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What is an invite to like on Facebook?

What is an invite to like on Facebook?

An invite to like on Facebook is when you receive a notification that a friend has invited you to like a Page or content on Facebook. This usually happens when a friend likes a Page or posts content, and the company/Page owner has enabled the ‘Invite Friends’ option.

When do you get invited to like something on Facebook?

You will get an invite to like something on Facebook when:

  • A friend likes a Facebook Page and the Page has enabled ‘Invite Friends’ in their settings
  • A friend likes or comments on a post from a Page and the Page has enabled ‘Invite Friends’
  • A friend tags you in a photo or post
  • A friend checks in somewhere or tags your location in a post
  • A friend uses the ‘Recommend’ feature to suggest you like a Page or piece of content

In all these cases, you will receive a notification saying “[Friend’s name] invited you to like [Page name/content]” or something similar. The notification shows up in your notifications menu and may also be emailed to you if you have email notifications enabled.

Why do I get invited to like things on Facebook?

There are a few reasons why Facebook sends these invitations to like:

  1. To help Pages get more likes – Pages with more likes appear more popular and reach more people via News Feed. Inviting friends to like helps them grow.
  2. To increase engagement – When people see friends interacting with or liking content, they are more likely to engage with it too.
  3. To notify you about your friends’ activity – The invites keep you looped in on what your friends are doing on Facebook.
  4. To expose you to new Pages and content – The notifications introduce you to Pages, posts, events etc that friends think you’ll be interested in.

Essentially, Facebook wants to leverage your friends’ activity to get you to engage more on the platform, whether that’s by liking new Pages, viewing more content, or interacting with posts.

What happens if I ignore the invites?

If you ignore or dismiss the invites to like something on Facebook:

  • The notifications will disappear once dismissed.
  • You won’t like or follow the Page/content you were invited to.
  • You may see a reminder notification about it again later.
  • You won’t stop receiving future invites – they’ll continue as friends interact with content.

So nothing major happens if you ignore the invites. The Page won’t be notified you ignored it. But Facebook may persist and send more reminders about it over time.

Can I disable invites to like Pages and content?

Yes, you can disable invites and recommendations to like Pages and content in your Facebook notification settings:

  1. Go to the Notification Settings page in Facebook.
  2. Under the Recommendations section, toggle off invites to like Pages, posts, events etc.
  3. You can also disable friend recommendations here, so you won’t be notified when friends like each other’s posts.
  4. On mobile, go to Menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Notifications to access these toggles.

This prevents you receiving invite notifications. However, there is no way to stop the invites being generated when friends interact with content – just whether you are notified about them.

Are invites to like Pages and content worthwhile?

Whether it’s worthwhile engaging with invites depends on your use of Facebook:

  • If you want to expand the Pages and content you follow, they can be useful discovery tools.
  • If you only follow updates from close friends, they may not introduce much relevant new content.
  • They are a way to show support and engage with what your wider network is interested in.
  • If you find them annoying and irrelevant, disabling them can provide a cleaner notification experience.

Checking them occasionally can surface fun new Pages and content from friends. But if they are overwhelming your notifications, disabling can help reduce noise.

What happens if I like the Page/content via the invite?

If you click on an invite notification and like the Page or content it is prompting you to:

  • The Page will gain your like and you will start seeing updates from them in your News Feed.
  • For content, liking it via the invite will boost visibility and signal to Facebook you want to see similar content.
  • The friend who originally liked it will be notified you liked it too.
  • You’re more likely to see invites and recommendations about related topics in future.

So liking via the invite helps Pages grow their audience, gives your friend feedback, and trains Facebook’s algorithm on your interests. Unlike on some other platforms, there is no reciprocal follow or friendship required – simply liking something adds it to your feed and profile.

Can I invite friends back to like my content?

If you have a Facebook Page for a business, brand or organization, you can also enable the ‘Invite Friends’ option:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click ‘Settings’ at the bottom.
  2. Click ‘Templates and Tabs’ in the left menu.
  3. Enable ‘Invite Friends to Like Page’ and choose notification settings.

This will let you invite friends to like your Page when you post new updates. You can also invite friends when creating events or posting content via a personal profile. Use this option sparingly – spamming friends with invites can cause annoyance.

How many invite notifications is too many?

There is no defined limit for how many invites you can receive on Facebook. Some factors that impact the frequency:

  • How many friends you have – more friends means more potential invites.
  • How active your friends are on Facebook – friends posting and liking more creates more invites.
  • How many Pages your friends like – more Pages drives more invites.
  • Whether the Pages your friends like have ‘Invite Friends’ enabled.

As a rule of thumb, more than 2-3 invites per day could be considered excessive. If you are receiving many more than this, you likely have very active friends and may want to consider disabling invites.


Invites to like Pages and content on Facebook are notifications generated when friends interact with things they think you’ll find interesting. These invites are intended to get you engaging more on Facebook and following more Pages. You can disable invite notifications if you find them irritating or irrelevant. Liking via the invites helps Pages connect with new audiences. Use the feature selectively when recommending content to avoid bombarding friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I keep ignoring invites to like Pages?

Nothing major happens if you keep ignoring invites. The same Pages may continue generating invite notifications over time if your friends keep engaging with them. The invites will eventually stop if a Page becomes inactive or turns off the ‘Invite Friends’ feature. But ignoring alone won’t stop them.

Can I block a certain Page from inviting my friends?

There is no direct way to block a specific Page from sending your friends invites. Even if you unlike or block the Page, it can still invite your friends who like it. The only way is to have the Page admin disable ‘Invite Friends’ in their settings. Or your friends can unlike the Page to stop future invites.

What if I don’t want my friends inviting me to like things?

You can’t stop friends from generating invites when they like Pages or content. Even if you block the friends, the Pages they interact with can still invite you. The only option is to turn off invites and recommendations in your own notification settings. This will stop you seeing the invites, but won’t prevent them being generated.

Can I invite friends to like my Facebook posts?

Yes, you can invite friends to like or comment on your own posts, photos, life events etc. When creating a post via your profile, use the ‘Invite Friends’ option at the bottom. You can select specific friends to invite or post it openly for anyone to engage with. Use this selectively to avoid spamming friends.

How do I invite friends to like my Facebook Page?

As a Facebook Page admin, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Templates and Tabs’ and enable ‘Invite Friends to Like Page’. You can then choose notification settings. When you post updates, the Page can invite friends to like it. You can also manually invite friends when creating posts and events.

What’s the benefit to Pages of inviting friends to like them?

When Pages invite friends to like them, it helps grow their audience. More likes makes a Page seem more popular, which boosts distribution in News Feed. It’s an easy way for Pages to acquire more relevant followers without paying.

Can I get notified when any friend likes something on Facebook?

Yes, you can enable notifications to see whenever a friend likes any post or Page. Go to Settings > Notifications > Recommendations and turn on ‘Friends’ Activity on Posts’. This may generate a lot of notifications if you have active friends.

How do I know if a Page has ‘Invite Friends’ enabled?

There is no indicator on a Facebook Page showing if they have ‘Invite Friends’ enabled. The only way to confirm is if you receive invite notifications about the Page. All likes by your friends have the potential to trigger invites.

Can Pages invite my friends without me liking the Page?

Yes. If your friend likes a Page that has ‘Invite Friends’ enabled, it can invite you even if you haven’t liked the Page yourself. The setting allows Pages to reach the friends of existing likers.

What are some examples of when I’d get invited to like Facebook content?

Some examples include:
– A friend likes a new local business Page and you get invited to like it
– A friend checks in at a restaurant and you get invited to like it
– A friend RSVPs to an event and you get invited
– A friend tags you in a photo and you get invited to like it
– A friend shares an interesting article and you get invited to like the page that posted it


Key points:

– Invites to like on Facebook are notifications generated when friends interact with Pages or content.

– They are intended to get you to engage more, follow more Pages, and see content Facebook thinks you’ll like.

– You can disable the notifications in Settings if you don’t want to receive the invites.

– Liking via the invites helps Pages increase their audience and signals to Facebook your interests.

– Use moderation when inviting friends to like your own content to avoid irritating them with notifications.

– The invites will persist if you ignore them, but you can turn them off or have Pages disable the feature.

So in summary, Facebook invites are a tool Pages use to gain more relevant followers, and a way to expose you to more of the content your friends are engaging with. Use notification settings to control how many of these invites you want to see.