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What is a payment threshold on Facebook?

What is a payment threshold on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to monetize their content through various programs like Facebook Ad Breaks, Facebook Stars, and Facebook Live. However, in order to receive payment, users must meet certain thresholds for earnings and followers.

What is a payment threshold?

A payment threshold refers to the minimum amount a user must earn before Facebook will issue a payment. This ensures that Facebook only has to process payments over a certain amount, rather than many small payments. Payment thresholds help Facebook operate more efficiently.

For example, say the payment threshold is $100. If a user earns $90 in a month from monetized content, they will not receive a payment that month. However, if the next month they earn $20, bringing their total earnings to $110, they will receive a payment for the full $110. Only once earnings cross the payment threshold will a payment be triggered.

Facebook Ad Breaks payment threshold

Facebook Ad Breaks allow eligible creators and media companies to insert ads into their videos and earn a cut of the resulting revenue. To participate, pages must have at least 10,000 followers and be in good standing.

The payment threshold for Facebook Ad Breaks is $100. Users must earn at least $100 before a payment will be issued. Payments are made approximately 30 days after the end of the monthly earnings period when thresholds are met.

For example, if a user earns $90 in January from Ad Breaks, no payment will be made. If they earn $50 in February, their total is now $140. So in early March they will receive a payment for the full $140.

Facebook Stars payment threshold

Facebook Stars allow viewers to support creators by purchasing animated Star icons during live videos. The creator then earns a portion of the Stars revenue.

The payment threshold for Facebook Stars is $50. Once a user earns $50 or more in a month, they will receive a payment around the 15th of the next month. Any Stars revenue under $50 remains pending until the user crosses the threshold.

For instance, if a creator earns $40 in Stars revenue in May, they will not receive a payout. If they earn $30 in June, their total is now $70. So they will be paid the full $70 around July 15th.

Facebook Live payment threshold

Facebook Live allows creators to broadcast live video to their audience. Facebook offers several monetization options for Live, like Stars and Ad Breaks.

The payment threshold for Facebook Live income depends on the specific program:

  • Live Ad Breaks: $100 threshold
  • Live Stars: $50 threshold

So users must meet the above criteria to earn a payout for Live videos based on these features. The timeframe for payments is the same monthly schedule after thresholds are met.

Other Facebook monetization programs

In addition to the above programs, Facebook also offers other monetization opportunities like Subscriptions and Paid Online Events. The payment thresholds vary:

Program Payment Threshold
Subscriptions $10
Paid Online Events $10

So for Subscriptions and Paid Online Events, creators must earn at least $10 before Facebook will issue a payment. This lower threshold facilitates monetization for more users.

Why payment thresholds matter

Payment thresholds allow Facebook to:

  • Reduce transaction costs – Issuing many small payments would be inefficient. The threshold minimizes payments until a substantial amount is reached.
  • Focus payouts on meaningful earners – Processing payments for low-level earnings from inactive users would take resources away from more active creators.
  • Encourage greater engagement – Thresholds motivate users to engage more to reach payout requirements.

In summary, the payment threshold system prioritizes payments to committed creators who drive more value and provide the best experience for Facebook and its users.

Checking your progress toward payment thresholds

Facebook provides monetization analytics so creators can track their progress toward payment thresholds. In the Facebook Creator Studio app, users can view:

  • Estimated revenue and earnings – See how much you’ve made so far in the current earnings period.
  • Payments – View pending and completed payments and why payment may be delayed.
  • Payment history – Check your payout history and details.

Checking these stats regularly allows users to know where they stand versus the payment thresholds and when they can expect to receive payments from Facebook.

Strategies for meeting payment thresholds

Here are some tips to help creators meet Facebook payment thresholds:

1. Diversify monetization strategies

Use multiple programs like Ad Breaks, Stars, and Subscriptions together. This makes it easier to accumulate earnings toward the thresholds from different sources.

2. Engage fans frequently

Post and go Live more consistently to get content in front of your audience. More exposure gives fans more opportunities to contribute financially.

3. Promote monetization features

Remind fans how they can support you by using programs like Ad Breaks, Stars, and Subscriptions. Giving clear calls to action can increase participation.

4. Analyze performance data

Use Facebook insights to see what content and times perform best. Double down on strategies that seem most effective at driving monetization.

5. Collaborate with other creators

Work with others in your niche to cross-promote and attract each other’s audiences. More fans means more reach for monetization.


Facebook’s payment thresholds allow the platform to operate payment programs efficiently while keeping the focus on creators who drive the most value. Checking monetization analytics and diversifying income streams can help users progress toward hitting thresholds consistently. Overall, payment thresholds help align incentives between Facebook and its creator community for a better user experience.