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What is Facebook community Accelerator Program?

What is Facebook community Accelerator Program?

The Facebook Community Accelerator is an initiative by Facebook to provide training, mentorship, and funding to community leaders who are using Facebook tools to strengthen their communities. The goal of the program is to help leaders make an even bigger impact in their communities by expanding the reach of their work.

What does the Facebook Community Accelerator Program provide?

The Facebook Community Accelerator provides selected leaders with:

  • Hands-on training sessions focused on using Facebook tools, content best practices, fundamentals of community building, and leadership development.
  • Mentorship from Facebook employees and subject matter experts.
  • Up to $50,000 in funding for community initiatives.
  • Promotion on Facebook platforms to increase awareness of their work.
  • Networking opportunities with other leaders in the accelerator.

Who is eligible to apply for the Facebook Community Accelerator Program?

To be eligible for the Facebook Community Accelerator Program, applicants must:

  • Be a community leader with an active role in their community.
  • Be committed to remaining in their community for the long-term.
  • Have a Facebook presence and actively use Facebook tools.
  • Be able to attend all training sessions.

Ideal applicants are leaders who:

  • Are tackling challenging community issues.
  • Are highly motivated and resourceful.
  • Have a track record of mobilizing people and resources.
  • Have concrete plans to strengthen their communities.

What is the application process like?

The Facebook Community Accelerator application process consists of:

  1. Submitting an online application that includes information about the applicant, their community work, and how they plan to use Facebook tools to expand their impact.
  2. Participating in a video interview.
  3. Providing references.

Applications are evaluated based on the applicant’s commitment to community leadership, potential for impact, and ability to attend all training sessions.

When does the program take place?

The Facebook Community Accelerator Program takes place over a 6-month period, with 2 multi-day in-person training summits:

  • Kickoff Summit – At the start of the program. Focused on hands-on training, networking, and goal-setting.
  • Graduation Summit – At the end of the program. Focused on sharing progress, lessons learned, and next steps.

In between summits, participants receive remote mentoring and complete community initiatives supported by the funding provided.

What types of community leaders have participated in the past?

Past participants have included leaders tackling issues like:

  • Economic opportunity and entrepreneurship
  • Education and digital literacy
  • Food security and agriculture
  • Criminal justice reform
  • Immigration and refugees
  • Environmental justice
  • Public health
  • Racial justice and equity

They have represented communities globally, including in the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

What are some examples of past community initiatives supported?

Here are some examples of community initiatives that have received funding and support through the Facebook Community Accelerator Program:

  • A digital literacy program for elderly residents in rural Vermont to help them stay connected with loved ones online.
  • A community fridge program in Chicago expanding food access for those facing food insecurity.
  • An online support group in India for women recovering from substance abuse.
  • A social media campaign in Brazil to promote rainforest conservation efforts.
  • A farmer’s market in Kenya using Facebook tools to help vendors expand their customer base.
  • A coding camp for underserved youth in Los Angeles teaching tech skills.

What types of Facebook tools are participants trained on?

Participants receive hands-on training on utilizing Facebook tools like:

  • Facebook Groups – For community discussion and organizing.
  • Facebook Live and Video – For real-time broadcasting and storytelling.
  • Facebook Events – For planning in-person and online events.
  • Fundraisers – For raising funds for causes.
  • Ad Tools – For amplifying content and messaging.
  • Page Insights – For tracking engagement and growth.
  • Chat and Messaging – For community conversations.
  • Admin and Moderator Tools – For managing communities.

The training focuses on using these tools strategically to build empowered community networks.

What results and impact has the program achieved?

In the first two years of the program, the Facebook Community Accelerator achieved the following results:

  • 200+ leaders from over 75 countries participated.
  • $25 million total committed in funding for participants.
  • 18,000+ hours of training delivered to leaders.
  • 400,000+ people engaged in accelerator communities.
  • 60x growth in monthly people reached by participants.

Independent academic research has found the program delivers meaningful improvements in participants’ leadership skills, social capital, and community commitment. Many graduates have gone on to become prominent leaders and social innovators in their regions.

How is the Facebook Community Accelerator Program different from other Facebook programs?

The Facebook Community Accelerator is distinct from other Facebook initiatives like:

  • Facebook Community Leadership Program – Focuses solely on digital skills training for nonprofits.
  • Facebook Boost Your Business – Specialized training for small business owners.
  • Facebook Journalism Project – Targeted at journalists and news organizations.
  • Facebook Developer Circles – For software developers and tech entrepreneurs.

The Community Accelerator is unique in its intensive focus on comprehensive leadership development and community building for on-the-ground leaders driving social change.

How can I learn more and get involved?

To learn more about the Facebook Community Accelerator Program:

  • Visit the Facebook Community Accelerator website at
  • Follow the program’s Facebook Page for updates.
  • Read blog posts and participant stories at
  • Check for open application periods and sign up to receive program email updates.
  • Share the program with community leaders who may be interested in applying.

This innovative initiative provides extraordinary support to purpose-driven leaders worldwide. Following the program can provide inspiration for driving change, and applying can help take local community impact to the next level!


The Facebook Community Accelerator Program empowers leaders who are strengthen communities worldwide. Through funding, training, mentorship and promotion it helps take local grassroots efforts to the next level. The program is focused specifically on comprehensive leadership development for community builders utilizing Facebook tools. Interested change-makers can learn more and apply for future cohorts as the program continues expanding its global impact. Supporting this initiative helps promote positive change and empower communities in need worldwide.