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What is content insights on Facebook?

What is content insights on Facebook?

Facebook content insights are metrics and data that Facebook collects about how people interact with your Facebook page and the content you post. Analyzing these insights can help you understand what content resonates best with your audience so you can optimize your Facebook strategy.

Why are Facebook content insights useful?

There are a few key reasons why content insights are so valuable for brands and businesses using Facebook:

  • They help you identify your top-performing content – You can see which of your posts get the most reach, engagement, clicks, reactions, comments, shares, etc. This lets you know what resonates.
  • They inform your content strategy – By knowing what performs best, you can create more of that type of content. You can also optimize future content based on insights.
  • They allow you to track performance over time – You can compare metrics week-over-week or month-over-month to see how your content is trending.
  • They provide audience insights – The data shows you info about who is engaging with your content like demographic data.
  • They help you allocate budget/resources – You can devote more time and money to what clearly works well.

In summary, the insights help you better understand your audience and fine-tune your approach to improve results and ROI.

What types of insights does Facebook provide?

Facebook offers several categories of content insights and metrics that you can analyze:

Reach and Impressions

This shows how many people your content was served to on Facebook. Reach is the number of unique accounts that saw your post and impressions is total views.


Engagement metrics demonstrate how people interacted with your post. This includes reactions, comments, shares, photo/video views, clicks, and more.

Video Insights

For video posts, you can view additional metrics like 10-second views, completion rate, average watch time, and more to see how people consumed your video.

Demographic Data

Facebook compiles demographic information about who engaged with your content including age, gender, location, language, and interests.

When People Are Online

You can see when your audience is most active on Facebook to inform the best times to post your content.

Traffic Sources

This shows where visitors to your posts came from – directly, shares, search, Timeline review, etc. This helps identify your key traffic sources.

Post A/B Testing

If you test multiple variations of a post, you can compare the metrics between variants to see which performed better.

How to access content insights on Facebook

There are a few ways to view content insights for your Facebook page:

Facebook Insights

Insights is Facebook’s built-in analytics tool. In your page admin, go to “Insights” > “Posts” to analyze metrics for each post.

Facebook Creator Studio

Creator Studio is Facebook’s dashboard for creators. It provides an overview of key metrics and lets you dive into post, video, and audience data.

Facebook Analytics

Facebook Analytics is a separate app that offers advanced analysis of your content performance and audience. It’s available in the App Center.

Third-Party Social Media Analytics Tools

Tools like Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Rival IQ, Buffer, Iconosquare, and others connect to your Facebook account to provide robust analytics.

Key Facebook content insights to analyze

While there are many potential data points to look at, here are some of the most important Facebook content insights to focus your analysis on:


The total number of unique people who saw your post. Are you reaching enough of your target audience?


The total number of times your content was displayed. More impressions means more visibility.

Engagement Rate

Engagements divided by reach/impressions. Shows the % of people who interacted.


Number of clicks on your post or ad. How many people clicked through to your site or link?


Number and type of reactions. Gauges how much people liked your content.


How many comments did people leave? Shows they were motivated to share feedback.


The number of times people shared your post. This expands your reach.

Video Views

For video, the number of times it was viewed and metrics like % watched, average watch time, etc.

Page Follows

How many new followers you received from the post. Content that attracts followers is valuable.

Traffic Source

Where visitors to your posts are coming from – directly, shares, search, etc. Tells you key referrers.


Info on who is engaging with your content – age, gender, location, language, interests, etc.

Best practices for analyzing and applying insights

Here are some tips to help you get the most value from your Facebook content insights data:

  • Look beyond vanity metrics like Likes. Focus on actionable insights.
  • Track performance over time to identify trends and changes.
  • Compare metrics between different posts to see what content resonates most.
  • Be strategic about what you analyze to avoid data overload.
  • Use insights to create more relevant content for your audience.
  • Repurpose top-performing content and refresh evergreen posts.
  • Target future posts toward your best demographic and interest groups.
  • Test content variations informed by insights to improve results.
  • Set benchmarks and goals to evaluate performance.
  • Download and save reports to document progress over time.


Facebook content insights provide a wealth of valuable data to help brands, businesses, publishers and creators optimize their Facebook strategy. By tracking key metrics over time and acting on the insights, you can refine your content to maximize reach, engagement, conversions and ROI from your Facebook presence.

Focusing on the right metrics and applying the lessons learned will lead to more effective content that resonates with your core audience. Consistent analysis of Facebook’s robust content insights can significantly improve your results and impact on the platform.