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What is Facebook reply?

What is Facebook reply?

Facebook reply is a feature that allows users to respond directly to a specific comment on a Facebook post. It helps keep conversations organized by threading replies, rather than having all comments display chronologically. This makes it easier to follow discussions involving multiple people.

How Does Facebook Reply Work?

When viewing comments on a Facebook post, you will see a “Reply” link underneath each comment. Clicking this link allows you to respond directly to that comment, nesting your reply beneath it. The original commenter will be notified of your response.

Your reply will be indented to the right to indicate that it is a response to the comment above it. Other users will see the reply threaded underneath the original comment. This creates a nested view of the conversation rather than a strictly chronological listing of all comments.

Benefits of Facebook Reply

There are several benefits to using Facebook’s reply feature:

  • It links conversations together by connecting replies to the relevant comments.
  • It maintains context by keeping related replies grouped visually underneath the original comment.
  • It helps prevent confusion by eliminating disconnected conversations in the comments.
  • It makes large discussions with many participants easier to follow.
  • It gives visibility to replies by nesting them under the comment being responded to.

When Should You Use Facebook Reply?

Here are some recommended times to use the reply feature on Facebook:

  • When responding directly to someone’s comment on your own post.
  • When participating in a large discussion with multiple people commenting.
  • When you want your reply to be nested under the relevant comment for context.
  • When carrying on a back-and-forth conversation within the comments.
  • When commenting on a public post from an organization, brand, or public figure.

Tips for Using Facebook Reply

Here are some tips to keep in mind when using Facebook reply:

  • Be clear about who and what you are replying to avoid confusion.
  • Reply constructively to continue discussions in a positive direction.
  • Stick to replying when you can add value to an existing comment thread.
  • Tag other users by @ mentioning them if you want them to see your reply.
  • Edit or delete your reply if you change your mind or make a mistake.

Facebook Reply vs Commenting

So what is the difference between replying and commenting on Facebook?

  • Replying continues an existing conversation thread while commenting starts a new one.
  • Replies are nested under the comment they respond to while comments are chronological.
  • The person being replied to is notified while comment notifications depend on settings.
  • Replying helps keep context while commenting is more disconnected.
  • You can only reply to a specific comment while you can comment on the entire post.

In summary, replying keeps conversations organized in threads while commenting posts chronologically as standalone remarks.

Who Can See Your Facebook Replies?

The visibility of your Facebook replies depends on the privacy settings of the original post:

  • On public posts, anyone can see your replies.
  • On friends-only posts, only the poster’s friends can see replies.
  • On posts in closed groups, only group members can see replies.
  • On private messages, only message participants can see replies.

So replies are only visible to those who already have access to the post itself based on its privacy setting.

Can You Edit or Delete Facebook Replies?

Yes, you can edit or delete replies you have posted on Facebook:

  • To edit, click the three dots next to your reply and select “Edit Reply.”
  • To delete, click the three dots and choose “Delete Reply.”
  • Edits and deletions can be made at any time after posting.
  • Edited replies will show “Edited” underneath them.
  • Once deleted, a reply is permanently removed.

So if you change your mind about a reply, you can easily modify it or remove it.

Can You Reply to Other Replies?

You can reply to existing replies on Facebook to extend the conversation:

  • Find the reply you want to respond to and select “Reply.”
  • Your new reply will be nested under the one you’re responding to.
  • This can go on indefinitely to allow long back-and-forth discussions.
  • Reply hierarchies can become deep on very active posts.
  • Use replies of replies judiciously to avoid excessive nesting.

So you’re not limited to replying just to original comments – nested replies can develop into branching conversational threads.

Can You Tag Someone in a Facebook Reply?

Yes, you can tag people in your Facebook replies using @ mentions:

  • Type @ followed immediately by the person’s name.
  • Choose from the list of matching names that auto-populates.
  • The tagged person will be notified of your reply.
  • You can include multiple @ mentions in the same reply.
  • Tagging is handy for directing replies at specific people.

Tagging someone in a reply is useful when you want a particular person to see your comment in an ongoing discussion.

Can You Reply to Your Own Comments?

Replying to your own comments is possible on Facebook:

  • Find a comment you posted and select “Reply.”
  • Your new reply will be nested under your original comment.
  • You’ll essentially be responding publicly to your own remark.
  • This could be used to add updates or additional thoughts.
  • It’s not typically recommended to reply to yourself.

While permitted, replying to your own comment is unusual and generally unnecessary. Most people refrain from doing this.

Can You Quote a Comment in a Reply?

You cannot directly quote someone’s comment in a Facebook reply currently. However, there are a few workarounds:

  • Paraphrase the relevant comment content in your reply.
  • Take a screenshot of the comment and include it in your reply.
  • Use copy/paste to insert the actual text of the comment.
  • Tag the user you are quoting to alert them.
  • Make clear you are responding to a specific comment.

While Facebook doesn’t have a built-in quote feature yet, you can still reference specific remarks when replying through careful phrasing and attribution.

Can You Reply to Deleted Comments?

If someone deletes one of their comments, you can no longer directly reply to it on Facebook:

  • The deleted comment will show as “Comment Removed.”
  • Any existing replies will remain, though without context.
  • You cannot add new replies to deleted comments.
  • Replying is only possible on active undeleted comments.
  • Deleted comments lose their place in the reply hierarchy.

So if the comment you want to respond to is deleted, your only option is to add a new top-level comment on the overall post.

Can You Report Inappropriate Replies?

If someone is abusing the reply feature, you can report their comment on Facebook:

  • Click the three dots next to the reply and select “Report.”
  • Choose why you think the reply violates Facebook policies.
  • This will alert Facebook moderators to review the content.
  • Enough valid reports may result in the reply being deleted.
  • Reporting should be reserved for replies that are clearly inappropriate.

Reporting provides a way to flag abusive replies so Facebook can take action if they determine the content violates community standards.

Facebook Reply vs Twitter Reply

Facebook and Twitter replies have some similarities but also key differences:

Facebook Reply Twitter Reply
Threaded beneath comment being replied to Nested chronologically in one conversational thread
Can directly reply to any individual comment Replies always to parent tweet
Original commenter is notified Original tweeter is not always notified
Works on posts and images Works on tweets and retweets
No character limit Limited to 280 characters

While both platforms allow replying, Facebook organizes replies in threads while Twitter nests them chronologically in one unified conversation.


Facebook’s reply feature creates threaded conversations under posts by linking responses directly to the comments they are addressing. Replying helps keep dialogues better organized, makes large discussions easier to follow, and ensures the intended recipient of your response is notified. When used effectively, replying can lead to more meaningful engagement between users on Facebook.