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What is a secret Facebook group?

What is a secret Facebook group?

A secret Facebook group is a private group on Facebook that is invisible to non-members. Secret groups do not show up in Facebook searches, and anyone who is not a member cannot see the group’s name, members, or content.

What are the requirements to join a secret Facebook group?

To join a secret Facebook group, you must be invited by a current member of the group. Secret groups do not allow people to request to join – the only way in is to be added by an existing member. Some secret groups may have more stringent requirements, such as requiring potential members to answer questions or be vetted first before receiving an invitation.

Who can see a secret Facebook group?

Only current members of a secret Facebook group can see anything related to that group. Non-members cannot find or access the group in any way. Member privacy also applies to posts within the group – only people inside the group can see posts, comments, member lists, and other content.

What is posted in secret Facebook groups?

Secret Facebook groups often contain private, sensitive, or controversial topics and discussions that members do not want visible to the general public. Some common types of secret Facebook groups include:

  • Support groups – Groups for people dealing with illnesses, disorders, or personal issues.
  • Private hobby/interest groups – For example, rare coin collectors or bird watchers.
  • Ethnic/religious groups – Closed groups for specific ethnicities or religions.
  • Private buy/sell groups – For buying/selling within a closed community.
  • Political groups – Private political discussions.
  • Parenting groups – For parents to discuss children/parenting.
  • Local community groups – Neighbors and town members privately discussing local issues.

In many cases, secret groups allow members to speak more freely about controversial or private matters without judgment or scrutiny from the general public.

What are the benefits of secret Facebook groups?

Some benefits of secret Facebook groups include:

  • Privacy – Group content is hidden from non-members.
  • Sense of community – Ability to connect with niche communities.
  • Free expression – Members can express themselves without judgment.
  • Supportive environment – Closed groups facilitate sharing sensitive issues.
  • Vetted membership – Admins can restrict membership to specific criteria.
  • Exclusivity – Being part of an exclusive, members-only group.

The privacy and exclusivity of secret groups allow members to openly discuss topics they may not be comfortable posting publicly on Facebook.

What are the risks of secret Facebook groups?

While secret Facebook groups offer benefits like privacy and exclusivity, there are also potential risks, such as:

  • Spreading misinformation if left unchecked
  • Online harassment going unnoticed by non-members
  • Isolation and radicalization within “echo chambers”
  • Organizing harmful/illegal activities if unmoderated
  • Discrimination if membership is overly selective/exclusionary

It is important that secret group admins actively monitor and moderate their groups to mitigate these risks. Facebook does have community standards that apply to secret groups, but enforcement relies heavily on vigilance from group admins.

Can secret Facebook groups be reported or shut down?

Since secret groups cannot be seen by non-members, it is challenging for most people to report violations directly to Facebook. However, anyone can report secret groups anonymously by contacting Facebook support and providing details on concerning groups or content.

If Facebook finds serious or repeated policy violations, they can shut down secret groups – even those with thousands of members. Highly active secret groups may also be proactively monitored by Facebook’s content moderation teams.

How can you get removed from a secret Facebook group?

There are a few ways you can be removed from a secret Facebook group:

  • An admin can remove you for any reason
  • Leaving the group yourself via the group’s Settings
  • Being banned for violating group rules
  • The entire group gets deleted/shut down

If you are removed from a secret group, you will no longer be able to access any previous posts or participate in discussions. The group will essentially cease to exist from your perspective as a non-member.


Secret Facebook groups offer members a private space to connect over shared interests, issues, or experiences. They provide privacy, exclusivity, and freedom of expression without judgment from the outside world. However, the inherent closed nature of these groups also carries risks like echo chambers and unmoderated harmful content. Responsible administration and monitoring is crucial to maintaining healthy secret communities within Facebook’s platform.