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What is Facebook feed video feeds?

What is Facebook feed video feeds?

Facebook feed video feeds allow users to view and share video content directly in their News Feed. When a Facebook user uploads a video or a Page or friend posts a video, it will appear in the News Feed so users can watch it without leaving Facebook.

Some key things to know about Facebook feed videos:

  • Videos auto-play as users scroll through their News Feed. The video starts playing automatically when scrolled into view.
  • Videos play muted by default. Users can click to unmute and adjust the volume.
  • Video posts include a preview image that users see before playing the video. This preview image is important for catching user attention.
  • Videos can be up to 240 minutes long and up to 4K resolution.
  • Users can react and comment on videos directly in the News Feed.
  • Page owners can run video ads that also appear in the News Feed and auto-play.

Feed video creates an immersive watching experience for users and provides a way for Pages and profiles to distribute video content to followers at scale.

Benefits of Feed Video for Viewers

There are several benefits Facebook feed video provides for viewers:


Videos are readily available in the News Feed so users don’t have to search for content or leave Facebook to watch videos. As users scroll, new videos continuously load allowing endless viewing.

Full Screen Watching

Users can click a feed video to expand it to full screen for a more immersive watching experience. Full screen minimizes distractions and focuses attention on the video content.

Volume Control

Users have the ability to unmute and control the volume of feed videos. They can play videos silently or enable sound as desired on a video-by-video basis.

Relevant Content

Facebook’s algorithm surfaces videos in each user’s feed based on their interests and activity. This creates a customized feed of relevant videos catered to the individual.


In addition to videos from connections, feed video exposes users to new video content from Pages and publishers expanding their horizons. The endless feed allows continuous discovery of new videos.

Benefits of Feed Video for Publishers

Feed video also provides significant benefits for Pages and publishers posting videos:

Native Environment

Feed video integrates seamlessly into the native Facebook viewing experience. Videos appear natively in the scrollable News Feed as users are accustomed to consuming content.

Built-in Audience

Pages and profiles can tap into Facebook’s built-in audience of billions of users. There’s no need to drive viewers to an external platform.

Targeting Capabilities

Facebook’s detailed targeting options allow video posters to zero in on specific demographics and interests that are most relevant for each video.


In-depth analytics and insights are available on video performance including views, completion rate, minutes watched, and more critical metrics.


Facebook offers several monetization options for video including in-stream ads, branded content, and fan funding. Page owners can earn revenue from their feed videos.

Distribution at Scale

Video content can reach a massive audience on Facebook. Viral videos have the potential to get viewed by millions of users globally via News Feed distribution.

Types of Videos on Facebook

There are several different types of video content that users will encounter directly in their Facebook feeds:

User Uploaded Videos

Users can upload videos directly to their personal timelines that will then appear in their followers’ feeds. Videos capture life moments and experiences to share visually with connections.

Page Videos

Pages post videos to their followers to promote their brand, products, content and more. Videos allow Pages to flaunt their personality and creative side through motion picture storytelling.

Suggested Videos

Based on information in users’ profiles, they may see suggested videos from publishers or Pages they don’t already follow. Facebook recommends relevant videos it thinks users will appreciate.

Live Videos

Live streaming video allows broadcasting events, performances, discussions, and more in real-time to Facebook feeds. Fans can comment and react to live videos as they happen.

360 Videos

360-degree videos provide an immersive experience by allowing users to pan around a spherical video that captures all directions. Viewers feel like they are inside the video environment.


Videos marked as a Premiere will air at a scheduled time as a live first viewing. Fans can watch together and comment on the simultaneous premiere like a movie or TV show.


Pages can pay to promote video ads that autoplay in user feeds. Advertisers create video ads specifically formatted for the Facebook feed.

Best Practices for Feed Video

To maximize views and engagement, here are some best practices to follow when posting videos to Facebook feeds:

Optimal Length

Videos less than 2 minutes long tend to get the most engagement on Facebook. Keep videos focused and concise around 1-2 minutes if possible.

Square Format

Videos display larger in feeds using a 1:1 square aspect ratio. Film videos vertically for mobile optimization.

Clear Audio

Ensure audio in videos is crisp, clear and at an adequate volume level. Viewers commonly watch videos muted but benefit from good sound.

Engaging Preview

The preview image displays prominently before playing the video. Use an eye-catching frame from the video to hook viewers.

Text Overlays

Include readable captions, subtitles or dynamic text overlays to keep viewers focused as the video plays.


Prompt viewers to take a specific action like visiting a website, signing up, or purchasing after watching the video.

Interactive Elements

Leverage polling, Q&A, links and other interactive components to keep audiences actively engaged with videos.

Optimizing Video Performance

To maximize viewership of feed videos:

Focused Targeting

Target video posts very specifically to only the audience most likely to watch, comment and share based on interests, demographics and profile data. Avoid overly broad targeting.

Peak Times

Post videos when followers are most active on Facebook. Typical peaks are mid-week around lunchtime or evenings.

Cards and Playlists

Use video playlists and cards to direct viewers to more of your videos and increase overall watch time.

Videos in Ads

Run video ads promoting the videos to expand reach beyond just your existing followers in News Feed.


Leverage other platforms like Instagram Stories, YouTube, email, and your website to point audiences to your Facebook videos.

Troubleshooting Feed Video Issues

Debugging Sound

If users complain about sound issues, re-check the original file to ensure proper audio levels and quality. Re-upload a corrected version if needed.

Buffering Problems

Buffering means slow internet connections are delaying video playback. Suggest users wait for the video to load or connect to WiFi for smoother streaming.

Expanding Reach

If video views seem lower than expected, broaden the target audience or boost visibility through paid distribution in ads.

Formatting Errors

Glitches like incorrect orientation or aspect ratio likely means the original file was formatted incorrectly before uploading. Fix and replace the video file.

Pixilation Issues

Low resolution videos may appear pixelated or blurry. For best quality, upload videos in HD 1080p or higher resolution like 4K.

Measuring Video Analytics

Facebook provides robust analytics so Page owners can track performance of their videos:

Metric Definition
Views Number of times video was viewed for at least 3 seconds
10-Second Views Number of views that lasted 10 seconds or longer
Completion Rate Percentage of views that resulted in complete video watches
Minutes Viewed Total number of minutes video was viewed
Avg Watch Time Average duration video was viewed per view
Reactions Total reactions like, love, wow, etc. on the video
Comments Number of text comments on the video
Shares Times viewers shared the video to their own feed

Analyzing this data helps optimize future video performance and engagement. Page owners can track trends over time and compare metrics across different videos.

Facebook Video Feed Rules and Guidelines

Facebook enforces rules and community standards regarding appropriate video content:

  • Videos must not contain nudity, graphic violence, hate speech, or illegal content
  • Copyrighted or unauthorized material is prohibited from videos
  • Misleading, false, or spammy video descriptions are not allowed
  • Videos should not make unsubstantiated or dangerous health claims
  • Videos must comply with local laws regarding defamation, privacy, and other rights

Violating these guidelines may lead to video removal or restrictions on account posting abilities. Page owners are responsible for monitoring user comments on their public videos.

Facebook Video Copyright Protection

Facebook employs technology to identify and restrict videos that infringe on copyright:

  • Automated systems scan videos against a database of copyrighted material
  • Copyright holders can report violations via online request forms
  • Page owners will receive notification of infringing videos requiring removal
  • Repeat copyright violations can lead to publishing restrictions or account suspension
  • Disputes over copyright claims should follow Facebook’s formal appeals process

Proactively, Page owners should only share original videos they have rights to post or properly licensed content. Unauthorized movie and TV clips often get flagged for removal.


Facebook feed video provides an immersive in-app viewing experience for billions of users while allowing publishers and advertisers to natively distribute video content. Optimizing videos based on key metrics and best practices leads to higher viewership and engagement. Following Facebook’s community standards helps maintain a safe, high-quality video environment on the platform. Managing rights and copyright helps avoid disruptions in video publishing abilities. Overall, feed video capabilities allow Facebook to dominate as a digital video distribution channel both for consumers and marketers.