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What is a pending order on Facebook?

What is a pending order on Facebook?

A pending order on Facebook refers to an order that has been placed by a customer through Facebook or Instagram checkout but has not yet been confirmed and processed by the seller. When a customer places an order, the order will initially show as “pending” until the seller reviews the order and confirms that they can fulfill it.

Some key things to know about pending orders on Facebook:

Why Orders Get Marked as Pending

There are a few main reasons why an order may show up as pending on Facebook:

  • The seller needs to review the order details and inventory availability before confirming the order.
  • The order requires additional processing time or manual review before the seller can confirm it.
  • The buyer’s payment method requires authorization or verification before the order can be confirmed.
  • The seller’s payment payout from Facebook is still being processed.
  • The order is waiting on the buyer to provide additional information requested by the seller.

How Sellers Manage Pending Orders

Once an order comes in as pending, the seller will need to take the following steps:

  1. Review order details like the items purchased, shipping address, and payment method.
  2. Check inventory levels to ensure the items are in stock and can be fulfilled.
  3. Contact the buyer if there are any issues that need to be resolved before the order can be confirmed, such as requesting ID verification for restricted products.
  4. Confirm the order once everything checks out, which will change the status from pending to confirmed.
  5. Process the fulfillment and shipment of the confirmed order to the buyer.

It is up to the seller to promptly review pending orders and confirm them so that buyers are not left waiting and the orders can be processed and fulfilled in a timely manner.

How Long Should a Pending Order Remain Pending?

There is no set time limit for how long an order can remain in a pending status, but most sellers try to confirm orders within 24-48 hours. The timing depends on factors like:

  • The seller’s business processes and average order processing time.
  • Whether inventory levels need to be verified.
  • How quickly the buyer responds to any requests for additional details.
  • The ordering volume the seller is experiencing.

Leaving orders pending for too long can negatively impact the buyer experience. Some best practices around pending order timing include:

  • Confirming straightforward orders within 24 hours.
  • Following up with buyers within 48 hours if additional information is needed.
  • Canceling orders that cannot be fulfilled within 5-7 days.

Communication About Pending Orders

Communication is key when an order is pending. Sellers should proactively contact buyers to resolve any issues and provide status updates. Buyers will also appreciate receiving confirmation once the order transitions from pending to confirmed.

On Facebook, sellers can communicate with buyers through order messages. It’s recommended for sellers to:

  • Send an initial message when first reviewing a pending order to let the buyer know it’s being processed.
  • Follow up if any info like ID verification is needed.
  • Confirm when the order has shipped along with tracking info.
  • Send an apology and explanation if an order ends up being canceled.

Impacts of Leaving Orders Pending

Allowing orders to remain pending for long periods can negatively impact a seller’s business performance in the following ways:

  • Buyers may reach out asking when they will receive their order, taking up customer service time.
  • Negative reviews from buyers seeing orders delayed or canceled.
  • Reduced cash flow as payment payouts are delayed.
  • Increased likelihood of buyers issuing disputes or chargebacks.
  • Lower seller rating if order processing times fall below expectations.

Best Practices for Pending Orders

To manage pending orders effectively, sellers should follow these best practices:

  • Set up order management processes to review orders 1-2 times daily.
  • Create order confirmation templates to easily communicate with buyers.
  • Regularly monitor inventory availability to avoid overselling.
  • Refund buyers promptly if an order ends up having to be canceled.
  • Add processing time disclaimers if inventory needs to be verified.
  • Confirm orders as quickly as possible, aiming for 24-48 hour turnaround.

Analytics Around Pending Orders

Facebook provides sellers with reporting on pending orders and order management metrics. Key analytics to monitor include:

  • Number/percentage of orders pending vs. confirmed.
  • Average time for sellers to confirm orders.
  • Order cancelation rate.
  • Number of buyers requesting order status updates.
  • Traffic sources and products generating the most pending orders.

By regularly analyzing their pending order metrics, sellers can identify pain points to improve their processes.

Automation Tools for Managing Orders

Automation tools can streamline the management of pending orders for high volume sellers. Examples include:

  • Order management software that sync pending orders across sales channels.
  • Inventory management tools that update availability in real-time.
  • Customer service bots that can send initial responses to buyers.
  • Email/SMS platforms to send order confirmations.

Implementing the right automation tools can help sellers manage large volumes of pending orders efficiently.

Scenario Examples of Pending Orders

Here are a few examples of scenarios that could lead to pending orders and how a seller might handle them:

Inventory Needs Verification

An order for a popular product comes in showing as pending. The seller needs to check their inventory system to make sure they have enough in stock to fulfill the order. They message the buyer to let them know they are processing the order and will follow up once it’s been confirmed. After verifying they have inventory, the seller updates the order status to confirmed.

Payment Authorization Required

A buyer places an order paid for with a credit card. The card issuer flags the transaction as needing additional authentication. The seller reaches out to request ID verification from the buyer in order to confirm the order. Once the buyer provides the information, the seller can confirm the order.

Restricted Product Requiring Approval

An order comes in for alcohol that requires the buyer to upload a photo of their ID for age verification. The seller pends the order and requests ID upload from the buyer. When the buyer provides their ID showing they are of legal drinking age, the seller approves the order.

Address Verification Needed

A pending order shows an incomplete shipping address missing info like apartment number. The seller messages the buyer asking them to provide their full address. The buyer responds with the updated address allowing the seller to confirm the order.

Out of Stock Product

An order comes in for a product that has just sold out. The seller sees they no longer have inventory to fulfill the order. They cancel the pending order and notify the buyer with an explanation and apology.


Pending orders are a natural part of transacting on Facebook and indicative of the necessary steps sellers have to take to process and fulfill orders. By promptly reviewing pending orders, keeping buyers updated, and streamlining confirmation processes, sellers can provide a smooth ordering experience. Monitoring key metrics around pending orders can help identify opportunities to improve order operations. Leveraging automation tools as sales scale is also important. With the right systems and focus on order management, sellers can effectively handle pending Facebook orders.