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What is a tag group on FB?

What is a tag group on FB?

A tag group on Facebook is a way to organize your friends into different groups or categories. When you create a post, you can choose to tag a group instead of tagging individual people. This allows you to easily share content with specific subsets of your friends.

Why Use Tag Groups?

There are several benefits to using tag groups on Facebook:

  • Organize your friends into different social circles – family, coworkers, classmates, etc.
  • Easily share posts with relevant audiences without having to tag each person.
  • Limit who sees certain posts by only tagging certain groups.
  • See which of your friends are in each group at a glance.
  • Send group messages to everyone in a particular tag group.

How to Create a Tag Group

Creating a new tag group on Facebook only takes a few steps:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Friends” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the button that says “Create List.”
  3. Give your new tag group a name, like “Family,” “Work Friends,” etc.
  4. Search for and select the friends you want to add to this group.
  5. Click “Create” to finish making the group.

Once you’ve made a tag group, you’ll see it appear in the left sidebar under “Lists.” You can edit the group at any time to add or remove people.

How to Use Tag Groups

Using your newly created tag groups to control who sees your Facebook posts is easy:

  1. When writing a new post, click in the “Tag friends” field.
  2. Select the tag group(s) you want to tag instead of friends.
  3. The post will now only be visible to members of the groups you tagged.

You can also tag groups when creating Facebook Stories, events, or within groups themselves. The tag group members will get a notification when you tag them in a post or story.

Tag Group Limitations

While tag groups are useful, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • You can only create up to 300 tag groups per profile.
  • Each group can have up to 5000 members.
  • Tag groups don’t work for advertising or promoted posts.
  • You can’t prevent people from adding you to groups without your permission.

Table of Tag Group Examples

Tag Group Name Potential Members
Family Parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins
Close Friends Best friends, childhood friends, friends you see often
Acquaintances Old classmates, peripheral friends, friends of friends
Coworkers Current and past colleagues, bosses, corporate contacts
Interest Groups People who share hobbies/interests, clubs, sports teams

Other Potential Tag Groups

Here are some other ideas for Facebook tag groups you could create:

  • High school friends
  • College friends
  • Neighbors
  • Book club
  • Fantasy football league
  • Volunteer group
  • Parent friends from kids’ school
  • Extended family
  • Travel buddies
  • Gym friends
  • Co-workers from old jobs

Pros of Tag Groups

Some of the key advantages of using tag groups on Facebook include:

  • Better privacy control over your posts
  • Avoid flooding certain friends’ feeds
  • Easily share relevant content with specific groups
  • Organized friend list instead of one giant list
  • See at a glance which groups people belong to
  • Send messages to entire groups easily

Better Targeting of Content

One of the biggest pros of tag groups is being able to share content with only the people who would appreciate it. For example, tagging a family group in photos from a reunion or tagging close friends in inside jokes.

Improved Privacy

You can also use tag groups to make some posts visible to only certain people. For instance, you may want to share family updates only with your family group and not with all friends.

Cons of Tag Groups

While generally useful, there are some potential downsides of using tag groups as well:

  • Time-consuming to set up and manage groups
  • Easy to forget to tag relevant groups
  • People may be upset if not included in certain groups
  • Hard to keep groups updated as friendships change
  • 300 group limit can be restricting for very active users
  • Tagging limits reach for posts in large groups

Requires Ongoing Maintenance

One of the main issues with tag groups is they require maintenance as your friendships and interests change over time. You have to remember to add and remove people periodically.

Exclusive Nature Can Cause Offense

Not being included in certain tag groups can cause offense to some friends if they feel excluded from inner social circles and cliques.

Tips for Managing Tag Groups

To maximize the benefits of Facebook tag groups, keep these tips in mind:

  • Audit your groups every 6-12 months for changes.
  • Name groups based on generic themes like “Chicago Friends” vs. “Favorites.”
  • Don’t go tag crazy – only use groups when relevant.
  • Use your Close Friends group for more personal posts.
  • Rotate different groups in regularly to share the love.

Consider Group Size

Aim to keep your groups under 500 members, as the tagging limits for larger groups can prevent notifications. Have multiple smaller groups instead of one giant group if needed.

Communicate Group Purpose

When first creating a more exclusive group, explain the purpose to friends who may wonder why they aren’t included.


Facebook tag groups allow you to organize friends in a more segmented, targeted way. While they require some maintenance, tag groups give you greater control over your privacy and content sharing. Use them to share relevant updates with your family, close buddies, coworkers or any other social circle.

How do you use tag groups on Facebook? Do you find them useful? Let me know in the comments!