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What is Facebook ads and how does it work?

What is Facebook ads and how does it work?

Facebook ads are a powerful tool that businesses can use to reach potential customers. They allow you to target specific demographics and serve ads directly in users’ News Feeds. But how exactly do Facebook ads work? Here’s a quick overview:

What are Facebook ads?

Facebook ads are paid advertisements that appear on Facebook. You create and pay for ads, and Facebook shows them to people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

There are several types of Facebook ads:
– Photo ads
– Video ads
– Carousel ads
– Collection ads
– Instant Experience ads

But they all work the same basic way – you pay Facebook to show your ads to specific groups who are more likely to find your ad relevant.

Why use Facebook ads?

Here are some of the key benefits of Facebook ads:

– Huge audience – Over 2 billion monthly active users provides a massive potential reach.

– Targeting – You can target your ideal audience based on location, demographics, interests, behaviors and more.

– Cost-effective – You set your own budget and only pay when someone clicks or views your ad.

– Measurable results – Facebook provides detailed analytics on how your ads are performing.

– Various ad formats – In addition to standard photos and videos, Facebook offers carousels, collections and more.

– Retargeting – Remarket to people who have already visited your website or engaged with your content.

So in summary, Facebook ads allow you to get your message in front of your ideal customers with precision targeting, at a reasonable cost, with measurable results.

How Do Facebook Ads Work?

Now let’s look at the step-by-step process of how Facebook ads work:

1. Create a Facebook Page

To run any kind of Facebook ad, you first need to have a Facebook Page for your business. This provides a home for your ads and a way for people to connect with your brand. Make sure to completely fill out your Page’s profile and include useful information about your business.

2. Set Up an Ads Account

You manage Facebook ads through Facebook Ads Manager, so you need to open an Ads account. You can do this through your normal Facebook profile or directly through your Facebook Page. You’ll need to add payment information to fund your ads.

3. Choose Your Objective

Facebook offers over 10 different ad objectives to match your goals, such as getting more website visitors, promoting a post, increasing brand awareness, or getting more conversions. Select the objective that aligns with what you want your ad to achieve.

4. Create Your Ad

Now it’s time to actually make your ad! You can use images, video, carousels and more. Craft compelling copy that informs and incentivizes people. Include a clear call-to-action to drive clicks. Ensure your ad looks professional and represents your brand well.

5. Set Up Targeting

This is where you define exactly who will see your ad. You can target by location, demographics like age and gender, interests and behaviors, or customize an audience using multiple factors. Target broadly or narrowly based on your campaign goals.

6. Establish Your Bid & Budget

Set a bid for how much you’re willing to pay for an impression or click. Also set your overall daily budget, which Facebook will spread across all your ad impressions/clicks. Start low while testing to see what works.

7. Launch Your Ad!

That’s it! Enter your payment info, submit your ad for approval, and sit back while your ad starts being served to your target audience. Monitor your ads regularly to optimize based on performance.

Types of Facebook Ads

Now that you know the basic process, let’s look at some of the specific Facebook ad formats you can use:

Photo Ads

The most common type – these feature a static image with overlay text. Keep imagery vibrant but not too busy, and use simple, benefit-driven copy. Include a strong call-to-action.

Video Ads

Bring your message to life using Facebook’s video ad format. Shoot a short, engaging video in landscape format. Use captions and keep scenes under 3 seconds. Videos under 15 seconds play automatically with sound.

Carousel Ads

Display multiple images or videos that users can horizontally scroll through. Great for showcasing products/services or telling a story over multiple frames.

Collection Ads

Highlight and link to multiple products in one ad. When users click on a product they are taken to your online store to view or purchase it.

Instant Experience Ads

Interactive, immersive canvas ads using web technology to create experiences like games and product demos. Require more development but can drive high engagement.

Dynamic Ads

Automatically promote your catalog of products using just a few ad templates and your product feed. Product images and details are dynamically inserted from your feed.

Facebook Ad Targeting Options

As mentioned previously, targeting is a huge advantage of Facebook ads. Here are some of the many ways you can target your ads:


Target people by country, state, city, or within a custom radius around a location. Great for local businesses trying to drive nearby sales.

Age & Gender

Target specific age ranges and/or genders. Great for fashion brands targeting women ages 25-40 for example.

Detailed Demographics

Refine your audience by relationship status, education, language, ethnicity and more.


Target based on what people are interested in, like hobbies, entertainment and more. If people “like” related Pages this helps Facebook identify their interests.


Target people based on purchase behaviors, business and industry, mobile device usage and other behavioral factors.

Custom Audiences

Create tailored groups based on your website visitors, email lists, existing customers and more so you can remarket to them.

Lookalike Audiences

Reach new people who are similar to your existing customers, with similar demographics and interests. Expand your reach exponentially.

As you can see, the targeting possibilities are incredibly robust. Take the time to test different audience segments to see what works. You may be surprised who your ideal customer turns out to be!

How Does Facebook Determine Ad Relevance?

So how does Facebook determine which users to actually show your ads to? Their advanced algorithms analyze billions of data points to evaluate relevance and rank ads.

Key factors include:

Demographics – Age, gender, location, etc. that you specify in your targeting.

Interests – Pages liked, groups joined, and other activity indicating interests.

Behaviors – Purchase history, app usage, devices used, travel patterns and more.

Connections – Friends and profiles people engage with can provide insight into relevance.

Activity – Recent searches, posts reacted to, ads clicked on all help Facebook refine relevance.

Budget & Competition – Your bid and budget is considered along with other advertisers bidding for the same audience. Higher bids can increase relevance.

So while you set the targeting, Facebook’s AI layers on additional relevance signals to determine each user’s expected value and fit for your ad. Billions of these auctions occur each day to show your ad to the right people.

How Does Facebook Auction Ads?

We briefly mentioned auctions above – but how exactly does Facebook auction work to determine which ads to show in users’ feeds?

It’s a second price auction using the following process:

1. You bid your max cost per result (click or impression).

2. Facebook estimates how likely person is to complete a result based on relevance.

3. Your bid is multiplied by their estimated Action Rate to get your overall expected value.

4. Ad with highest expected value wins and pays 1 cent above the next highest bid.

5. If you win, your ad is shown. If not, the process repeats with the next eligible user.

So while having the highest bid helps, relevance is just as important in the auction process. Highly relevant ads don’t have to pay as much to outbid less relevant competitors.

Facebook Ad Metrics

One of the great things about Facebook ads is all the data they provide to monitor and optimize your campaigns. Here are some of the key metrics to pay attention to:


The number of unique people who saw your ad at least once. Aim for relevant reach vs just maximizing your overall reach number.


The number of times your ad was on screen. More impressions lead to more reach and frequency. But focus on relevant impressions over purely increasing this metric.


The number of clicks on your ad pointing users to your site or app. Monitor CTR (click-through-rate) – the % of impressions that resulted in clicks.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

What you pay on average for each link click. Lower CPC is usually better. Monitor how changes impact CPC.


How many Reactions (Likes, Loves, etc.) your ads are getting. Can indicate engagement.


How many desired actions occurred from your ad – signups, purchases, etc. The #1 metric to monitor for campaign success!

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

The revenue you earn per dollar spent on advertising. Aim for a positive ROAS meaning revenue exceeds ad cost.

Analyze these metrics regularly to optimize your ads and increase results over time.

Tips for Effective Facebook Ads

Here are some top tips for creating effective Facebook ads that deliver results:

Strong Visuals

Use compelling, vibrant images and video that capture attention and convey your message quickly. Avoid stock photos.

Clear Messaging

Communicate your key customer benefits in your headline and ad copy. Don’t rely solely on visuals to tell your story.

Single Call-To-Action

Lead people clearly to one desired action, like “Shop Now”, “Sign Up”, or “Learn More”.

Consistent Branding

Ensure your ads visually represent your brand and align with your other marketing. Maintain a consistent look and feel.

Relevant Targeting

Take the time to test different targeting options and analyze your analytics to optimize who you reach.

Monitor & Adjust

Check your ad results frequently and make changes to underperforming ads to improve results over time.

Mobile Optimization

Most Facebook usage is now mobile so design ads to display effectively on smaller screens and load quickly.

Quality Score

Create high quality, relevant ads that get engagement to improve your ad quality scores and lower CPC.

Split Test Ads

Try variations in your messaging, visuals and offers to see what resonates most with your audience.

Optimizing based on performance data is key to getting the most out of your Facebook ad investment.


Facebook ads represent an extremely effective way for businesses to connect with highly targeted, relevant audiences and drive results. By following the steps in this guide, understanding the auction and relevance factors, analyzing performance metrics, and applying best practices, you can succeed with Facebook advertising.

Monitor your analytics closely, regularly test new ideas, and keep finding ways to refine your targeting and messaging. With over 2 billion active users, the potential to reach your ideal customers on Facebook is massive. Just focus on relevance in everything you do.

Done right, Facebook ads can become one of your most cost-efficient and high-returning marketing channels. Their detailed targeting, auction model, and wealth of data help ensure your ads get in front of people more likely to be genuinely interested. So much comes down to truly knowing your target audience and figuring out how to resonate with them.

Facebook ads enable you to have one-on-one conversations with millions. Make sure those conversations are highly relevant, and you’ll see the benefits in your campaign results and ROI. The opportunity is there, you just have to maximize it through smart, data-driven advertising tactics.