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What is an unexpected error occurred in Facebook?

What is an unexpected error occurred in Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of users worldwide. As with any complex technology system, errors and outages can occasionally occur on Facebook due to bugs, server issues, or other technical problems. While most errors are minor and resolved quickly, some unexpected errors have caused more significant disruption to Facebook services.

Some of the most high-profile unexpected errors on Facebook over the years have included widespread outages, security breaches, and platform bugs that impacted user experiences. Examining these errors provides insights into the types of technical issues that can affect Facebook as an enormously scaled technology system. Understanding the root causes and impacts of major Facebook errors also highlights the company’s responses and helps identify best practices for mitigating future disruption.

Major Unexpected Errors in Facebook

Some of the most impactful unexpected errors that have occurred on Facebook platforms include:

Site Outages

Facebook has experienced several major site outages over the years that made the platform completely unavailable to users globally for hours at a time. Some examples include:

– October 2021 – A faulty configuration change caused a nearly six-hour global outage that made Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp inaccessible.

– March 2019 – Facebook experienced its longest outage ever, with issues lasting 14 hours that were triggered by a server configuration change.

– September 2018 – An error in managing network capacity brought down Facebook’s sites for nearly three hours.

These widespread outages were caused by internal technical errors and prevented billions of users from accessing Facebook services.

Security Breaches

Facebook has faced some high-profile security breaches where user data was exposed:

– September 2018 – An exploit in Facebook’s “View As” feature allowed hackers to steal access tokens for nearly 50 million user accounts.

– April 2020 – Personal information of over 533 million Facebook users was leaked on hacking forums due to a vulnerability that was previously patched by Facebook.

These security incidents compromised sensitive user information like emails, names, locations, and phone numbers.

Platform Bugs

Errors in Facebook’s software code have also caused platform problems for users, such as:

– October 2021 – A bug caused Facebook to show old, random posts on millions of user feeds, rather than the newest updates.

– April 2020 – A botched integration following the acquisition of Giphy temporarily disabled GIFs from working across Facebook’s apps.

– August 2019 – A code change triggered Facebook notifications being sent in duplicate to a portion of users.

These examples show how even small software bugs can have wide-reaching impacts on the user experience.

Impacts of Major Errors

When major unexpected errors have occurred, Facebook users, businesses, advertisers, and stakeholders are impacted in various ways:

– **User disruption** – Platform outages completely disable access for billions of users who rely on Facebook services to communicate and connect. Even short durations of downtime can significantly disrupt users.

– **Loss of revenue** – Businesses that depend on Facebook for sales, advertising, customer engagement, and other functions lose revenue during outages. The October 2021 downtime cost Facebook an estimated $100 million in lost ad sales.

– **Reputational damage** – High-profile technical failures and security breaches harm user trust in Facebook’s reliability and security. This can drive some users to seek alternative platforms.

– **Loss of productivity** – Many businesses and individual users integrate Facebook services into their workflows and productivity systems. Errors that disable these tools result in lost productivity time.

– **Impact to stakeholders** – Shareholders and investors in Facebook see the company’s value decline following major technical errors that damage reputation and revenue.

In summary, Facebook outages, bugs, and security issues significantly impact millions of users, businesses, advertisers, and other stakeholders who rely on Facebook’s services being available and secure.

Root Causes of Major Facebook Errors

Several factors commonly contribute to the types of major unexpected errors experienced by Facebook over the years:

Software Bugs

– Coding errors and flaws in Facebook’s software can trigger platform bugs affecting UIs, notifications, feeds and more. Thorough testing and reviews help, but isn’t foolproof for catching every defect.

Infrastructure Issues

– The enormous scale of traffic, data, and complexity on Facebook’s systems makes them vulnerable to infrastructure capacity problems, configurations changes, and cascading failures.

Human Error

– Despite testing, mistakes by engineers such as deploying problematic code changes or configuring systems incorrectly can cause outages. Most major Facebook errors have involved some degree of human error.

Complexity at Scale

– Facebook operates at a scale of billions of users and interactions that is extremely technically complex. Even small changes can trigger unpredictable bugs and outages across global systems.

Security Vulnerabilities

– Despite Facebook’s security resources, adversaries are still able to find and exploit flaws in Facebook’s code, third-party software dependencies, and configurations.

Understanding these root causes guides Facebook’s strategies for avoidance and minimization of future platform errors.

Facebook’s Response to Major Errors

Facebook utilizes a variety of reactive and preventative methods to address major unexpected technical errors on its platforms. Some approaches include:

– **Post-mortems** – Facebook engineers conduct detailed analyses of high-severity incidents to determine root causes and identify fixes. Lessons learned are used to prevent recurrences.

– **Increased automation** – Automated testing, code reviews, deployment workflows, and infrastructure scaling help detect issues proactively and minimize human error.

– **Improved developer tools** – Facebook is continually developing better in-house tools and training for engineers to help them avoid introducing bugs and issues into production environments.

– **Expanded infrastructure** – Scaling infrastructure capacity and building in redundancy helps minimize outages when traffic spikes or failures occur in specific data centers.

– **Bug bounties** – Facebook offers rewards for external security researchers who identify vulnerabilities, helping locate flaws that can be fixed.

– **Incident reviews** – Cross-functional teams closely reviewFacebook’s response to major incidents and identify process improvements for managing future events.

– **User notifications** – Keeping users informed of current issues and resolution progress via Facebook’s channels helps mitigate frustration.

By combining multiple strategies, Facebook aims to maximize the reliability, security, and resiliency of its platforms.

Best Practices for Handling Unexpected Errors

Facebook’s experiences highlight several technology best practices for preparing for and responding to unexpected errors:

– Conduct thorough testing and code reviews to catch bugs proactively before they impact users.
– Implement automated alerting to quickly notify engineers of emerging issues like outages.
– Build in redundancy across infrastructure and services to minimize disruption when failures occur.
– Analyze root causes through detailed post-mortems and continuously improve processes.
– Have contingency plans in place for different types of incidents to enable rapid response.
– Communicate transparently with users during incidents to set proper expectations.
– Learn from past incidents and leverage shared institutional knowledge to prevent recurrences.
– Continuously improve tools and training that empower engineers to write reliable, secure code.

While unexpected errors may still occur, following these practices can significantly reduce their frequency and minimize impacts.

The Future of Errors on Facebook

As Facebook continues growing to connect billions more users, the company will need to proactively evolve its practices to address reliability and prevent unexpected errors. Some focus areas may include:

– Expanding automation and AI to catch issues faster than relying solely on human detection.
– Further decentralizing infrastructure to minimize single points of failure.
– Enhancing security protocols as threats become more sophisticated.
– Improving engineering tools to simplify coding at massive scales.
– Running live fire drills to test and improve incident response capabilities.

Facebook will likely continue experiencing periodic unexpected errors due to the extreme complexity of its systems. But over time, enhanced tools, knowledge, and processes will help Facebook maximize uptime, security, and reliability for its users as its global infrastructure and platforms advance.


Major unexpected errors like large-scale outages, security breaches, and platform bugs have occurred periodically on Facebook due to a combination of software flaws, infrastructure issues, human error, complexity at scale, and vulnerabilities. While Facebook utilizes a variety of reactive and preventative methods to minimize errors, occasional issues are likely inevitable given the size and complexity of Facebook’s systems. Learning from past failures, continuously improving practices, and advancing technologies will help Facebook become more resilient over time. But major unexpected errors that impact billions of users will likely remain an occasional reality as Facebook operates at unprecedented scales to connect the world.