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What is encrypted chat on Facebook?

What is encrypted chat on Facebook?

Facebook Messenger allows users to have encrypted chat conversations that are end-to-end encrypted. This means only the sender and recipient can view the messages, not even Facebook. Encrypted chats provide an extra layer of security and privacy.

What is end-to-end encryption?

End-to-end encryption is a system where only the two participants in a chat can read the messages. The messages are encrypted before being sent and decrypted after being received. This prevents third parties, like Facebook itself, from being able to access the cryptographic keys needed to decrypt the conversation.

End-to-end encryption helps keep conversations secure and private. Many popular chat apps use this type of encryption, including WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, and Apple’s iMessage.

How does encrypted chat work on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger’s end-to-end encrypted chats use the Signal Protocol. This protocol provides encryption for instant messaging services. Here’s how it works:

  • Each chat participant has a unique public and private encryption key pair. These keys are generated locally on each user’s device.
  • When a user sends a message, it is encrypted with their private key and the recipient’s public key before being sent.
  • The recipient gets the encrypted message and decrypts it using their own private key and the sender’s public key.
  • This process ensures the messages can only be read by the two intended participants.

Encrypted chats on Facebook use a unique end-to-end encryption key for each new conversation. Old messages remain accessible only to the original chat participants. Facebook’s servers facilitate the delivery but cannot decrypt the contents of messages.

When are Facebook chats encrypted?

Regular Facebook Messenger chats are not end-to-end encrypted. However, you can choose to use Secret Conversations which are encrypted. Here’s when Messenger chats are encrypted:

  • Secret Conversations – These are specifically initiated by selecting “Secret Conversation” when starting a new chat.
  • Group chats – Encrypted for groups if every participant has encryption enabled.
  • Audio and video calls – Calls made within Secret Conversations are encrypted.

So encrypted Messenger chats must be specifically enabled as Secret Conversations. Regular chats do not use end-to-end encryption.

What data is protected by encryption?

Facebook’s Secret Conversations encrypt the following data sent between participants:

  • Messages (text, photos, videos, files, etc.)
  • Audio/video calls
  • Notifications that a user is typing
  • Who is participating in a group chat

Importantly, end-to-end encryption does not protect metadata like who is talking to whom and when messages are sent. But the content of communications is hidden from Facebook.

What data is NOT encrypted?

The following data is not protected by encrypted Secret Conversations:

  • Who is messaging who
  • When and how often messages are sent
  • Network IP addresses
  • Phone numbers

So while Facebook doesn’t have access to message content, they can see that User A messaged User B at 2pm on Tuesday, for example. Metadata remains visible but messages are encrypted.

How secret chats differ from regular chats

Secret Conversations provide end-to-end encryption that regular Facebook Messenger chats do not. Here are some other differences:

Regular Chats Secret Conversations
Not encrypted End-to-end encrypted
Saved in message history Not saved in message history after a set time
Accessible across devices Only available on the device used to start the chat

So regular chats are stored indefinitely, synced across your devices, but not encrypted. Secret Conversations can only be accessed on one device but offer encryption.

How to start an encrypted chat on Facebook Messenger

Starting a Secret Conversation to enable encrypted messaging is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app and select the contact you want to chat with.
  2. Tap on their name at the top of the chat window.
  3. Scroll down and tap “Secret Conversation.”
  4. Confirm by tapping “OK.”

This will initiate a Secret Conversation with end-to-end encryption enabled. You can verify it’s enabled by looking for a padlock icon in the chat header.

Group encrypted chats

You can also have encrypted chats with groups of people on Messenger. Here’s how:

  1. Create a group chat as normal by selecting multiple contacts.
  2. Name the group chat and tap “Continue.”
  3. In the group chat window, tap on the group name at the top.
  4. Scroll down and select “Enable Encryption.”

This will turn it into a Secret Conversation that is encrypted end-to-end. All participants in the group chat need to have encryption enabled for this to work.

Is encrypted messaging required on Facebook?

No, encrypted Secret Conversations are optional on Facebook Messenger. They are not enabled by default for standard chats. Users have to specifically start a Secret Conversation if they want encryption. There is no requirement to use encrypted messaging.

Pros and cons of encrypted chats

Encrypted messaging has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of using Secret Conversations on Facebook Messenger:


  • Increased privacy and security
  • Messages can’t be accessed by hackers, Facebook, or governments
  • Peace of mind knowing conversations are truly private
  • Encryption protects sensitive conversations


  • Extra steps required to enable encryption
  • Messages can only be accessed on one device
  • Lost messages can’t be retrieved if that device is lost
  • Some find the encryption interface confusing

So while encryption provides major security and privacy benefits, it does require some sacrifices in convenience and accessibility. Users must decide if the extra security is worth it for their needs.


Encrypted messaging is available as an option on Facebook Messenger through Secret Conversations. Enabling encryption provides end-to-end security so messages can only be read by the intended recipients. Encryption prevents Facebook itself, hackers, and governments from accessing private message contents.

While encrypted chats require some extra steps to set up, they can provide peace of mind for sensitive conversations. However, encryption is not enabled by default – users must specifically start Secret Conversations if they want that layer of security and privacy.