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What is Facebook Insights API?

What is Facebook Insights API?

The Facebook Insights API allows developers to access analytics data for Facebook Pages, Apps, and Domains. It provides valuable metrics like page views, post reach, demographics, and more. With the Insights API, developers can build custom analytics tools and integrate Facebook data into business intelligence platforms.

What can you do with Facebook Insights API?

Here are some of the key things you can do with the Facebook Insights API:

  • Get metrics for Facebook Pages – Views, likes, reach, engagement etc.
  • Get metrics for Facebook apps – Daily and monthly active users, demographics etc.
  • Get metrics for Facebook domains – Total and organic reach, post clicks, impressions etc.
  • Analyze how your content is performing – Best performing types of posts, when your fans are online etc.
  • Compare multiple Facebook entities – Pages, apps, domains etc.
  • Build custom analytics dashboards and reports
  • Integrate Facebook data into business intelligence tools like Tableau, Looker, Power BI etc.
  • Develop analytics mobile apps using Facebook data
  • Create visualizations and charts from Facebook metrics
  • Perform sentiment analysis on comments
  • Analyze your audience and users – Location, gender, age breakdowns etc.

In summary, the Insights API opens up the wealth of data within Facebook for developers to leverage for custom analytics and business intelligence. The capabilities are extremely powerful.

What metrics does the Facebook Insights API provide?

The Facebook Insights API provides a wide range of metrics across these categories:

Page Metrics

  • Page views
  • Page previews
  • Page likes
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Video views
  • Checkins
  • Demographics – Age, gender, location etc.

Post Metrics

  • Post reach
  • Post impressions
  • Engaged users
  • Likes, comments, shares
  • Hide, report spam, unlike page etc.
  • Click throughs
  • Video views
  • Photo views

Referral Metrics

  • External referrals
  • Traffic sources
  • Keyword analysis

And many more metrics across these categories. The full list is available in the Facebook Insights API documentation.

How does the Facebook Insights API work?

Here is a quick overview of how the Facebook Insights API works:

  1. Register as a Facebook developer and create an app
  2. Get an access token to make API calls
  3. Make API calls to fetch analytics data from Facebook
  4. Pass parameters like date ranges, metrics, breakdowns etc. to configure API requests
  5. Response returns JSON data for the requested metrics
  6. Process and analyze the JSON data
  7. Build analytics apps and visualizations using the data

The API uses OAuth for authentication and returns data in JSON format. There are also options to retrieve data in CSV or XML.

What are the limitations of Facebook Insights API?

Some key limitations and things to note about the Facebook Insights API include:

  • Rate limits – Can only make 200 requests per hour per access token
  • Delayed data – Metrics are delayed by 24-48 hours
  • No real-time data – Only historical data is available
  • Page level access only – Cannot get insights for individual posts
  • Lifetime totals only – No historical timeseries data
  • Limited demographics – Does not provide detailed segmentation

So while powerful, the API does not provide real-time or post-level data. Rate limits and data delays need to be factored in when designing applications.

What are some examples of using the Insights API?

Here are a few examples of how developers can use the Facebook Insights API:

Analytics Dashboard

Build a custom dashboard that shows key metrics like page views, post reach, demographics etc. for multiple Facebook pages. Allow filtering by date ranges and metric types.

Facebook Performance Tracker

Develop a mobile app that lets users track the performance of their Facebook pages. Show metrics like follower growth, engagement, and compare between pages.

Top Posts Tool

An app that shows the top performing posts for a Facebook page over a given time period. Rank them by reach, engagement, video views etc.

Facebook BI Integrations

Plug Facebook Insights data into business intelligence and data analytics platforms like Tableau, Looker, Power BI etc. to merge with other marketing data.

Automated Reporting

Build a script that generates customized PDF reports of key Facebook page metrics on a scheduled basis. Share to stakeholders via email or Slack.

These are just a few ideas, the possibilities are vast with the amount of data available in the Insights API.

How can you get access to the Facebook Insights API?

Here are the steps to get access to the Facebook Insights API:

  1. Register as a Facebook developer at
  2. Create a Facebook app and get an App ID and App Secret
  3. Generate an access token using the App ID, App Secret, and your Facebook user account
  4. Whitelist your app domains in App Dashboard if making calls from a web/mobile app
  5. Go through the review process if your app is public
  6. Start making Insights API calls! Begin with the /me/insights endpoint

Be sure to thoroughly read through the Facebook documentation for all the specifics on authentication, permissions, and usage policies when implementing your solution.

What are some best practices for using the API?

Some best practices to follow when using the Facebook Insights API include:

  • Implement proper authentication and SSL
  • Watch your API request rate limits
  • Cache API responses when possible
  • Handle errors and data delays gracefully
  • Follow Facebook’s brand guidelines
  • Provide context alongside your analytics
  • Adhere to Facebook’s data and privacy policies
  • Consider using the Marketing API as well for ad data
  • Stay up to date with changes through Developer Blog and Changelog

Following Facebook’s guidelines for proper API usage and providing context for analytics helps ensure your application provides value to users while staying compliant.


The Facebook Insights API opens up a wealth of analytics data for developers. It enables the creation of powerful marketing tools and the integration of Facebook metrics into business intelligence platforms. However, it does have limitations around access levels and data recency. Following best practices for implementation and making contextually relevant analytics delivers maximum value.