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What is auto reaction?

What is auto reaction?

Auto reaction refers to chemical reactions that occur spontaneously without any external trigger. In an auto reaction, the reactants interact with each other and convert to products without the need for an initiating agent or energy source. The reaction progresses on its own once the reactants are brought together under suitable conditions of temperature, pressure, and concentration. Some key features of auto reactions are:

What triggers an auto reaction?

Auto reactions occur because the total free energy of the products is lower than that of the reactants. According to the second law of thermodynamics, any chemical reaction that leads to a decrease in the total free energy of a system will be thermodynamically favorable and can occur spontaneously. For an auto reaction, the free energy change is negative, making the conversion of reactants to products an exothermic and irreversible process.

Even though auto reactions do not need any external trigger to start, they require an initial activation energy to overcome the energy barrier of the first transition state. The reactants must collide with proper orientation and sufficient energy to facilitate bond breaking and formation. Once the reaction commences, it generates heat which can further accelerate the reaction rate and drive the reaction to completion.

Examples of auto reactions

Some common examples of auto reactions are:

  • Decomposition reactions like thermal decomposition of ammonium dichromate, potassium permanganate, and sodium azide
  • Combustion of fuels like methane, propane, hydrogen
  • Polymerization reactions forming polythene, polypropene, etc.
  • Phase change reactions like crystallization, melting, sublimation
  • Acid-base neutralization like mixing of aqueous HCl and NaOH
  • Single displacement reactions involving metals and metal salt solutions
  • Double displacement reactions forming precipitates
  • Redox reactions like corrosion of iron in the presence of oxygen and water

In these reactions, the reactants spontaneously transform into products without needing any catalyst, UV radiation, heat, agitation, or electrical energy. The reactions proceed unhindered just by intimate mixing of the reactant species.

How do reactants convert spontaneously?

In an auto reaction mechanism, the reactants form an activated complex upon collision. This represents an unstable high energy transition state. The activation energy barrier is overcome, and products form in the subsequent steps. The reaction rate is influenced by the activation energy, orientation of molecular collisions, temperature, and concentration of reactants. A high temperature and reactant concentrations favor more energetic and frequent collisions to cross the energy threshold.

The relative stability of reactants and products is governed by thermodynamics. The Second Law indicates that a system progresses in the direction of increasing entropy. For an auto reaction, the products have higher entropy than the reactants. This entropy gain drives the spontaneous forward reaction.

Characteristics of auto reactions

Key characteristics of auto reactions are:

  • Spontaneous reaction without any external triggering
  • Exothermic process giving out heat
  • Irreversible reaction proceeding in the forward direction
  • Reaction rate depends on activation energy, temperature, and reactant concentrations
  • Thermodynamically favorable with negative Gibbs free energy
  • Higher entropy for the products relative to reactants
  • Reaction goes to completion forming maximum yields of products

Uses and applications

Auto reactions find many uses and applications in both laboratory and industry:

  • Combustion reactions in internal combustion engines, rocket engines, and power plants
  • Thermite reactions used in welding and smelting processes
  • Decomposition of H2O2 as a propellant and oxidizer
  • Neutralization reactions in acid-base titrations
  • Ostwald ripening and crystallization in materials processing
  • Foaming reactions in the production of polymers and plastics
  • Single replacement reactions during corrosion and battery discharge
  • Radioactive decay of isotopes used in nuclear power generation
  • Biological processes like enzyme catalysis, fermentation, respiration

Careful control over the reaction conditions like temperature, pressure, and concentrations is required to optimize these auto reaction processes for practical applications.

How to control the rate of auto reactions?

The kinetics of auto reactions can be controlled by altering these parameters:

  • Temperature – Auto reactions speed up exponentially with rise in temperature as it provides more thermal energy for overcoming the activation barrier. Reducing temperature decreases the reaction rate.
  • Concentration – Higher reactant concentrations result in faster reactions due to greater frequency of molecular collisions. Diluting the reactants slows down the reaction rate.
  • Pressure – Increasing the pressure speeds up gas phase reactions but has no effect on reactions involving solids or liquids. Lowering pressure reduces the rate of gaseous reactions.
  • Catalyst – Catalysts lower the activation energy and provide an alternative path for the reaction. Using suitable catalysts enhances the reaction rate.
  • Inhibitors – Adding inhibitors raises the activation energy, thereby slowing down the reaction. Inhibitors are used to prevent undesirable reactions.
  • Surface area – Using finer particle sizes increases the surface area and improves contact between reactants resulting in faster reactions.

Thus, auto reaction rates can be precisely manipulated by controlling these parameters as per the requirements of the process.

How to start an auto reaction?

Though auto reactions proceed spontaneously on their own, some effort is required to initiate the reaction. Some methods to kickstart an auto reaction are:

  • Mixing the reactants thoroughly to bring them into close contact
  • Grinding solid reactants into fine powders to increase surface area of contact
  • Heating the reactants above the minimum temperature needed for reaction
  • Increasing the concentration of reactants to maximize molecular collisions
  • Adding seed crystals to initiate crystallization reactions
  • Providing mechanical agitation for better dispersal and contact
  • Creating adequate gas pressure for gaseous reactions to occur
  • Adding a suitable catalyst or initiator compound to lower activation energy
  • Providing an external energy source like light, electricity, ultrasound

Once initiated by these triggers, the auto reaction then proceeds spontaneously driven by thermodynamic factors alone until reactants are fully consumed or equilibrium is attained.

How to stop an auto reaction?

Auto reactions can be stopped or inhibited in these ways:

  • Physically separating the reactants to prevent further contact
  • Removing the heat source and cooling down the reactants
  • Diluting the reactants with inert solvents to lower concentrations
  • Adding reaction inhibitors that impede the reaction mechanism
  • Consuming one of the reactants completely
  • Altering pressure, temperature, or other conditions until equilibrium is reached
  • Changing the pH to hinder the reactant species
  • Creating an opposing back reaction to establish dynamic equilibrium
  • Passivating surfaces with coatings to prevent further reaction

The specific method used depends on the nature of the auto reaction as well as the conditions promoting the spontaneous reaction process. Timely intervention is necessary to halt auto reactions at the desired stage.

Safety measures for controlling auto reactions

As auto reactions are self-sustaining and proceed rapidly, certain safety measures should be taken to control them:

  • Isolate incompatible chemicals that can potentially react
  • Use minimum required quantities of reactants
  • Maintain proper ventilation to prevent buildup of gases
  • Keep fire extinguishers and neutralizing agents handy
  • Ensure the reactor vessel or container can withstand heat and pressure
  • Cool reagents before mixing and use ice baths to control exotherms
  • Quench intermediate reactive species to stop propagation
  • Perform reactions slowly and in a stepwise manner
  • Neutralize and safely dispose waste products
  • Use automation and remote monitoring if reactions are hazardous

Following standard safety protocols and carrying out a thorough risk assessment is imperative when working with auto reactions.

Common mistakes when working with auto reactions

Some common mistakes to avoid while conducting auto reactions are:

  • Incorrect storage leading to accidental mixing of incompatible reactants
  • Failure to account for heat produced leading to thermal runaway reactions
  • Underestimating the vigorous nature and speed of the reaction
  • Poor temperature or pressure control resulting in unsafe conditions
  • Using reactants in higher concentrations than required
  • Improper sealing of reactor vessels causing leaks
  • Agitating or disturbing the reactants once reaction commences
  • Substituting reactants with slightly different reactivities
  • Inadequate ventilation of gaseous products
  • Assuming the auto reaction has ceased without checking
  • Attempting to manually stop a reaction rather than controlling conditions

Exercising caution, using well-designed equipment, and taking time to understand reaction mechanisms helps avoid errors when working with auto reactions.


Auto reactions or spontaneous reactions occur without external triggering when the thermodynamic conditions are favorable. The reactions are initiated by mixing and intimate contact between reactants. The reaction rates can be controlled by temperature, pressure, concentration, catalysts, and inhibitors. Safety measures are essential when conducting auto reactions to prevent uncontrolled exotherms, gas accumulation, or other hazards. Following best practices and precautions allows chemists to safely harness auto reactions for chemical synthesis and other applications.