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What is FB AD size 1200×628?

What is FB AD size 1200×628?

Facebook ads come in a variety of sizes to fit different placements on Facebook and Instagram. The 1200×628 ad size is one of the standard options available and is commonly used for mobile news feed ads on Facebook.

What are the key details about the 1200×628 ad size?

Here are some key details about the 1200×628 Facebook ad size:

  • Dimensions – 1200 pixels wide by 628 pixels tall
  • Aspect Ratio – 1.91:1 (close to 9:16 portrait aspect ratio)
  • Orientation – Portrait
  • Pixel Density – High (At least 72 PPI recommended)
  • File Size – Less than 5MB
  • File Types – JPG, PNG, GIF (GIFs limited to 20MB)

Where is the 1200×628 ad size used?

The 1200×628 ad size is designed for mobile placements in the Facebook news feed. Key placements include:

  • Mobile News Feed – Appears in the primary news feed on mobile devices
  • Mobile Right Column – Ads on the right side of the news feed on mobile
  • Instagram Feed – Can also appear in Instagram feed on mobile

Why is 1200×628 a good mobile ad size?

There are a few key reasons why 1200×628 is an effective ad size for mobile:

  • Aspect ratio fits mobile screens – The 1.91:1 aspect ratio allows the ad to fill mobile screens vertically while still being narrow enough to fit mobile widths.
  • High pixel density for small screens – At 1200 pixels wide, the ad size provides crisp, high-resolution display on high pixel density mobile screens.
  • Vertical orientation stands out – Vertical ads tend to garner more attention in the mobile feed compared to square or horizontal ads.
  • Ideal for image-focused ads – The larger vertical canvas gives ample space to feature images, video stills, or other eye-catching visual content.

What are the recommended image/text split for 1200×628 ads?

To make the most of the 1200×628 ad space, Facebook recommends using the following image/text split:

  • Image – 50% of ad space (600×628 pixels)
  • Text – 50% of ad space (600×628 pixels)

This even split allows advertisers to pair visuals and copy in a way that captures attention while still conveying key messages and branding within the limited space.

What are best practices for designing 1200×628 ads?

Here are some best practices to follow when designing 1200×628 Facebook ads:

  • Lead with an eye-catching image or video still
  • Use high-resolution, high-quality visuals
  • Make sure important elements are visible when cropped
  • Use minimal, focused text to convey a single value proposition
  • Highlight important text with visual contrast
  • Use vibrant colors that stand out
  • Avoid text overlaid on busy images
  • Include branding elements like logos, colors, etc.

What text limits apply for 1200×628 ads?

When writing ad copy for 1200×628 ads, advertisers need to keep Facebook’s text limits in mind:

  • Headline text – 25 characters max
  • Body text – 90 characters max
  • Link description – 30 characters max

Keeping body copy short and concise is key to successful 1200×628 ads. The limited text space means messages should focus on one compelling benefit or value proposition.

What types of ads work best in 1200×628?

Some of the most effective ad types for the 1200×628 size include:

  • Photo ads featuring products or lifestyle imagery
  • Video ads using square video or vertical video
  • Slideshow ads with multiple images or video clips
  • Carousel ads that scroll horizontally
  • Collection ads that showcase product catalogs

Ads that can maximize the vertical orientation and leverage high-quality visuals tend to see strong results in this format.

Do 1200×628 ads work on desktop?

While designed primarily for mobile, 1200×628 ads can also appear on desktop in the Facebook news feed and Instagram feed. However, they may be less ideal for desktop compared to mobile environments. Key disadvantages on desktop include:

  • Smaller presence – The ad will take up less screen space on larger desktop monitors.
  • Horizontal scrolling – Viewers may need to scroll horizontally to see the full ad.
  • Less attention grabbing – Vertical ads stand out less against horizontal news feeds on desktop.

For these reasons, most advertisers focus their 1200×628 ads exclusively on mobile placements, using different ad sizes and formats to reach desktop users.

What is the mobile breakpoint for 1200×628 ads?

Facebook defines mobile devices as devices with screen widths less than 768 pixels. So the mobile breakpoint for 1200×628 ads is:

  • Mobile – Screen widths under 768px
  • Desktop – Screen widths 768px and above

Ad delivery to mobile or desktop is automatically determined by the viewer’s screen width. Advertisers don’t need to set the mobile breakpoint manually.

How much do 1200×628 Facebook ads cost?

Costs for 1200×628 Facebook ads can vary substantially based on factors like:

  • Audience targeting
  • Placement bidding strategy
  • Engagement bidding
  • Optimization goal
  • Ad quality
  • Landing page experience

Average costs per click can range from $0.50 – $5 depending on the above factors. Average cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) ranges from $6 to $15. But effective targeting and testing can help optimize spend.

How does the 1200×628 size compare to other ad sizes?

Ad Size Dimensions Orientation Ideal Placement
1200×628 1200 x 628px Portrait Mobile feed
1080×1920 1080 x 1920px Portrait Instagram Stories
1200×1200 1200 x 1200px Square Instagram Feed
1080×1080 1080 x 1080px Square Instagram Ads

The 1200×628 size stands out as the only rectangular, portrait shape optimized for mobile news feeds. The other sizes are better suited for square or vertical placements.

Is 1200×628 the only size for mobile news feed ads?

No, 1200×628 is not the only size Facebook supports for mobile news feed ads. Some other options include:

  • 600×315 – Small horizontal size
  • 1200×900 – Vertical portrait size
  • 1920×1080 – Horizontal landscape size

However, 1200×628 tends to be one of the most commonly used and optimized sizes for the mobile news feed placement.

Can I use multiple ad sizes for the same campaign?

Yes, Facebook ad campaigns can include multiple ad sizes and formats tailored to different placements. Best practice is to focus each ad creative on the size and format that works best for its intended placement. For example, you may use:

  • 1200×628 for mobile news feed
  • 1920×1080 for desktop news feed
  • 1080×1920 for Instagram stories

Letting Facebook automatically deliver each variant to its optimal placement allows you to maximize results across different formats with a single campaign.

Should I create separate ad sets for each size?

While you can have multiple sizes in one ad set, best practice is to separate each size into its own ad set. This allows you to:

  • Customize targeting for each size
  • Set specific budgets for each size
  • Review reporting data per size
  • Optimize bids and creative for each size

Isolating ad sizes into separate ad sets gives you more control and insight into the performance of each variant.

Can I use the same creative assets across multiple sizes?

It’s possible to reuse some creative elements like images, logos, or video across different ad sizes. However, you’ll achieve the best results by customizing each ad’s overall design for its respective size and placement. Avoid simply resizing one ad to fit multiple sizes, as this can distort images or cut off important text.

Should I create new ads or use existing Page posts?

For the 1200×628 size, creating new ad creative tailored to the format is recommended over reusing existing Facebook posts. Page posts are often oriented around different sizes and may not display well in 1200×628 ads. Designing the visuals, copy, and layout specifically for this size will improve ad performance.

What is the call-to-action button size?

For 1200×628 ads, Facebook recommends a mobile optimized call-to-action button size of 120×36 pixels. This provides an adequate touch target for users while fitting cleanly into the ad layout.

Do I need to create a 1200×628 Page post?

No, there is no need to publish a matching 1200×628 post to your Facebook Page in order to run ads in that size. Ad creatives exist independently from Page posts, so you simply need to design a 1200×628 ad creative and add it directly to your ad campaign.

Can I add captions to images in 1200×628 ads?

Yes, image captions can be a great way to convey additional messaging within the limited text space of a 1200×628 ad. Image captions appear below the image and will take up space from the overall 600×628 text area. Keep captions short and catchy while still leaving room for a headline and body text.

What are some top examples of 1200×628 ads?

Here are some examples of highly effective ads in the 1200×628 format:

  • Nike – Uses a striking image of an athlete mid-run with minimal bold white text highlighting a new product launch. Lets the visual make an impact while the short copy stays focused.
  • Dollar Shave Club – Relies on the brand’s signature humor with a 1200×628 video ad featuring their CEO riding a forklift. Communicates the value proposition in a simple end frame.
  • Uber – Showcases the app experience through a 1200×628 carousel ad with bold colors. Uses each frame to highlight a different app feature and benefit.
  • Airbnb – Evokes emotion with a beautiful travel visual and overlay text focused on connecting people. Leverages Airbnb’s branding in a simple yet compelling style.


In summary, the 1200×628 size provides a versatile vertical canvas for Facebook mobile news feed ads. It is optimized for mobile placements but can work across devices. A balanced mix of visuals and concise text works best for this format. Following Facebook’s recommended design practices can help advertisers take full advantage of the 1200×628 ad space for grabbing attention and conveying messages efficiently.