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What is Facebook header image size?

What is Facebook header image size?

Having the right Facebook header image size is crucial for creating an effective cover photo that engages your audience. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users on Facebook, your cover photo is valuable real estate for conveying your brand visually. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the recommended Facebook header image size and dimensions for desktop, mobile and tablets in 2023.

Facebook Header Image Size for Desktop

For desktop displays, your Facebook header size should be 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. This 820 x 312 pixel image size allows your cover photo to display correctly across different desktop screen resolutions and devices. Here are some key guidelines for creating a desktop Facebook header image:

  • Width: 820 pixels
  • Height: 312 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 2.63:1 (820:312)
  • File size: under 100 KB
  • File format: JPG or PNG

The 820 pixel wide cover image will fill the full width of the desktop display. However, the height is capped at 312 pixels and the very bottom of the image will be cropped off for most users. Keep the key focal point and visual interest in the top half of your image.

Aim for high quality images that look crisp and visually engaging at 820 pixels wide. Poor quality images will look pixelated or blurry when stretched to full desktop width. Use photos with good lighting, color contrast, and compelling subject matter.

For text overlays, the safe area is within the left 165 x 312 pixel space. Avoid putting critical text or logos too far to the right since it may be cropped out on some displays.

Facebook compresses and processes your header images once uploaded. To ensure optimal quality, upload images no larger than 100 KB. Any transparent PNG files will be converted to JPG after processing.

Desktop Header Image Example

Here is an example 820 x 312 pixel Facebook header image optimized for desktop display:

This header image features a product shot on the left side within the safe overlay text region. The right side uses colorful graphics and gradients to catch the eye while also tapering off in visual complexity towards the right edge where cropping occurs.

Facebook Header Size for Mobile

For mobile devices like smartphones, the Facebook header image size is different than desktop. Phones have much smaller screens, so mobile cover photos are displayed at 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall. Here are the key mobile header specifications:

  • Width: 640 pixels
  • Height: 360 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 (640:360)
  • File size: under 100 KB
  • File format: JPG or PNG

Similar to desktop, the full 640 pixel width will be used to display the image. But only the top 360 vertical pixels will be shown with cropping on the bottom. Place important information and visuals higher up within the safe overlay text zone of about 160 x 360 pixels.

Use high resolution photos that will look sharp and vibrant when scaled down to 640 pixels wide. Low resolution images will become blurry and pixelated on mobile.

Keep file sizes optimized for fast loading under 100 KB. Facebook will compress and convert images to JPG which degrades quality if starting with overly large files.

Mobile Header Image Example

Here is an example 640 x 360 pixel Facebook header image optimized for mobile display:

This mobile header focuses the visuals within the top safe overlay text area. The product and graphics are concentrated near the top to avoid important details being cropped out on mobile screens.

Facebook Header Size for Tablets

Tablets like iPads have screen sizes in between desktop and mobile. Therefore, the Facebook header size for tablets falls between the desktop and mobile dimensions. Here are the key specs for tablet cover photos:

  • Width: 828 pixels
  • Height: 315 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 2.63:1 (828:315)
  • File size: under 100 KB
  • File format: JPG or PNG

As you can see, the tablet width and height are slightly larger than mobile, but smaller than desktop. The safe overlay text area will be about 164 x 315 pixels tall.

Aim for crisp, high resolution images that won’t become pixelated or distorted at 828 pixels wide. Keep important visuals and text higher up to account for bottom cropping.

Optimize files under 100 KB before uploading for the best quality after Facebook compression. Larger files can result in excessive artifacts and noise.

Tablet Header Image Example

Here is an example Facebook header image sized for tablets at 828 x 315 pixels:

This tablet header image takes advantage of the slightly taller height compared to mobile. More of the product is shown while still keeping the most important visual details within the top safe overlay region.

Creating Responsive Facebook Headers

To save time, you can create a single Facebook header image that responsively adapts to desktop, mobile and tablet displays. Here are some tips for making responsive header images:

  • Size your image at 820 x 360 pixels to accommodate both desktop and mobile
  • Keep critical elements above 312 vertical pixels for desktop cropping
  • Concentrate important details within the 160 x 360 pixel mobile safe zone
  • Test your image by uploading to Facebook and viewing across devices
  • Add minor tweaks and upload new versions to perfect the responsive effect

With a responsive header image, you won’t have to design multiple versions to cater to different platforms. A single adaptable 820 x 360 image can display beautifully on any device or screen size.

Facebook Header Size: Aspect Ratios

When custom designing Facebook header images, the aspect ratio is an important consideration for how the image displays across different orientations. Here’s a recap of the header image aspect ratios:

  • Desktop: 2.63:1
  • Mobile: 16:9
  • Tablet: 2.63:1

Desktop and tablet use the same ultra wide 2.63:1 aspect ratio. Mobile is taller with a standard 16:9 widescreen ratio. If uploading the same image across platforms, choose aspect ratios between 2.63:1 to 16:9 for the most seamless fit.

Square 1:1 images will work but display with extra blank spacing on the sides. Vertical portraits and narrow compositions may become cropped or distorted on wider desktop and tablet screens.

Experiment to see which aspect ratios align closest with your brand visuals. The ultra wide 2.63:1 provides the most flexible single aspect ratio for responsive cross-platform headers.

Facebook Header Size Guide

To summarize Facebook’s current header image sizes for 2023:

Device Width Height Aspect Ratio
Desktop 820px 312px 2.63:1
Mobile 640px 360px 16:9
Tablet 828px 315px 2.63:1

Refer to this handy Facebook header size cheat sheet when creating your next cover photo design. Aim for high resolution images tailored to each platform for maximum visual impact.

Tips for Creating Engaging Facebook Headers

Beyond just having the right technical image specs, there are some helpful creative tips to make your Facebook header stand out:

  • Use eye-catching imagery relevant to your brand or products
  • Include promotional text sparingly in the safe overlay zone
  • Refresh your header regularly to feature new content or campaigns
  • Establish consistent branding with colors, logos, and style
  • Drive clicks to your website with a clear call-to-action
  • Experiment with different photos, graphics and text overlays
  • Analyze results and engagement to improve future headers

Your header image has a huge impact on first impressions for visitors landing on your Facebook page. Put your best face forward with a cover photo that captures attention and conveys your brand story.

Facebook Header Size: Conclusion

Your Facebook header image is key real estate for aesthetics and engagement. By following the recommended 820 x 312 pixel desktop size, 640 x 360 mobile size, and 828 x 315 tablet size, you can create cover photos tailored for each device.

Focus on producing high quality visuals free of pixelation, distortion, or artifacts. Position important graphics and text within the safe overlay space to avoid cropping.

And customize your headers to feature relevant new content instead of keeping a static image. Responsive cover photos save time while dynamically adapting across screens. With compelling Facebook headers that engage audiences, you can stand out from the crowd.