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What is an interactive Facebook post?

What is an interactive Facebook post?

An interactive Facebook post allows users to engage with the content in new and unique ways beyond just liking, commenting, or sharing. Interactive posts incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, contests, augmented reality, and more to encourage participation. They aim to be informative and entertaining while generating higher engagement rates.

What are some examples of interactive Facebook posts?

There are many creative ways brands can make interactive Facebook posts:

  • Polls – Ask a question and have users vote on a multiple choice response.
  • Quizzes – Pose questions and provide immediate scoring.
  • Contests/Giveaways – Users enter for a chance to win a prize by liking, commenting, sharing, etc.
  • Augmented Reality – Offer AR experiences through camera effects.
  • Instant Games – Enable mobile gaming right within the app.
  • Chatbots – Allow users to get information through automated chat.
  • Appointment Schedulers – Users can book appointments through Messenger.
  • Product Showcases – Display product images that users can cycle through.
  • Food Menus – Restaurants can display clickable menus.
  • Virtual Tours – Take users through 360-degree views of a space.

These are just some of the interactive post formats available. Brands are continually coming up with new ways to creatively engage their audience on Facebook.

Why are interactive posts effective?

Interactive Facebook posts are effective for several reasons:

  • They grab attention – The interactive elements catch users’ eyes as they scroll through their feeds.
  • They generate engagement – Interactivity encourages participation and sharing as users “play” with the content.
  • They provide value – Quizzes, polls, and other formats entertain users or give them useful information.
  • They benefit brands – Deeper engagement leads to more likes, comments, and shares which expands reach.
  • They foster relationships – Interacting makes users feel closer and more loyal to brands.
  • They gain insights – The data collected from interactive content provides valuable user feedback.
  • They drive traffic – Clicking interactive elements directs users to websites, apps, or messaging.
  • They promote products – Games, customizers, etc. showcase products in innovative ways.

Ultimately, interactive Facebook posts break through the noise. They encourage participation instead of passive consumption for a more meaningful connection between brands and users.

What are best practices for creating interactive posts?

Here are some best practices when developing interactive Facebook content:

  • Ensure a seamless user experience – Interactive elements should work smoothly.
  • Make it mobile friendly – Design interactions specifically for mobile devices.
  • Keep it simple – Avoid overly complex mechanics that could frustrate users.
  • Be consistent – Use interactivity sparingly for maximum impact.
  • Provide value – Offer entertainment or usefulness through interactions.
  • Choose the right format – Match interactivity to your objectives.
  • Write clear instructions – Explain how users can participate.
  • Mind the placement – Position interactive elements prominently.
  • Link to your site – Direct traffic to your website or app.
  • Promote the post – Increase visibility through paid advertising.

Testing different interactive content and continually optimizing based on performance is key. Analyze engagement metrics and user feedback to refine approaches over time.

What are the benefits of interactive posts?

Crafting interactive Facebook posts provides many benefits:

  • Increased engagement – Interactivity boosts likes, comments, shares, and clicks.
  • Extended reach – Higher engagement spreads content to new audiences organically.
  • Deeper connections – Participating makes users more invested in your brand.
  • Valuable insights – Data on interactions give useful consumer research.
  • Enhanced brand image – Creativity and innovation improve brand perception.
  • Lower cost-per-click – Users from Facebook are more engaged potential customers.
  • Lead generation – Interactive posts capture user data for sales contacts.
  • Social buzz – Amusing or entertaining posts spark conversation.

The level of involvement interactive Facebook posts foster makes them a worthwhile investment for savvy brands.

What types of businesses benefit most from interactive posts?

Any brand on Facebook can use interactive content effectively, but some business models may benefit more than others:

  • Consumer goods – Engage customers and promote products through interactivity.
  • Retail – Showcase merchandise in new ways leading to sales.
  • Food & beverage – Share menus and deals to hungry social users.
  • Entertainment – Garner attention with experiences related to movies, games, or events.
  • Travel – Inspire customers and make booking easy with interactive visuals.
  • Education – Interactive quizzes engage students and reinforce lessons.
  • B2B – Gather data and generate contacts with lead gen interactions.
  • Nonprofits – Increase donations by deepening supporter connections.

Still, any brand can test interactive content as part of an engaging social media strategy.

What are some tools to create interactive posts?

Facebook provides several built-in options for interactivity. You can also utilize third-party tools to create interactive posts:

  • Facebook Poll – Native polling sticker for Stories.
  • Facebook Quiz – Built-in sticker for quizzes in Stories.
  • Instant Games – Add playable mini games without leaving Facebook.
  • Appointment Scheduling – Set up bookings directly through Messenger.
  • Chatbots – Create automated bots to communicate with users.
  • Augmented Reality – Access Facebook’s AR tools and effects.
  • BOLD by GoBold – Interactive post templates.
  • Adobe Spark Post – Animated and video posts.
  • Playbuzz – Template creator for quizzes, lists, and more.

Utilizing both native and third-party interactive options will help you build an engaging Facebook presence optimized for your goals.


Interactive Facebook posts that encourage participation provide immense value for brands looking to boost engagement and forge stronger connections with users. Polls, quizzes, AR, instant games, chatbots, customizers, and more can be used creatively to grab attention and generate high levels of involvement. While they require an initial investment to craft, the returns in the form of extended reach, lead generation, and actionable data are well worth the effort. Brands that fail to innovate with interactive social content will find it increasingly difficult to cut through the noise. Incorporating creative interactivity into your Facebook marketing strategy is a proven way to achieve higher awareness, deeper affinity, and lasting impact.