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What is a reels profile on Facebook?

What is a reels profile on Facebook?

Facebook introduced Reels globally in 2020 as a way for users to create and share short form video content. Reels gained popularity quickly and became a core part of the Facebook experience. In September 2022, Facebook launched Reels profiles specifically for video creators in an effort to compete more directly with TikTok.

A Reels profile on Facebook is a designated space for creators to showcase their Reels videos. It allows video makers to gain more visibility and gives their fans an easy way to view all their content in one place. Reels profiles operate similarly to TikTok profiles by highlighting the creator’s videos on their main page.

What is a Reels profile?

A Reels profile is a special profile type on Facebook that is designed for video creators. When users switch their profile to a Reels profile, their profile page transforms into a dedicated space to showcase their Reels videos.

Here are some key things to know about Reels profiles on Facebook:

  • Video-centric design: The profile page prominently features the creator’s Reels videos in a vertical scrollable feed, similar to TikTok.
  • Easier video upload: Creators can upload Reels directly from the profile page. There is also a “post a reel” button at the top of the page.
  • Customizable content tabs: Reels profiles allow you to organize your content into different tabs like “Reels,” “Posts,” and “Clips.”
  • Metrics and insights: Creators get access to analytics about their reels performance including views, comments, shares and more.
  • Monetization opportunities: Reels profiles will likely have built-in ways for creators to make money like ads or Facebook Stars.

Essentially, a Reels profile centralizes all of a creator’s short form videos and provides tools for publishing, tracking, and monetizing reels content. It creates a space on Facebook that works like TikTok for video production and consumption.

Who can create a Reels profile?

When Reels profiles first launched in September 2022, they were only available to a small number of creators by invitation in the United States. Facebook is planning to expand access gradually over time.

Here are some key eligibility requirements for gaining access to create a Reels profile on Facebook currently:

  • Creators must have a certain threshold of followers (the exact number is not public)
  • Creators must primarily post video content and produce reels frequently
  • Creators need to be in the United States
  • Creators must be invited directly by Facebook through Instagram DM

So in summary, Reels profiles are currently limited to popular video creators based in the US who have been identified by Facebook as producing engaging Reels content consistently. The company has said it plans to make Reels profiles available globally in the future as the product improves.

How to create a Reels profile

If you meet the eligibility criteria listed above, here are the steps to create a Reels profile on Facebook:

  1. Accept the invitation from Facebook delivered through Instagram direct message.
  2. Open the Facebook app and tap the notification that says “Try Your New Reels Profile.”
  3. Review the introductory screens explaining the features of a Reels profile. Tap “Get Started.”
  4. Choose to create a new Reels profile or convert your existing profile. Tap “Confirm” to proceed.
  5. Select up to 5 categories like “Comedy”, “Beauty”, or “Cooking” that align with your content.
  6. If converting a profile, choose which existing posts you want to show on your new profile.
  7. Customize your profile handle, profile photo, cover photo, and description.
  8. Tag other social media accounts you want linked to your profile.
  9. Review your profile and tap “Done” to publish your new Reels profile.

The process involves either building a new Reels page from scratch or converting your existing profile. Facebook guides you through setting up all your content, branding, and social details so your Reels space is ready to showcase all your top videos.

Key Features

Reels profiles on Facebook have a variety of unique features tailored for video creators. Here are some of the key capabilities:

Reels Feed

The main feed on your profile displays your Reels videos in a full screen, vertical scrollable format like TikTok. Fans can seamlessly watch and engage with all your content.


You get access to analytics and insights about all your Reels like views, comments, shares, followers, etc. This helps you understand performance and optimize your video strategy.


Reels profiles will likely have integrated monetization tools like Facebook’s in-stream ads or Stars tipping. This allows you to earn money directly from your Reels content.

Editing Tools

You can edit and upload Reels directly from the mobile profile interface. No need to go off platform. There are also AR filters and editing features to enhance your content.

Content Organization

Customizable tabs allow you to organize different types of content like Reels, clips, photos, lives streams. Followers can explore the specific content they like.

Link to Other Social Accounts

You can connect your profiles on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc. This helps fans on those platforms discover and follow you on Facebook.

Benefits of Reels Profiles

There are many advantages that Reels profiles provide specifically for video creators on Facebook:

  • Increased discoverability – A dedicated Reels profile allows your videos to surface more in recommendations and makes you more visible to new followers.
  • Growth of engaged followers – Fans can easily access and binge all your Reels in one place, leading to increased engagement.
  • Streamlined video publishing – The profile makes creating and posting Reels much easier through direct uploading.
  • Centralized metrics – You can analyze the performance of all your video content in one dashboard rather than scattered posts.
  • New monetization opportunities – Reels profiles will introduce tailored ways for you to earn money from high-performing Reels.
  • Owned brand space – The profile functions like your own channel on Facebook to showcase content on your terms.

For creators focused on short form, entertaining video, Reels profiles provide the best tools and environment to reach and monetize their audience on Facebook.

Creating Content for Reels Profiles

Optimizing your Reels content for the vertical, full screen environment of a Reels profile is important. Follow these tips:

  • Film horizontal video to maximize quality but avoid awkward cropping when displayed vertically.
  • Add text, captions, effects, and stickers to make clips visually engaging in format.
  • Use attention-grabbing hooks at the start to capture interest within 3 seconds.
  • Keep a consistent style and format that followers associate with your brand.
  • Post at least once a day to stay top of mind on followers’ feeds.
  • Use relevant hashtags so your content surfaces in Discover areas.
  • Monitor analytics to see top performing content types and formats.

The short form, entertaining nature of Reels rewards captivating visuals, clever editing, and novel concepts. Study viral Reels content to determine what resonates most with Facebook’s audience.

Advertising Your Reels Profile

Here are some tips to effectively promote your Reels profile and attract engaged followers:

  • Link to your Reels profile in Instagram bio and YouTube descriptions.
  • Do Reels collaborations and co-promotion with other creators.
  • Create an exclusive “behind-the-scenes” Reels series for your profile.
  • Promote new Reels through Instagram Stories and Facebook posts.
  • Run ads driving traffic specifically to your new Reels profile.
  • Pitch Reels concepts aligned to trending challenges, sounds, hashtags.
  • Engage thoroughly with followers through likes, comments, messages.

Leveraging cross-promotion and exclusivity helps convince current social media followers to view your content on the new Reels profile. You can also attract many new fans through discoverability features native to Reels.

Measuring Success on Reels Profiles

Here are the key metrics to track the success and growth of your Reels profile:

  • Followers – Steadily increasing total followers indicates strong content that engages viewers.
  • Views – Higher total and average views per Reel means your content resonates with fans.
  • Engagement Rate – The percentage of followers that like, comment, share reveals content quality.
  • Shares – More shares signal content worth spreading by audiences.
  • Comments – Increased comments demonstrate back-and-forth value. Monitor sentiment.
  • Watch Time – More total watch time points to captivating video and loyal viewers.

Analyze performance trends over weeks and months. Optimize your Reels strategy based on which formats and topics get the best response. This will maximize your Reels profile value long-term.

Potential Issues

While Reels profiles offer major advantages, creators should also be aware of some potential downsides:

  • Additional demands for frequent high-quality Reels production
  • Metrics analysis requires time and expertise
  • Monetization through Facebook’s model may be less lucrative
  • Linking Facebook to other social profiles has risks
  • Fake or ineffective engagement inflated by bots
  • Over-reliance on Facebook algorithms for distribution
  • Potential for hate speech and trolling in comments

Maintaining an engaging, well-monetized Reels profile involves major work. Creators should strategically balance the benefits and risks based on their resources and risk tolerance.


Reels profiles provide video creators a new opportunity to grow their audience and business on Facebook. The dedicated profile space offers the tools needed to effectively showcase short form video content natively within the platform. While not yet universally available, Reels profiles signal Facebook’s commitment to competing in the social video space against TikTok and YouTube. Video producers who master Reels content now will gain a strategic advantage in reaching Facebook’s massive user base. Those intrigued by the new format should research best practices, analyze competitors, and prepare creative concepts that will resonate with target viewers. With strategic testing and optimization, Reels profiles can provide creators both lucrative visibility and exciting ways to express their unique talents.