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What is a photo tag on Facebook?

What is a photo tag on Facebook?

A photo tag on Facebook allows you to identify people in photos that you or others post. When you tag someone, their name appears over their face in the photo and links to their profile. Tagging connects the photo to their profile so that it appears in their timeline along with the photo caption and any related comments or likes. Photo tagging serves several purposes on Facebook:

Identifying People in Photos

The primary purpose of photo tagging is to identify the people who appear in a photo. When you upload photos to Facebook, facial recognition technology will often automatically suggest tags for the people it recognizes. You can then confirm the tags before posting the photo publicly. If the automatic tagging misses anyone, you can manually tag people by selecting their name from a list of your friends or typing a name in.

Tagging helps you and your friends know who is in each photo. Rather than having unnamed faces, tagging lets you put a name to the faces of friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances who appear in your timeline photos. This gives context about who you were with, where, and during what event or occasion.

Connecting Photos to Profiles

When you tag someone in a photo you post, it not only identifies them in your photo, but also shares that photo to their own Facebook profile. Tagging someone shares that photo on their timeline just as if they had posted it themselves. The photo also gets shared to any mutual friends’ feeds who can view the post. This connects the photo to the profile of the tagged person.

By tagging photos this way, you can help your friends collect and curate photos of themselves that they may not have seen otherwise. Any photos they’re tagged in become part of their Facebook presence, profile photos, and memories. The tagged photos also appear in their photo albums on their profile under the category “Photos of Me.”

Tagging Friends and Connections

Tagging serves an important social function on Facebook – it connects you and your friends. Tagging someone in a post or photo creates a link from you to their profile. It also shares that post directly on their timeline, instantly involving them in the content.

When friends see they’ve been tagged, they’ll get a notification prompting them to react to the tagged photo or post. This gives them a chance to share feedback, give a Like, or leave a comment. Tagging sparks engagement between you and your friends around your shared posts and photos.

Controlling the Audience

Tagging also allows you to control the privacy settings and audience for a photo. For example, you may post a photo and tag several friends who can all view and interact with that photo. However, you can set the audience to “Friends” so that the photo does not appear publicly on your profile for anyone else to see.

Likewise, you can tag a friend in the photo, but they have the option to remove the tag of themselves. This would remove their name and profile link from appearing on that photo. Tags give you granular control over who appears in your photos and who can view them.

Creating Photo Albums

Tagging people consolidates all the photos they’re tagged in into photo albums on your profile. Under the Photos section, there is an album called “Photos of [Your Name]” where you can manage all photos you’ve been tagged in by others. There’s also an album called “[Your Name]’s Photos” where you can browse through and organize all the photos you’ve posted over the years.

Tagging makes it easy to compile and rediscover photo memories on Facebook. It builds a collective photo history that you and your friends can look back on for years to come.

Tagging Considerations

When tagging friends in photos, it’s important to be selective and considerate. While tagging can help you connect with friends over shared memories, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Avoid tagging excessive numbers of people in a single photo – this can create notification fatigue.
  • Do not tag people who are not actively using Facebook or may not be interested in the photo.
  • Ask someone’s permission before tagging them if you think they’d prefer not to be tagged.
  • Untag yourself from any photos you’re uncomfortable being tagged in.

Overall, use good judgement and tag thoughtfully. Tagging is a feature designed to enhance social connection and memories, so use it in the positive spirit intended.

Managing Tag Notifications

If you don’t want to receive notifications every time you’ve been tagged in a post or photo, you can adjust your notification settings:

  1. Go to the Notification Settings page on Facebook.
  2. Under “Posts,” uncheck the box next to “Friends Tag You.”
  3. Under “Photos and Videos,” uncheck the box next to “Friends Tag You.”

This will mute notifications from being tagged by friends. However, you can still visit your own profile to see when you’ve been tagged in photos or posts there.

Removing Tags

If someone tags you in a photo you don’t want to be associated with, you can easily untag yourself:

  1. Go to the photo where you’re tagged.
  2. Hover over your name tag and click the X icon.
  3. Confirm that you want to remove the tag.

This will disassociate you from the photo. The photo will remain on Facebook without your name or profile link attached.

Reporting Inappropriate Tags

If someone tags you inappropriately in posts or photos meant to harass, bully or embarrass you, you can report this to Facebook:

  1. Go to the post or photo’s page where you’re tagged.
  2. Click the three dots icon (…) in the top right corner.
  3. Select Report Post or Report Photo.
  4. Choose the option “I don’t like this photo of me.”
  5. Select Remove Tag.

This will report the photo tag and prompt Facebook to remove the tag. Reporting inappropriate tagging helps keep Facebook safe and considerate.

Tagging on Mobile

Tagging friends in mobile Facebook posts or photos is easy:

  • Photos: Upload a photo, then tap Tag Friends and type or select names.
  • Status updates: After writing a post, tap Tag Friends and type or select names.
  • Stories: Add a photo or video to your Story, tap Tag Friends and select names.

The tagged person’s name will appear highlighted in blue and link to their profile. Tap a name tag to remove it.

Facial Recognition Tagging

Facebook’s facial recognition technology uses machine learning to detect faces in photos and suggest tags. When uploading photos, Facebook may prompt you with a list of names to tag based on recognized faces. Simply confirm the tags before posting.

If you prefer to disable facial recognition tagging, go to Facebook Settings > Face Recognition and turn it off. You can still tag photos the old fashioned way by manually typing names.

Third-Party Tagging

You can also be tagged in photos by people who are not your direct Facebook friends. For example, a friend of a friend or someone in a group or event you’re both part of. These are called third-party tags.

To control whether these third parties can tag you, go to Facebook Settings > Timeline and Tagging. Under “Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your timeline?” you can restrict tags to friends only, or friends of friends.


Photo tagging is an integral part of connecting with friends and sharing memories on Facebook. It links faces in photos to the appropriate friend profiles, shares the photo to timelines, compiles tagged photos into albums, and facilitates commenting and engagement around photos.

When tagging responsibly and selectively, it’s a useful tool to enhance social interaction. With privacy controls like disabling tags or restricting audiences, you can decide how and when you want to be tagged by others on Facebook.