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What is best image size for Facebook?

What is best image size for Facebook?

When posting images on Facebook, it’s important to use images that are sized appropriately for the different areas of Facebook where they will be displayed. The right image sizes will ensure your images look crisp and clear across desktop and mobile. Using images that are too small will result in a blurry, pixelated appearance, while images that are too large may get cropped or scaled down by Facebook’s system.

Facebook Feed Image Sizes

For images displayed in the Facebook feed (on desktop and mobile), Facebook recommends using images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels. This is the minimum size needed to ensure the image won’t get pixelated or distorted when displayed in the feed. An image at the recommended 1200 x 630 size will display at a width of 470 pixels in the desktop feed or 600 pixels in the mobile feed.

However, for best results you’ll want to make your images even larger than the minimum. Facebook suggests using images that are at least 2048 x 2048 pixels. This will allow the image to be displayed nicely even on high resolution displays. So in summary:

  • Minimum size: 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Recommended size: 2048 x 2048 pixels

Facebook Cover Photo Sizes

For the Facebook cover photo that displays at the top of a Facebook page or profile, the size requirements are:

  • Desktop – 820 x 312 pixels
  • Mobile – 640 x 360 pixels

Creating a single image that meets both those sizes is best. The minimum recommended size for a Facebook cover photo is: 1200 x 630 pixels.

Facebook Event Image Sizes

For images used in Facebook events, Facebook recommends images that are at least 720 x 720 pixels. A minimum of 720 x 405 pixels is required.

Facebook Ad Image Sizes

If you are running Facebook ads, the image requirements differ depending on the ad placement. Here are the recommended image sizes:

  • News Feed ads: 1200 x 628 pixels
  • Right column ads: 1200 x 628 pixels
  • Marketplace ads: 600 x 315 pixels
  • Stories ads: 1080 x 1920 pixels

Image Sizes for Sharing to Facebook

When sharing an image directly to Facebook from your website or app, it’s best to use an image size of at least 1200 x 630 pixels. This will ensure the image appears nicely when shared to Facebook feeds and pages.

However, you may wish to make your image even larger to take advantage of Facebook’s scaling. An original unscaled image size of 2048 x 2048 pixels is recommended.

Facebook Image Size Guide

Here is a summary of the recommended Facebook image sizes:

Image Type Minimum Size Recommended Size
Facebook Feed (Desktop & Mobile) 1200 x 630 pixels 2048 x 2048 pixels
Facebook Cover Photo (Desktop & Mobile) 820 x 312 pixels (desktop)
640 x 360 pixels (mobile)
1200 x 630 pixels
Facebook Event Images 720 x 405 pixels 720 x 720 pixels
Facebook Ad – News Feed N/A 1200 x 628 pixels
Facebook Ad – Right Column N/A 1200 x 628 pixels
Facebook Ad – Marketplace N/A 600 x 315 pixels
Facebook Ad – Stories N/A 1080 x 1920 pixels

Finding the Right Balance

As you can see, Facebook’s image requirements vary quite a bit depending on where the image will be displayed. Finding the right balance between small file sizes and high resolution quality can be tricky.

In general, you’ll want to make your images at least 1200 x 630 pixels to meet Facebook’s minimum requirements across the board. But if storage space and download speeds are a concern, you may need to reduce the size of your images despite the loss in quality.

On the other hand, uploading images that are 2048 x 2048 pixels or larger will give you the highest resolution and greatest flexibility for repurposing content across Facebook. Just be aware that larger file sizes can impact page load speeds and bandwidth costs.

Test different image sizes to see what works best for your goals and constraints. Keep in mind you can also use image optimization tools to reduce file sizes without a huge loss in perceived image quality.

Image Aspect Ratios

In addition to size, the aspect ratio of your images also needs to be considered. Aspect ratio refers to the proportional relationship between width and height.

Facebook feed images work best with a 1.91:1 aspect ratio. Cover photos work best at 2.6:1. And square 1:1 images are great for profiles and ads.

Cropping your images to the proper aspect ratio ensures the most important parts of the image will be visible within the allowed dimensions.

File Types for Facebook Images

Facebook supports PNG, JPEG and GIF image formats. JPEG is recommended for most images with PNG being best for images with transparency. GIFs work well for simple images and animations.

For photographs, JPEG images with an 80-90% quality setting provide the best balance between quality and file size. PNG works better than JPEG for images with text, logos, or sharp edges, since it uses lossless compression.

Image Optimization Tips

Here are some tips for optimizing images for use on Facebook:

  • Use image editing software to crop and resize images to the recommended dimensions for each use case.
  • Use the proper aspect ratio for the image placement.
  • Use JPEG compression with 80-90% quality for most photos.
  • Save images using PNG format if transparency or lossless quality is needed.
  • Run images through optimization software to further reduce file size without visibility of quality loss.
  • Save images using RGB color space for color accuracy on screens.
  • Include relevant keywords and descriptions in image metadata to improve SEO.
  • Post images during high-traffic periods for maximum visibility.


Optimizing your images for Facebook requires selecting the proper size, aspect ratio, and file type based on where they will be displayed. While larger high-quality images are desirable, file size must be balanced against page loading times.

With the Facebook image sizes outlined here, you can appropriately size and optimize images to look their absolute best on Facebook feeds, profiles, ads and more. Just be sure to test different image sizes and formats to find the optimal balance between visual quality, file size and aspect ratio for each use case.