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What is gated content on Facebook lead generation?

What is gated content on Facebook lead generation?

Gated content refers to any type of content that sits behind a gate or form that people have to opt-in to before they can access it. This is a lead generation tactic used by businesses on Facebook to collect lead information from their target audience in exchange for access to premium content.

What are the benefits of using gated content for lead generation on Facebook?

There are several benefits to using gated content for lead generation on Facebook:

  • Allows you to collect lead information – Email addresses, names, phone numbers, etc.
  • Provides an incentive for people to convert into leads by offering valuable content
  • Qualifies leads by ensuring only truly interested prospects will opt-in
  • Allows you to segment and target your audience for future marketing
  • Builds your email list for future nurturing and promotions
  • Generates high-quality leads since people have to trade their contact details for access

What types of gated content work best on Facebook?

Some of the most effective types of gated content on Facebook include:

  • eBooks – In-depth guides on topics relevant to your audience. Aim for at least 15-20 pages.
  • Checklists – Step-by-step instructions on accomplishing a goal.
  • Templates – Downloadable templates people can customize.
  • Courses/Trainings – Deliver value with online courses or trainings.
  • Reports/Research – Offer data and insights not available elsewhere.
  • Worksheets – Helpful worksheets and workbooks.
  • Cheatsheets – Quick tips and hacks people can use.
  • Quizzes/Assessments – Let people evaluate themselves.

The key is to choose content that provides real value to your audience – not just generic content. It should solve a specific problem or need they have.

What methods can you use to gate content on Facebook?

There are a few options for gating content on Facebook:

  • Facebook Lead Ads – Create a Lead Ad that gates the content behind a lead form.
  • Landing Page + Lead Ad – Drive traffic to a landing page with the gated content using a Lead Ad.
  • Instant Form – Gate directly on Facebook using an Instant Form in the text area.
  • Facebook Groups – Post gated content in a private Facebook Group that requires approval.
  • Messenger Bot – Use a Messenger bot to qualify leads before sending gated content.

The right option will depend on your goals, target audience and type of content. A mix of Lead Ads, Landing Pages and Instant Forms is a solid approach for most gated content campaigns.

How do you create gated content on Facebook?

Follow these steps to create effective gated content for Facebook lead generation:

  1. Choose your content type – Select a valuable content format like an ebook, checklist, etc.
  2. Create the gated content – Produce high-quality content tailored to your audience.
  3. Set up a landing page – Build a dedicated landing page to host the gated content.
  4. Place a lead form – Add a lead form to the landing page that people must fill out first.
  5. Drive traffic to the landing page – Run Lead Ads targeting your audience to drive opt-ins.
  6. Promote on Facebook – Post natively on Facebook linking to the landing page.
  7. Analyze and optimize – Track conversions and optimize based on performance.

Be sure to follow Facebook’s lead generation policies and use high-quality content to avoid flagging. Test different gated content offers to see what resonates most with your audience.

What are the key elements of an effective gated content landing page?

Some key elements of an effective gated content landing page include:

  • Clear headline – Communicate the core value proposition of the gated content.
  • Relevant imagery – Use visuals that align with the offer and evoke emotion.
  • Benefit-focused copy – Explain how readers will specifically benefit from the content.
  • Social proof – Build trust with testimonials, customer logos, reviews, etc.
  • Visible call-to-action – Use buttons, contrasting colors to prompt the desired action.
  • Minimal distractions – Remove unnecessary navigation links, widgets, ads.
  • Responsive design – Optimize for mobile and desktop viewing experiences.

The page should focus on selling the value of the gated content and convincing visitors to exchange their contact information to gain access. Follow principles of effective landing page design.

How can you optimize gated content for higher opt-in conversion rates?

Some tips for optimizing gated content landing pages for higher opt-in conversion rates:

  • Offer genuinely valuable content – Don’t gate poor quality or generic content.
  • Target a specific audience – Create content tailored to a particular segment.
  • Keep the form short – Only ask for essential contact details.
  • Reduce friction – Minimize clicks to get to the form.
  • Test calls-to-action – Try different headlines, button text, designs.
  • Add social proof – Build trust and credibility to convert more leads.
  • Make mobile friendly – Design responsive pages for smartphones.
  • Test subject lines – Find the most compelling subject lines for your content.
  • Send confirmation emails – Thank new subscribers and share the gated content.

Continuously test and optimize elements on your landing pages. Small tweaks can often lead to big lifts in conversion rates over time.

What metrics should you track for gated content campaigns?

Important metrics to track for gated content campaigns include:

  • Total landing page views – Volume of traffic reaching the landing page.
  • Lead form opt-in rate – Percentage of visitors submitting the lead form.
  • Low friction conversions – Track downloads, email clicks as secondary conversions.
  • Lead quality – Contact validity, engaged users versus false leads.
  • Content downloads – Number of successful gated content downloads.
  • CTA button/headline clickthrough rate – Test different design variants.
  • Cost per lead – Advertising spend divided by total leads generated.
  • Bounce rates – Monitor for high early exit rates.
  • Lead nurturing metrics – Open, clickthrough and unsubscribe rates for follow-up emails.

Continuously optimize your gated content strategy based on these metrics to improve results over time.

What are some best practices for repurposing gated content?

Best practices for repurposing and maximizing gated content include:

  • Turn into a blog post series – Break ebooks down into a handful of blogs.
  • Promote in multiple channels – Share across email, social, paid ads.
  • Make into videos – Record short videos highlighting key insights.
  • Host a webinar – Use the content as a framework for an online event.
  • Summarize for social – Share key stat snapshots on social media.
  • Send in email newsletters – Reach existing subscribers with content recaps.
  • Convert into an online course – Expand into multiple lessons with video.
  • Recycle content – Update and refresh old gated content regularly.
  • Gate again behind a popup – Display snippets of the content before gating again.

The goal is to maximize the time, money and effort spent producing gated content by repurposing it across every channel possible. Map out a content calendar to plan your repurposing strategy.

What are some mistakes to avoid with gated content?

Some key mistakes to avoid with gated content campaigns:

  • Gatekeeping poor quality or irrelevant content – Don’t trick people with content that lacks substance.
  • Asking for too much information – Stick to essential contact details on lead forms.
  • No follow-up after opt-in – Follow up and send gated content to new leads.
  • Over-gating – Don’t gate all of your content, give some value upfront too.
  • Gating too early in the funnel – Offer gated content once visitors are warmed up.
  • Incorrect targeting – Make sure you are reaching your ideal audience.
  • Not repurposing content – Get more mileage by repurposing gated content across channels.
  • Infrequent content offers – Consistency and volume is key for gated content campaigns.

Avoid anything that comes across as deceptive, aggressive or provides a poor user experience. Focus on delivering genuine value, not just getting opt-ins.

What compliance policies are there around gated content on Facebook?

Here are some key Facebook compliance policies to keep in mind for gated content campaigns:

  • Lead forms must exchange value – Offer valuable content in return for opt-ins.
  • Users must initiate – Don’t automatically opt users in without consent.
  • Respect unsubscribes – Honor opt-out requests for your email communications.
  • Disclose upfront – Be transparent on what info you are capturing and how it will be used.
  • Use real handles – Don’t use fake Pages or profiles to promote content.
  • Accurate branding – Properly represent the company, product or service being marketed.
  • No spam – Do not send excessive, unwanted messages or emails.
  • Honor privacy – Comply with regional privacy and data protection regulations.

Always be upfront, honest and transparent with your audience. Make it easy for them to opt-out and do not be overly promotional in your follow-up communications.


Gated content can be highly effective for generating quality leads on Facebook when executed properly. The key is providing truly valuable content that speaks directly to your target audience. Avoid being overly promotional or aggressive with opt-ins and lead follow-up. Continuously test and optimize your gated content strategy while closely monitoring performance metrics. With a stellar piece of gated content and thoughtful distribution, you can drive significant conversions and revenue growth.