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What is Facebook page verification?

What is Facebook page verification?

Facebook page verification is the process of confirming the authenticity of a Facebook page or profile to Facebook. It allows Facebook to verify that the person or organization claiming to own a page is who they say they are. This is done by providing proof of ownership such as a phone number, business email address, business license, or government ID.

Why is Facebook page verification important?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook page verification is important:

  • It helps build trust and credibility with your audience by showing them you are a real person or organization.
  • It gives you access to certain Facebook features such as the blue verification badge, increased distribution of your posts, the ability to run certain types of ads, and more.
  • It makes it harder for fake or imposter pages to impersonate your brand and mislead your audience.
  • It satisfies Facebook’s authenticity policies and prevents your page from being disabled for violating their Terms of Service.

In summary, page verification helps prove you are who you say you are and unlocks more features and credibility for your Facebook presence.

What are the requirements for Facebook page verification?

To qualify for page verification, you must:

  • Be an admin of the Facebook page you want to verify.
  • Provide proof to confirm you or your business/organization are the official representation of the page name and content.
  • Have a profile in good standing that follows Facebook’s policies.
  • Meet Facebook’s authenticity and activity thresholds.

The main proof sources Facebook accepts are:

  • Confirmed phone number
  • Confirmed email address matching your domain name
  • Business incorporation documents
  • Website featuring the page info
  • Government-issued ID
  • Wikipedia page featuring the page info

Meeting these requirements allows Facebook to confirm you are authorized to represent the brand, product, or entity that the page is about.

How do you request Facebook page verification?

Here are the steps to request verification for your Facebook page:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings” in the top right.
  2. Click “Page Verification” in the left column.
  3. Choose the option to “Get Verified” and select the method you want to verify with.
  4. Enter your confirmation information when prompted such as phone number, email address, business documents, etc.
  5. Click “Submit” and wait for Facebook to review your request.
  6. Check back after some time to see if Facebook has verified your page.

The verification process can take a few days or weeks in some cases. Facebook reviews each request manually, so be patient. Having complete and accurate information speeds up the process.

What happens after Facebook verifies your page?

Once Facebook finishes the verification process, here are some of the benefits your page can receive:

  • The blue verification badge is added next to your page name or profile photo.
  • Your page receives a higher ranking in some search results.
  • Your page’s posts may appear more prominently in user feeds.
  • You gain access to Facebook monetization programs and certain ad options.
  • Users get a notification when they like or follow your verified page.
  • It satisfies Facebook’s terms for creating certain types of official pages such as government, media, and brand pages.

In summary, the blue verification badge and search boost make your page seem more legitimate and trustworthy to users. And you gain more options for organic reach, monetization, and advertising.

What if your verification request gets rejected?

Some common reasons for Facebook rejecting a verification request include:

  • You don’t meet the minimum requirements for verification.
  • The documentation provided is insufficient to confirm your identity.
  • The page name, info, or content violates Facebook policies.
  • Facebook suspects the page violates their terms such as being inauthentic or a fake account.
  • The page is dormant or has low activity.

If your request gets rejected, go through the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you meet all eligibility criteria for verification.
  • Double check the documentation you provided meets Facebook’s requirements.
  • Update your page with complete and accurate information.
  • Remove any policy-violating content.
  • Boost your page activity with consistent posting and engagement.

Allow some time to pass and then re-submit your verification request. Providing as much legitimate and accurate info as possible gives you the best chance for success.

Can you appeal if your verification gets rejected?

If your Facebook page verification gets rejected, you can appeal the decision within 30 days. Here are tips for a successful appeal:

  • Carefully review the rejection reason provided by Facebook.
  • Make any necessary changes to fix the issue identified.
  • Gather additional proof documents to further confirm your identity.
  • Write a clear explanation of why your page deserves verification.
  • Submit the appeal form and provide your updated documentation.
  • Follow up if you do not hear back after several weeks.

Focus your appeal on addressing Facebook’s exact concerns and providing a strong case for why your page is genuine. New evidence proving official status often helps overturn rejections when submitted through the proper appeal channel.

Can you get the blue verification badge without being verified?

No, the blue verification badge is only available on Facebook if your page or profile goes through the official verification process. There is no setting to simply add or enable the blue badge manually.

Displaying a fake verification badge or attempting to misrepresent verification status goes against Facebook’s rules. It could potentially lead to your page being penalized or banned.

Should businesses verify their Facebook page?

Verifying a business Facebook page is highly recommended for several reasons:

  • The blue badge builds trust and credibility with customers.
  • It prevents fake pages from impersonating the business.
  • Verification unlocks additional tools and features on Facebook.
  • It helps the page stand out in crowded markets.
  • Facebook rewards verified pages with better distribution and reach.

The verification process takes some time and effort up front. But it adds long-term value by reassuring visitors the page is authentic and improving visibility in the Facebook ecosystem.

Do verified pages get more reach?

Yes, Facebook does give verified pages a boost in reach and distribution in several ways:

  • Verified pages may rank higher in searches on Facebook.
  • Posts from verified pages may appear more prominently in user feeds.
  • Users get notified when interacting with verified pages, driving engagement.
  • Verification meets requirements to access certain paid reach options.

These advantages stem from Facebook having confidence the page represents a real business or entity. The blue badge signals people can trust the page’s content, so Facebook shows it to more users.

Can you verify a personal Facebook profile?

Facebook allows personal profiles to request verification in limited circumstances. Verification is mainly intended for:

  • Public figures
  • Celebrities
  • Major brands with named executives
  • Some government officials

For a personal profile to be verified, you must prove you are the official public figure claiming the account. Most average users do not qualify for profile verification.

Does verification help Facebook page ranking?

Yes, verification can improve a Facebook page’s ranking and visibility in a few notable ways:

  • The verification badge makes the page seem more authoritative, earning higher rankings in Facebook search results.
  • Having confirmed authenticity helps pages meet relevance factors Facebook’s algorithm looks for.
  • Verified pages are more likely to be designated as “official” pages by Facebook.
  • The increased user engagement that verification drives improves page authority metrics.

Both the manual credibility boost and algorithmic authority improvements from verification give the page an overall ranking lift. This makes the content more findable and visible to the target audience.

Can you pay for Facebook verification?

There is no way to simply pay Facebook to verify your page. Their verification process evaluates whether your page meets the authenticity standards to earn a blue badge organically.

Attempting to buy verification or use services that claim to offer it could get your page banned. Facebook’s process requires providing legitimate documentation proving official representation of your brand or organization.

Does verification help reach more people?

Yes, going through the Facebook verification process can expand your page’s reach to more users in the following ways:

  • The blue badge makes your page seem more authoritative and trustworthy.
  • Verified pages may appear higher in News Feed and searches.
  • Users get notified when they engage with a verified page.
  • It meets requirements for reaching broader audiences through ads.
  • Your established authenticity satisfies Facebook’s policies.

Facebook wants to show users content from pages it can confirm are genuine. Verification gives Facebook confidence to distribute your posts to a larger percentage of your audience and beyond.

Should I get my Facebook page verified?

Verifying a Facebook page delivers several benefits that make it worth the effort for most public pages:

  • The blue badge makes your page seem more legitimate and trustworthy.
  • It helps prevent impersonation by fake pages.
  • You gain access to additional Facebook tools and monetization options.
  • Verified pages receive a reach boost from Facebook’s algorithm.
  • It protects your reputation and satisfies Facebook’s rules.

The only downside is the time and documentation required for verification. Overall, getting verified conveys authority, enhances visibility, and boosts the page’s credibility.

Do verified pages show up first in Facebook search?

Facebook does give some search ranking preference to verified pages, but verification does not guarantee the top spot. Other factors that influence rankings include:

  • Relevance to the search terms
  • Authority and popularity of the page
  • User engagement and interactions
  • Quality of the page content

So verification helps improve ranking, but is not the only factor. Optimizing your content and engagement is still necessary to outrank other reputable and active pages in your niche.

Can you request verification for any Facebook page?

You can request verification for most legitimate Facebook pages, but some types will be rejected automatically. Facebook may deny verification for pages that:

  • Represent an individual person without public figure status
  • Have an extremely small audience or limited reach
  • Are inactive, fake or violate Facebook policies
  • Cannot adequately prove official status or authentication
  • Are fan pages about brands without brand authorization

Facebook evaluates criteria like audience size, updates, authenticity and topic focus to determine eligibility. Popular public figure, business and organization pages normally qualify if properly documented.

Is verification required for Facebook advertising?

Having a verified page is not an absolute requirement to run ads on Facebook. However, verification does unlock certain advanced advertising options such as:

  • National level political and election ads
  • Ads promoting prescription pharmaceuticals and health insurance
  • Ads targeting sensitive topics like social issues or tragedies

For full access to Facebook’s ad tools and targeting capabilities, going through the verification process is highly recommended. But regular self-serve ads are available to all pages and advertisers.


Facebook page verification establishes official recognition of your brand, organization, or public persona on the world’s largest social network. The blue badge and access it provides to enhanced features and distribution help take your Facebook presence to the next level. While not absolutely required, verification delivers significant benefits and protections that make the effort worthwhile for qualified public pages.