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What is Facebook rate limit error?

What is Facebook rate limit error?

Facebook rate limit error occurs when you send too many requests to Facebook servers within a short period of time. When this happens, Facebook will block your requests temporarily to protect their systems from overuse. This is known as hitting Facebook’s rate limits.

What causes the Facebook rate limit error?

There are a few main causes of Facebook rate limit errors:

  • Sending too many API requests – If you are making calls to Facebook’s Graph API too quickly, you may exceed their rate limits. Facebook allows applications to make a certain number of requests per minute/hour before rate limiting.
  • Performing too many actions in a short period – Actions like posting, commenting, liking, and sharing also have rate limits. Doing too many actions too quickly can result in hitting a rate limit.
  • Making requests from too many IP addresses – Facebook rate limits are applied across IP addresses. If you spread requests across many IPs, each one may hit its limit.
  • Spammy activity – Suspicious activity that looks like spam can trigger rate limiting.

Essentially any activity that is deemed as abuse of Facebook’s APIs or features can lead to rate limit issues. They have these limits in place to prevent their services from being overwhelmed.

What do the different Facebook rate limit error messages mean?

When you exceed Facebook’s rate limits, you may see different error messages including:

  • HTTP 429 – Too many requests: This means you have sent too many requests over a short period of time and have been temporarily blocked.
  • HTTP 403 – Too many calls: Similar to the 429 error, this indicates too many API calls within a period.
  • HTTP 400 – Application request limit reached: Your application has exceeded the request quota allotted by Facebook.
  • HTTP 503 – Service unavailable: Servers are overloaded. This could be due to too many requests.
  • “You’re Temporarily Blocked”: When manually using Facebook, this indicates you performed too many actions and are now blocked.

These different error codes and messages all indicate you have exceeded one of Facebook’s various rate limits. The specifics may vary but the root cause is the same – too many requests or actions in a short window of time.

How long do Facebook rate limit blocks last?

When you are rate limited by Facebook, the block duration depends on a few factors:

  • Type of rate limit – Some blocks may last seconds while others could be hours or days.
  • History of violations – If it is your first violation, the block may be short. Repeated violations lead to longer blocks.
  • Severity of violation – More excessive abuse results in longer blocks.

In most cases for first-time violations, Facebook rate limits will be in effect for only minutes or hours before normal access is restored. But in severe repeat violation scenarios, blocks could potentially last for days or longer.

Here are some typical blocking durations:

Type of Limit Typical Block Duration
Too many API calls 10 minutes – 1 hour
Too many log in attempts 1-24 hours
App request limit 1 hour
Too many actions 1-7 days
Suspected spam 1 day – 1 week

For normal usage, rate limit blocks should only be temporary. Just ease up on requests during the block period and access will be restored.

How can I prevent getting blocked by Facebook rate limits?

Here are some tips to avoid Facebook API and action rate limit errors:

  • Understand Facebook’s rate limits – Know the limits for the APIs, features, and actions you are using.
  • Add throttling/buffer – Build in delays and limits in your code to space out requests.
  • Randomize requests – Avoid bot detection by randomizing timing of requests.
  • Batch API requests when possible – Use the batch endpoint to combine multiple requests into one.
  • Cache data – Store data you retrieve to avoid unnecessary API fetches.
  • Spread requests across IPs – Prevent concentrating limits on one IP address.
  • Handle errors and backoffs – Pause your app and backoff if you get blocked.

Following Facebook’s published rate limiting guidelines, implementing buffers in your code, caching, and error handling will help minimize the risk of getting blocked.

How can I track and monitor Facebook rate limits?

Facebook provides the following tools to monitor your app’s rate limit usage and status:

  • Rate limit emails – Enable to get emails when your app hits certain rate thresholds.
  • App dashboard – Monitor error rates and limits in the developer dashboard for your app.
  • API response headers – Headers like x-app-usage and x-page-usage show usage stats.
  • Limit headersx-ad-account-usage and x-business-use-case-usage headers show per-endpoint limits.
  • Error codes – 429, 403, and other codes indicate you hit a rate limit.

Enabling rate limit emails, regularly checking your app dashboard, and monitoring headers and error codes will help you track your app’s rate limit usage and catch issues.

What can I do if my Facebook account gets temporarily blocked?

If your personal Facebook account gets blocked due to exceeding rate limits, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Wait out the block period. Avoid logging in until the block expires.
  2. Use the Confirm Your Identity process to confirm your account.
  3. Appeal the block if you think it was a mistake.
  4. Avoid actions that triggered the block initially like spamming or automation tools.
  5. Strengthen account security by enabling two-factor authentication.
  6. Merge multiple accounts into one if switching accounts caused the block.

Patience during the block period, avoiding harmful activities that trigger blocks, and securing your account are your best remedies. Appealing is also an option if you feel the block was incorrect.


In summary, Facebook rate limiting blocks occur when too many requests or actions are performed within a short window of time. Typical block durations are in minutes or hours. Sticking within published rate limits, implementing buffers and delays, handling errors, and monitoring your app usage are key to avoiding blocks. If your account gets blocked, wait out the restriction period and strengthen security to prevent repeat issues.