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What is Facebook page zip code?

What is Facebook page zip code?

The Facebook page zip code is a location setting that allows Facebook users to specify a geographic region for their Page. This zip code does not necessarily have to match the physical address of the business or organization – it is used to target ads and help users find local Pages based on location searches.

Why do Facebook Pages have zip codes?

Facebook introduced zip codes for Pages so businesses and organizations could easily target their posts and ads to users in specific geographic regions. Here are some of the main reasons Facebook uses page zip codes:

  • Allow users to search for and find local Pages in their area
  • Let Pages target ads and posts to users within a certain distance of the page’s zip code
  • Help Facebook understand the geographic area a Page serves for review screens and enforcement
  • Allow Pages to identify their service regions and connect with local users
  • Provide location context and signals for machine learning systems

Overall, the page zip code gives Facebook additional location data to improve ad targeting, connections between users and businesses, and its platform recommendations and integrity efforts.

How to set a Facebook page zip code

Setting a zip code for a Facebook Page is easy and can be done in a few steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar
  2. Click “Page Info” in the left column
  3. Scroll down to the “Location” section
  4. Enter the 5-digit zip code you want to associate with your Page
  5. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom

Once saved, this zip code will be connected to your Page and used for targeting and recommendations. You can change it at any time by following the same steps.

Tips for selecting your page zip code

Here are some tips when choosing a zip code for your Facebook Page:

  • Use the primary zip code for your business location if you have a physical address
  • Select a zip code in the region you serve or target if you don’t have a physical address
  • Avoid using inaccurate location data which violates Facebook’s policies
  • Consider using the zip code where most of your customers/fans are located
  • Test a few different zip codes to see if they improve your local reach and results
  • Focus on zip codes where you do business or have a customer base
  • Avoid random or far away zip codes that have no relevance for your Page

Optimizing your page zip code can help you maximize your local audience and engagement on Facebook. Be thoughtful in your selection and tweak it as needed to drive results.

How Facebook uses page zip codes

Facebook uses page zip codes in a few key ways, including:

  • Localizing pages in searches – Pages in a user’s zip code may appear higher in results
  • Ad targeting – Pages can target ads to users within a radius of the page zip code
  • Location-based Page Suggestions – Users may see Pages near them in recommendations
  • Review Screens – Part of ensuring legitimate location data for integrity checks
  • Page Feed Targeting – Pages can target posts to users near their zip code
  • Metrics and Insights – Page owner can view local follower demographics and activity

So while page zip codes are not displayed to users, they do inform how Facebook targets content and connects local users. Setting an accurate code benefits both Page owners and their potential customers.

Examples of good Facebook page zip code practices

Here are some examples of appropriate uses of page zip codes on Facebook:

  • A local restaurant sets their zip to the code of their actual business address
  • A regional campaign targets voters by using a zip code in their district
  • A university uses the zip code where the majority of students live off-campus
  • A national brand sets specific codes based on their store/franchise locations
  • A online business targets customers in zip codes where orders originate

The key in these examples is the zip code has a genuine geographic connection to where the Page does business or interacts with target users. The code reflects where engagement will realistically occur.

Poor page zip code practices

Examples of inappropriate uses of page zip codes include:

  • A business randomly choosing a distant or inaccurate zip code
  • Setting the code to 00000 or another dummy value
  • A Page switching between multiple different codes to test results
  • Using the zip code of a PO Box or mailing address with no physical presence
  • A local Page targeting a distant area where they have no customers or community

These practices violate the intention behind page zip codes and may be flagged by Facebook review systems. Choose codes that honestly reflect your Page’s location and audience.

What happens if you don’t set a Facebook page zip code?

If you don’t proactively set a page zip code, here is what will happen:

  • Your Page will not have a zip code associated with it by default
  • You lose the ability to target ads and posts to local audiences
  • Users will not see your content highlighted in location-based searches and recommendations
  • It may impact eligibility for certain location-based features
  • Facebook’s algorithms have less location signals to utilize for your Page

While not required, taking the time to set a page zip code optimizes your Page for local marketing and connections. Otherwise you miss out on the location-based targeting options.

Can you change your Facebook page zip code?

Yes, page owners can change their Facebook Page zip code at any time. Simply follow the steps to edit the page info and enter a new 5-digit zip code.

Things to keep in mind when changing page zip codes:

  • Ads and scheduled posts will need to be updated to the new location
  • It may take some time for the new code to reflected across all of Facebook’s systems
  • Don’t repeatedly switch between different zip codes, as this appears inauthentic
  • The previous zip code may still appear in your Page’s search history and reviews

As your business location or customer base shifts over time, keeping your page zip code up to date will ensure optimal ad targeting and discovery by nearby users. But frequent changes for experimentation should be avoided.

Can you set multiple zip codes for a Facebook Page?

No, Facebook currently only allows Pages to have one associated zip code. However, there are a couple workarounds:

  • Use a central zip code that targets your broader service area
  • Create localized Pages with unique zip codes for each region you serve
  • Advertise to a wider radius (e.g. 25 miles) around your page zip code
  • Create ad campaigns targeted to different zip code locations

While you can’t select multiple codes directly on the Page, strategic use of one central code or targeted ads can still help you reach users across a wider local area.

Do Facebook page zip codes show publicly?

No, Facebook does not display page zip codes publicly to users. The code is only visible to the Page admin in the settings and used internally by Facebook’s systems. Followers of your Page will not see the associated zip code.

However, any addresses you list publicly on the Page info or in posts are visible. Be consistent with the zip code location to avoid confusion. But the page zip code itself remains private.

Can a Facebook page zip code be different than the business address?

Yes, Facebook allows page zip codes to be different from the physical business location. This gives more flexibility when targeting locally.

Some valid reasons for them not matching:

  • Business is virtual/online with no physical address
  • Page represents a region or zone rather than one site
  • Targeting customers, not location of HQ/office
  • Page zip better reflects service area or majority of users

The page zip code does not have to match office or legal registration addresses. It ideally reflects the area you do business and interact with followers. But consistency across public info is encouraged.

Is Facebook page zip code required?

No, Facebook does not require Pages to have a zip code set. It is optional and can be left blank if desired.

However, there are benefits to setting a page zip code including:

  • Localized ad targeting
  • Location-based page suggestions
  • Connecting with followers in your region
  • Viewing local follower demographics
  • Increased chances of surface in nearby user searches

So while not required, having an accurate page zip code optimized for your goals is recommended. It allows you to take full advantage of Facebook’s location-based services.

What if you enter the wrong Facebook page zip code?

If you mistakenly set your Facebook page zip code to the wrong location, you can easily update it with the correct code. Just go back into your page settings and edit the zip to reflect the proper region you want to target.

Be aware that:

  • Previously targeted ads may need adjusting
  • Analytics may take time to update to the new location
  • It can take a while for changes to propagate through Facebook’s systems

Page owners should be thoughtful in selecting an optimal zip code upfront. But the ability to change it provides flexibility as needs evolve. Just try to avoid frequent location swapping without cause.

Should business pages have the same zip code?

For companies or organizations with multiple business pages, it’s generally recommended they have consistent zip codes unless they serve very different geographic areas.

Some cases where unique page zip codes make sense:

  • Franchise locations in different cities/regions
  • Regional/local chapters of a larger entity
  • Distinct divisions or entities serving different zones

But for subsidiary pages relating to the same overall business, consistent zip codes keep things simple. Just be sure they accurately reflect the true service area and customer base for each unique page.

What about Facebook pages with no physical location?

Virtual pages with no physical address can still benefit from having a Facebook zip code. It provides a geographic target area for people and places the page is relevant to.

Tips for non-location-based pages:

  • Use the area you are based in or identify with
  • Target where your follower base is concentrated
  • Select regions where you do most of your business
  • Avoid completely random or inaccurate zip codes

Even without a real location, thoughtful use of zip codes allows better ad targeting and connects you with the communities your page is meaningful to.

Pro tips for optimizing your page zip code

Optimization best practices for Facebook page zip codes include:

  • Set a code on page creation for immediate optimal performance
  • Analyze follower locations to see where they are concentrated
  • Test ad performance for different zip code targets
  • Reflect locations your business has a real presence and customer base
  • Avoid codes in areas completely unrelated to your page
  • Update as your physical locations or audience shifts over time

Like any powerful platform feature, page zip codes achieve maximum impact when aligned with your real business objectives and audience. Set appropriately, they can unlock huge local marketing potential.


Facebook page zip codes, while not visible publicly, provide key location targeting capabilities and signals for optimized performance. Businesses both large and small can benefit from thoughtful zip code selection tailored to their real service areas and follower bases. When utilized properly, page zip codes help connect people with the local pages most relevant to them.