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What is Facebook partner program?

What is Facebook partner program?

The Facebook partner program allows publishers and content creators to monetize their content on Facebook. It provides opportunities to earn money from content posted on Facebook through advertising revenue share and other monetization products offered by Facebook.

How does the Facebook partner program work?

The Facebook partner program works by allowing publishers to monetize their content in a few ways:

  • In-stream ads – Partners can monetize video content on Facebook by enabling in-stream ads. This allows Facebook to insert ads into the videos and share the resulting ad revenue.
  • Branded content – Partners can tag brand content as “Branded content” and get paid by brands to create and post content promoting their products.
  • Instant Articles – Partners can publish instant articles which load faster than standard mobile web articles. These articles can show ads from Facebook Audience Network which partners earn a revenue share from.
  • Subscriptions – Partners can offer subscriptions to their loyal fans on Facebook to unlock premium content. Facebook takes a portion of the subscription revenue.

In addition, partners also get access to the following monetization tools:

  • Facebook Analytics – Provides insights into content performance on Facebook.
  • Rights Manager – Helps manage and protect intellectual property rights for content.
  • Instant Articles Analytics – Analytics for instant articles performance.
  • Branded Content Tool – Helps create branded content campaigns and tag posts.
  • Creator Studio – A dashboard for managing Pages and profiles as a content creator.

What are the requirements to join the Facebook partner program?

To join the Facebook partner program, publishers need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have an active Facebook Page with at least 10,000 followers.
  • Have posted at least 25 posts in the last 2 months.
  • Adhere to Facebook’s partner monetization policies and content guidelines.
  • Provide accurate ownership, contact and payment information.
  • Cannot be restricted by copyright or other legal notices.

In addition, the Facebook content should meet the following criteria:

  • High-quality, original content.
  • Content focuses on core interests of the target audience.
  • Consistent posting schedule.

What are the benefits of joining the Facebook partner program?

Some key benefits of joining Facebook’s partner program include:

  • Monetization of Facebook content – Earn a share of ad revenue from content.
  • New audience reach – Expand readership via Facebook’s large user base.
  • Tools & analytics – Get free access to content publishing and analytics tools.
  • Dedicated support – Get dedicated partner management and educational resources.
  • Branded content opportunities – Monetize via sponsored posts and branded content.
  • Promotional support – Eligible for financial incentives and marketing support.

What types of content are suitable for the Facebook partner program?

The Facebook partner program works well for publishers creating engaging content in a variety of verticals including:

  • News and journalism
  • Sports
  • Food
  • Comedy and humor
  • Gaming and esports
  • Beauty and fashion
  • Health and fitness
  • Music and entertainment
  • Tech
  • Science
  • Travel

Generally, informational, entertaining and interactive content works very well. Video content also tends to see significant engagement.

How much money can you make from the Facebook partner program?

The earning potential varies significantly based on factors like:

  • Amount of content published
  • Engagement and reach of content
  • Consistency of publishing
  • Ad demand and rates for content vertical
  • Use of high-value monetization formats like video and branded content

Some top creators can make millions per year through the partner program. Others may only make a few hundred dollars per month. On average, partners make $3-5 RPM (revenue per thousand impressions). Rates for content verticals like entertainment, sports and gaming tend to be higher.

What are some tips for maximizing earnings from the Facebook partner program?

Here are some tips publishers can follow to maximize their earnings:

  • Post highly engaging content consistently
  • Experiment with different content formats like video
  • Know your audience interests and create targeted content
  • Optimize content for on-platform discovery
  • Use best practices for headlines, thumbnails, captions
  • Leverage live video and Stories
  • Promote content off Facebook to grow reach
  • Analyze performance data in Creator Studio
  • Create branded content and sponsorships
  • Use mid-article recirculation units
  • Enable subscriptions for loyal followers

What are some best practices for content in the Facebook partner program?

Here are some top content best practices for publishers in the Facebook partner program:

  • Create emotional and interactive content – Posts that inspire reaction and discussion tend to get better reach.
  • Use video and live video – Video has 10X more reach potential than links or photos.
  • Post consistently – To build a loyal audience and maximize earnings, maintain a consistent posting schedule.
  • Write compelling headlines – Use emotional headlines with curiosity gaps that make readers click.
  • Optimize thumbnail visuals – Bright, high-contrast thumbnails with people’s faces will get more clicks.
  • Cross-promote posts – Share your best content across your Pages and profiles.
  • Integrate calls-to-action – Motivate click-throughs with clear CTAs like “Read more”.
  • Engage with comments – Responding to comments boosts engagement.
  • Analyze metrics – Use Creator Studio to identify best-performing content types and styles.

Example Headline Formulas

  • X weird facts about [topic]
  • Only X% of people know [fact]
  • We tried [activity] for X days. This happened…
  • [number] [adjective] photos of [subject]
  • The secret way to [achieve something]

Ideal Posting Frequency

1-2 posts per day is optimal for most publishers to maximize reach while maintaining quality.

What tools can you use to manage your Facebook partner program content?

Facebook provides partners with powerful tools to publish, analyze and manage content:

  • Creator Studio – Central hub to manage Pages, profiles and monitor content performance.
  • Rights Manager – Helps you manage copyrights and ownership of content.
  • Instant Articles Tool – Enables creation of fast-loading Instant Articles.
  • Video Producer – Produce high-quality vertical videos optimized for mobile News Feed.
  • Creator app – Schedule and publish content on the go from your mobile device.

Third-party tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social can also help manage content publishing.

What are some ways to get accepted into the Facebook partner program?

Here are some tips that can help get accepted into Facebook’s partner program:

  • Build a Facebook audience of at least 10,000 followers
  • Create consistent, high-quality content
  • Have a predominately video-based content strategy
  • Promote your best content via ads to expand reach
  • Follow Facebook’s content policies and posting guidelines
  • Provide all required registration information accurately
  • Ensure your Page meets Facebook’s partner eligibility standards
  • Stick to a clear content niche and target audience
  • Respond to all communications from Facebook
  • If rejected, reapply after improving your content and audience

Meeting the base eligibility criteria is the first step. Creating content that builds an engaged audience on Facebook is key for acceptance.

What content restrictions apply to the Facebook partner program?

Facebook has strict content policies and guidelines partners must adhere to. Restricted content includes:

  • Nudity/sexual content
  • Hate speech, bullying, harassment
  • Violent, graphic or shocking content
  • Illegal or dangerous content
  • Spam, false information, scams
  • Infringing on intellectual property rights
  • Regulated goods and services
  • Sexually suggestive content

Facebook also prohibits artificially inflating distribution, encouraging likes, shares or clicks, and other inauthentic growth tactics. Partners must maintain a Page admin team to actively manage comments and content.

Detailed Content Guidelines

Facebook provides detailed content guidelines and restrictions in their Pages, Groups and Events Policies and Branded Content Policies. Partners are expected to review and comply with all applicable standards.

Can you get kicked out of the Facebook partner program?

Yes, partners can get kicked out of the Facebook partner program if they violate the platform’s content policies or terms of service. Common reasons partners get removed include:

  • Posting prohibited content like hate speech, nudity etc.
  • Using engagement bait techniques like overusing prompts for likes, comments and shares.
  • Using ad farms or like farms to inflate metrics.
  • Scraping content or intellectual property violations.
  • Using misleading or false information in content.
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service repeatedly.
  • Not adhering to partner program policies and guidelines.
  • Significant drops in distribution and reach over time.

Facebook will issue warnings about policy violations before terminating partner status. Partners should take corrective actions immediately to avoid removal.


The Facebook partner program provides publishers and creators a powerful monetization channel for content on Facebook. By creating high-quality, engaging content optimized for on-platform discovery and following best practices, partners can build reach while earning revenue from content. Maintaining a compliant, well-managed Pages presence and following platform policies is key for long-term success and sustainability in the program. With over 3 billion monthly active users on Facebook, the partner program offers massive monetization potential for eligible publishers.