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What is a name picker for giveaways?

What is a name picker for giveaways?

A name picker for giveaways is a tool used to randomly select winners for contests, sweepstakes, giveaways, and other promotions. It provides an impartial way to draw winners from a pool of entrants.

Why use a name picker?

Name pickers are commonly used by brands, bloggers, YouTubers, and other content creators running giveaways. They have several benefits over manual drawing:

  • Fairness – Manual drawing can be manipulated, whether intentionally or not. Automated name pickers use algorithms to ensure every entry has an equal chance.
  • Randomness – True randomness is hard for humans to achieve. Name pickers use math and code to create random results.
  • Ease of use – Picking names out of a hat or bowl is tedious. Name pickers make selecting multiple winners simple.
  • Proof – Name pickers log details to prove results are valid. This provides transparency for entrants.
  • Time savings – Manually going through hundreds or thousands of entries takes forever. Name pickers get the job done in seconds.

Using an automated tool removes human bias and error from giveaway drawings. Entrants can trust the process was fair and winners were chosen impartially.

How do name pickers work?

Name pickers use random number generation to select winners. There are a few common technical methods:

  • Random number generator (RNG) – RNGs use an algorithm to produce randomized results. The picker assigns each entry a number then has the RNG choose numbers to determine winners.
  • Shuffling – The list of names is computationally shuffled, similar to shuffling cards. A set number of entries are drawn from the top.
  • Weighted distribution – Entries have metaphorical tickets assigned to them based on certain qualifications. More tickets equals more chances to win.

The software CODE determines winners, not a human. As long as the source code is truly random, every entry has an equal shot.

What to look for in a name picker

Here are key features to look for when selecting a name picker for your giveaway:

  • Randomness – Ensure the picker uses proven random selection methods like RNG.
  • Customization – Can you remove duplicates, filter by region, set multiple winners, etc?
  • Shareable results – Can you generate a results video to post and prove validity?
  • Data privacy – Does the picker protect entrants’ personal information?
  • Price – Some name pickers offer free plans or free trials.
  • Ease of use – An intuitive interface makes running giveaways simple.

The best name pickers balance randomness with features to pick winners tailored to your giveaway’s needs.

Popular online name pickers

Here are some of the most popular free and paid name pickers used for giveaways:

Name Picker Key Features
Gleam Import from CSV, filter entries, randomized results video
Rafflecopter Duplicate entry removal, region filters, shareable results
Woobox Social sharing links, winner highlights, result verification
WinIt Multi-stage giveaways, bonus entries, automated winner emails
Wishpond Geo-target giveaways, award bonus chances, result certification

Services like these make it easy to configure and run your giveaway from start to finish. Advanced features help optimize entry collection, fraud prevention, and winner selection.

Pros and cons of online name pickers

Online name pickers have advantages as well as some limitations to consider:


  • Unbiased random selection
  • Greater convenience managing entries
  • Results can be documented and shared
  • Advanced features like duplicate removal
  • Automated winner emails and announcements


  • Potential privacy risks if company mismanages data
  • Technical issues causing errors in winner selection
  • Limits on number of entries requiring paid plans
  • Need for entrants to use online forms to enter

Overall, the transparency and convenience make online name pickers a very useful option for giveaways – just be sure to vet them closely.

How to use a name picker for giveaways

Running your giveaway with an online name picker is straightforward:

  1. Select a name picker and create an account if needed.
  2. Set up your giveaway and customize the entry form, widgets, etc.
  3. Promote your giveaway through channels like social media, email, and your website.
  4. Collect entries until the deadline through forms, bonuses, etc.
  5. Use the name picker to randomly select the pre-set number of winners.
  6. The picker notifies winners and provides results you can display publicly.
  7. Ship prizes to winners and conclude the giveaway.

Your chosen name picker platform will provide detailed instructions on settings and options for running your giveaway from start to finish.

Types of giveaways suited for name pickers

Name pickers can facilitate many giveaway formats:

  • Random prize drawings – Enter for a chance to win prizes picked randomly from the entry pool.
  • Photo contests – Submit photos and captions voted on by judges.
  • Trivia contests – Enter by answering trivia questions correctly.
  • Instant win games – Prizes awarded randomly and immediately.
  • Referral giveaways – Earn bonus entries for referring friends.
  • Social media giveaways – Need to follow, share, etc. to enter.
  • Email newsletter giveaways – Opt-in promotions for subscribers.

As long as you can collect names in a list, a name picker can handle selecting winners for any type of giveaway.

Tips for running giveaways with a name picker

Here are some tips for success when running giveaways using online name pickers:

  • Test the name picker first using dummy entries to ensure proper setup.
  • Check legal giveaway rules in your region for compliance.
  • Make entry requirements clear in giveaway rules and terms.
  • Set specific start and end times/dates to control entry flow.
  • Use name picker features to remove duplicate or invalid entries.
  • Make prizes enticing – think what your audience will value.
  • Promote heavily, especially in the beginning and end stages.
  • Follow up with winners to collect any required info for prizes.
  • Share results page so entrants can verify the process.

Running a smooth, successful giveaway takes planning. Name pickers streamline the winner selection step but you still need to drive entries and manage all other logistics.

Common giveaway rules to set

Establishing official rules is crucial for any giveaway. Be sure to set rules covering:

  • How to enter (steps, limits, etc)
  • Start and end date/time
  • Eligible countries and age requirements
  • Prize details including value
  • How winners will be selected and notified
  • Odds of winning
  • Taxes and other winner responsibilities
  • Rights to use winner’s name, photo, and entry
  • Terms and conditions for entry

Drafting rules upfront provides important legal protection. Make sure entrants have easy access to the full official rules.


Name pickers provide an easy way to manage giveaway entries and select unbiased winners. While manual drawings are possible for small contests, name pickers are almost required to handle larger pools of entrants.

The automated algorithms ensure fairness and randomness when picking winners. Features like duplicate removal help validate entries. Documentation of the results provides transparency.

Setting clear giveaway rules, driving traffic, building hype, and planning engagement strategy are still critical to running a successful promotion. Name pickers simply remove the burden of manual winner selection to support your efforts.

With many excellent name picker platforms to choose from, brands, content creators, and marketers can let technology take care of picking fair and random winners. The human touch is still needed to handle the rest of the giveaway process and provide a rewarding experience for entrants.