claim Codes?

Group claim codes are 4-letter codes that are assigned to products sold on Amazon. These codes categorize products into various groups based on certain characteristics or intended uses. Group claim codes allow Amazon to analyze and manage huge numbers of products in their marketplace more efficiently.

Some key facts about Amazon’s group claim codes:

  • 4-letter codes – Each code consists of 4 alphabetical letters, like “BOOK” or “TOYS”
  • Assigned by sellers – Sellers choose the appropriate code when listing their products on Amazon
  • Categorizes products – The codes sort products into logical groups or categories
  • Impacts listing display – The codes influence how and where products are displayed on Amazon
  • Used for analytics – Amazon uses the codes to analyze product trends and manage inventory

Overall, these codes allow Amazon to better organize, track, and manage the millions of different products in their marketplace across all product categories. The 4-letter codes provide a simple but effective method of segmenting products for various business purposes.

Why Does Amazon Use Group Claim Codes?

Amazon utilizes group claim codes for several important reasons:

  • Product organization – The codes help Amazon organize tens of millions of product listings on their site.
  • Inventory tracking – Amazon uses the codes to better track and manage inventory levels.
  • Trend analysis – The codes allow Amazon to identify and analyze product trends across categories.
  • Merchandising – Amazon leverages the codes to influence product placement and merchandising on their site.
  • Search optimization – The codes help Amazon optimize product listings for relevant search queries.
  • Seller management – Amazon uses code data to identify bad seller behaviors like misusing codes.

In short, group claim codes provide Amazon with an efficient method for managing, tracking, analyzing, and optimizing their enormous ecommerce platform and marketplace.

Common Amazon Group Claim Codes

There are thousands of different group claim codes used on Amazon. Here are some of the most common ones:

Media Codes

  • BOOK – Print books
  • MAGZ – Magazines
  • DVD – DVDs and Blu-ray discs
  • MUSC – Music CDs, vinyl, etc.
  • SOFT – Software

Electronics Codes

  • ELCT – Electronics
  • CE – Consumer electronics
  • PC – Computers
  • CRPR – Computer components
  • CAMC – Cameras

Home and Kitchen Codes

  • HG – Home and garden
  • KITC – Kitchen supplies
  • BEDB – Bed and bath
  • HF – Home furnishings
  • LAWN – Lawn and patio

Apparel and Accessory Codes

  • APPA – Clothing
  • JEWL – Jewelry
  • SHOE – Shoes and footwear
  • HBAG – Handbags
  • WATC – Watches

Toy and Kids Codes

  • TOYS – Toys
  • BABY – Baby products
  • CHLD – Childcare and nursery
  • SCHL – School supplies

As you can see, Amazon uses very logical 4-letter codes that clearly describe broad product categories. This allows them to easily sort, track, and manage millions of products across their site.

Special Codes

In addition to the common category codes above, there are some special Amazon group claim codes that serve specific purposes:

  • MIXD – Used temporarily when a listing is unclear
  • AGGR – Aggregator code used by Amazon vendors
  • PRME – Prime exclusive items only for Prime members
  • AMZN – Items shipped and sold directly by Amazon

These special codes help Amazon manage listings that don’t fit neatly into a standard product category.

Misuse of Codes

While most sellers choose codes properly, Amazon does suspend or penalize sellers who intentionally misuse codes. Some examples of code misuse include:

  • Using irrelevant codes just to gain exposure in a popular category
  • Using codes that don’t match the actual product
  • Creating fake parent-child product relationships
  • Gaming the best seller rankings with improper codes

Amazon monitors for this type of abuse to maintain the integrity of their product organization system. Sellers should always be careful to select the group claim code that most accurately represents their product.

Checking and Changing Codes

Sellers can check and change the group claim code for their Amazon listings as needed. Some tips:

  • Check the “Browse Tree Guide” on Seller Central for code selection advice
  • Use the “Product Listing Quality Dashboard” to identify issues
  • Change codes in the “Category Specifics” section when editing listings
  • Update parent-child relationships if your variation codes change

With tens of millions of listings on Amazon, selecting the proper group claim code is crucial for sellers. The right codes help organize products for customers, optimize listings in search, and provide Amazon with the product data they need to run their complex marketplace effectively.


In summary, Amazon group claim codes are 4-letter product category codes that sellers assign when listing items on Amazon. These codes serve many business functions for Amazon, allowing them to organize, track, analyze, and optimize their enormous ecommerce platform. Sellers should take care to select the most appropriate codes to legitimately categorize their products. Following Amazon’s guidelines for proper code use can help sellers avoid policy violations and account issues.