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What is an engagement ad?

What is an engagement ad?

Engagement ads are a type of online advertisement designed to get users to interact and engage with the ad content. The goal of engagement ads is to drive actions beyond just impressions, such as clicks, shares, likes, comments, sign-ups, votes, app installs, and more. Engagement ads allow marketers to amplify brand interaction and visibility.

How do engagement ads work?

Engagement ads use interactive and engaging elements to capture user attention and prompt an action. Some examples of interactive elements used in engagement ads include:

  • Polls and surveys
  • Quizzes and games
  • Contests and sweepstakes
  • Countdown timers or progress bars
  • Interactive modules (calculators, configurators, etc.)
  • Videos
  • Carousels and slideshows
  • Like, share, and comment buttons

These elements incentivize users to spend more time with the ad and interact rather than just passively view. The interactive format makes engagement ads more memorable and impactful.

Ad formats

Engagement ads come in several formats suitable for different placement types:

  • Native ads – Inline with editorial content on blogs, news sites, etc.
  • Social media ads – On platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  • Display ads – Banner ads on websites and apps.
  • Video ads – In-stream and out-stream video ads.
  • Mobile ads – Full-screen interstitials, banners, etc. on mobile.

Benefits of engagement ads

Here are some of the key benefits of using engagement ads as part of your digital marketing strategy:

Increased attention and interaction

Engagement ads help grab user attention in an increasingly distracted digital landscape. The interactive elements entice users to spend more time with the ad instead of tuning it out.

Higher conversion rates

By prompting actions and driving deeper engagement, well-designed engagement ads can deliver higher conversion rates compared to static display ads.

Brand building and recall

Interactive experiences and gamification make engagement ads more memorable for consumers. This strengthens brand awareness and recall.

Better ad relevance

Data collected from quizzes, calculators and other interactive modules can help target and retarget users with relevant messages.

Material for social sharing

Engagement ads tend to be more social-friendly. The interactive elements incentivize shares, likes and comments, amplifying your message.

Flexibility across formats

Engagement ad experiences can be adapted for different digital channels and formats for a unified campaign.

Best practices for creating successful engagement ads

Here are some tips to follow when developing your engagement ad strategy:

Offer a compelling incentive

Incentives like discounts, contest entries, free gifts, etc. can help drive higher interaction rates. But make sure the incentive aligns with your brand.

Keep it simple

Avoid overly complex mechanics or multi-step interactions. Simple, focused interactions work best.

Make it quick

The ad experience should not take too long to engage with. Respect the user’s time.

Utilize emotions

Emotional connections drive engagement. Use storytelling elements to build an emotional hook.

Integrate with your campaign

Design the ad to complement your broader marketing initiatives and business goals.

Test and optimize

Continuously test elements like copy, layouts, imagery, calls-to-action to improve performance.

Measure interaction KPIs

Analyze metrics beyond views/clicks like social actions, time spent, entries, conversions, etc.

Engagement Ad Examples

Let’s look at some real-world examples of highly effective and engaging ads:

Spotify: 2017 Wrapped

Music streamer Spotify created an interactive experience that showed users their personalized listening stats and top artists from 2017. This helped connect users to the brand in an emotional, meaningful way while generating high levels of social sharing.

Google: Job Spotlight

Google used an interactive video ad on YouTube that let viewers explore a day in the life of a software engineer at Google. It provided an immersive behind-the-scenes look at the company culture.

Netflix: Puzzles

Netflix promoted some of its popular shows like Stranger Things and Narcos by creating interactive pixel art puzzles that users could play within the ad units.

MINI USA: Superhero Quiz

MINI created a superhero personality quiz ad that assigned users a superhero profile based on their responses. The ad reinforced MINI’s fun, playful brand image.

Spotify: Episode Playlist

Spotify developed native ads that matched podcast episode pages with a complementary playlist of song recommendations.

Company Ad Format Engagement Element Goal
Spotify Sponsored session recap Personalized audio & stats Increase brand connection
Google YouTube video ad Interactive video tour Showcase company culture
Netflix Display ad units Branded games and puzzles Increase ad recall
MINI USA Social ad Personality quiz Reinforce brand image
Spotify Native podcast ads Curated playlists Increase music streaming

Measuring Engagement Ad Performance

It’s important to measure the effectiveness of your interactive ads. Some key metrics to track include:

Interaction rate

Percentage of users who engaged with the ad’s interactive elements. Highlights the ad’s ability to attract attention.

Social actions

Number of social shares, likes, comments generated by the ad. Shows the viral potential.

Brand lift

How engagement with the ad impacted brand recognition, favorability and purchase intent.

Ad recall

Percentage of users who remembered interacting with the ad when surveyed later. Measures memorability.

Time spent

Average time users spent interacting with the ad. Indicates level of engagement.

Lead generation

Number of conversions like email sign-ups, downloads, purchases driven by the ad.

Return on ad spend (ROAS)

Revenue generated by the ad campaign compared to cost. Calculates hard business impact.


Engagement ads help cut through the digital noise by enticing users to interact rather than just view. The interactive format drives more attention, engagement, sharing, and ultimately, conversions compared to static ads. Brands should focus on creating simple, compelling experiences optimized to their campaign goals. With the right interactive strategy and measurement, engagement ads can deliver strong results across awareness, consideration and conversion metrics.