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What is brand collaboration on Facebook?

What is brand collaboration on Facebook?

Brand collaboration on Facebook refers to when two or more brands partner together to create co-branded content and joint promotions on Facebook. Brands collaborate on Facebook for several reasons:

To Reach New Audiences

When two brands collaborate, they instantly gain access to each other’s audiences and fanbases on Facebook. This allows brands to get their content and products in front of new potential customers. For example, if a clothing brand partners with a beauty brand, the clothing brand can now reach the beauty brand’s followers, and vice versa.

To Increase Awareness

Collaborations generate buzz and social chatter, which raises awareness for both brands involved. When fans see two of their favorite brands working together, it grabs their attention and leads to more likes, shares, and comments. This viral effect makes collaborations a powerful awareness tactic.

To Merge Brand Identities

Collaborations allow brands to combine their unique identities for an integrated marketing campaign. For instance, a clothing brand known for bold prints could partner with a accessories brand known for sleek, minimalist design. Together, they can create a capsule collection that brings together both aesthetics.

To Share Production Costs

Creating content and running promotions on Facebook requires resources. Two brands partnering allows them to split the costs of content production, ad spend, influencer partnerships, and more. They both benefit from bigger campaigns and content launches without shouldering the entire burden.

To Create New Products

Brand collaborations often involve creating special edition products, whether that’s co-branded apparel, accessories, makeup, food, drinks, or other merchandise. This gives fans something new and exclusive to get excited about.

Types of Facebook Collaborations

There are many different ways two or more brands can partner together on Facebook:

Co-Branded Content

Brands can create social media posts, images, videos, and other content that incorporates both of their brands visually. This could include using both logos, incorporating both brand colors/aesthetics, or showing both products together.


Brands can offer fans the chance to win prizes from both brands by entering a joint giveaway. This could include one winner receiving items from both brands, or multiple winners each getting something from one brand.

Product Launches

Releasing special edition co-branded products or capsule collections is a popular collaboration format. This includes apparel, make-up, accessories, home goods, food and beverages, and more.

Store Pop-Ups

Brands sometimes create temporary “pop-up” stores that showcase products from both brands or the collaboration collection. The store itself is branded for both and acts as an interactive installation.

Facebook Live

Brands can leverage Facebook Live together by going live from the same event or having representatives from each brand interview or interact with each other during the broadcast.

Influencer Partnerships

Identifying influencers who are relevant to both brands and having them create co-branded social media content or endorse the collaboration can help boost reach.

Paid Ads

Brands may run joint Facebook ads promoting the collaboration and linking to a landing page where fans can learn more and shop the products.


Similar to a giveaway, brands can hold a contest where fans enter to win big prizes from both brands. This typically leverages a third-party contest platform.

Best Practices for Successful Collaborations

Here are some tips for creating effective, mutually beneficial brand partnerships on Facebook:

  • Choose partner brands with an overlapping or complementary target audience.
  • Co-create products/content that represents both brands’ unique identities.
  • Time launches and promotions to get maximum visibility.
  • Develop a multi-channel strategy combining owned, paid, and earned media.
  • Have clear branding guidelines for how both brands will be represented visually.
  • Drive fans to a landing page for more details and sales opportunities.
  • Share behind-the-scenes content leading up to the reveal.
  • Facilitate ways for fans to share user-generated content.
  • Have a social media content calendar to space out posts.
  • Drive traffic to each other’s websites/channels beyond Facebook.

Measuring Results

Brands collaborating on Facebook should pay close attention to engagement, reach, traffic, and sales data to measure impact. Relevant metrics include:

  • Likes, shares, and comments on co-branded posts
  • Reach and impressions of joint content
  • Clicks and traffic to landing pages
  • Codes redeemed or products sold
  • Increase in followers across social channels
  • Website traffic referred from social media
  • Use of branded hashtags
  • Influencer content engagement

Analyzing these factors will reveal how well the collaboration achieved its awareness, engagement, and sales goals so brands can determine ROI.


Brand collaborations allow companies to tap into shared audiences, increase visibility, split costs, and generate buzz. By co-creating content, promotions, and products, brands can align their unique identities for integrated campaigns that feel fresh and exciting. Using best practices and measuring results ensures collaborations achieve marketing objectives and provide value for both partners and their fans.