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What is a managed partner on Facebook?

What is a managed partner on Facebook?

A managed partner on Facebook is an advertising partner that Facebook works with directly to help advertisers manage their ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network. Managed partners have a close relationship with Facebook and access to specialized tools, support, and resources to provide services to their clients.

Why use a managed partner?

There are several benefits to using a managed partner instead of working directly with Facebook’s self-serve Ads Manager:

  • Expertise – Managed partners have extensive experience running Facebook ad campaigns and staying up-to-date on the latest best practices.
  • Time savings – Partners take care of managing campaigns, freeing up time for businesses to focus on other priorities.
  • Results – Partners are measured on performance and work closely with Facebook to optimize campaigns for better results.
  • Support – Partners provide support and guidance to help advertisers achieve their goals on Facebook’s platforms.
  • Access – Partners have access to beta features, invite-only events, and specialized support from Facebook.

For businesses that want to get the most out of their Facebook advertising and outsource the management to experts, a managed partner can provide significant benefits.

Types of managed partners

Facebook has several different types of managed partners:

Marketing Partners

Marketing Partners focus on creative strategy, audience insights, campaign management, and reporting. They help brands define their objectives, connect with the right audiences, create effective creative, and optimize campaigns for continuous improvement.

Measurement Partners

Measurement Partners specialized in attribution and analytics. They provide in-depth analysis of campaign performance and insights to quantify ROI and optimize for key objectives.

Business Partners

Business Partners provide a full-service approach to developing businesses’ presence on Facebook’s platforms. Services may include creative development, community management, influencer partnerships, and shop setup and optimization.

Specialized Service Partners

Specialized Service Partners offer services within a particular niche or vertical. For example, some may focus exclusively on mobile app install campaigns, while others may have expertise in lead generation campaigns.

Requirements for becoming a Facebook managed partner

Facebook has stringent requirements and vetting for managed partners to ensure they provide a high level of service and results for their clients. Some of the requirements include:

  • Proven experience running Facebook campaigns and managing at least $500k/month in ad spend
  • Maintain at least one certified expert for each Facebook platform (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network)
  • Commit to driving growth and results for their clients’ businesses
  • Have expertise across multiple industries and campaign objectives
  • Provide regular reporting and optimization recommendations
  • Maintain strong client retention and satisfaction rates

Additionally, partners must pass an annual audit by Facebook to maintain their status. Facebook also provides training and requires partners to obtain product certifications.

Partner levels

Facebook designates managed partners at three levels based on their capabilities and track record:


The baseline level. These partners meet the core requirements to run campaigns effectively on Facebook’s platforms. They have demonstrated expertise in campaign execution, reporting, optimization, and client service.

Premier Partner

Premier Partners have a longer track record and experience handling larger, more sophisticated campaigns and budgets. They employ more certified experts and demonstrate strong optimization capabilities driving exceptional results.

Elite Partner

The top-tier level reserved for partners with the deepest expertise and most consistent performance running campaigns across Facebook’s platforms. These partners drive success for global brands with large budgets and handle highly complex campaigns.

Higher-level partners gain access to additional benefits like beta programs, events, and dedicated support from Facebook.

How managed partners work with Facebook

Managed partners work closely with Facebook’s own teams to provide services to their clients. Here are some of the ways they collaborate:

  • Strategy – Partners work with Facebook account managers and planners to develop campaign strategies and plans.
  • Access – Partners use Facebook’s business tools, Ads Manager, APIs, and analytics in managing campaigns.
  • Support – Partners have access to specialized support teams at Facebook for troubleshooting and optimizations.
  • Insights – Facebook shares information, best practices, product roadmaps, and training with partners.
  • Feedback – Partners provide feedback to Facebook on product features, tools, and platform improvements.

This close collaboration allows managed partners to maximize their utilization of Facebook’s platforms for their clients.

Major benefits of working with a managed partner

The key benefits brands can gain by working with a Facebook managed partner include:

Faster results and lower cost per acquisition

Partners’ expertise in optimization and advanced tactics results in improved performance and lower CPA.

Expanded capability and capacity

Partners manage resource-intensive campaign execution and provide additional services like creative design that brands may lack in-house.

Unbiased, strategic counsel

Partners make recommendations based solely on performance data and what will achieve brand goals, not other interests.

Risk reduction

Partners’ familiarity with Facebook’s policies and nuances helps avoid issues that could lead to disapproved ads or banned accounts.

More time to focus on core business

By handing campaign management off to a partner, brands free up internal resources to focus on other business initiatives.

Considerations when selecting a Facebook marketing partner

Brands evaluating potential Facebook managed partners should look at the following criteria:

Industry experience

Seek partners with background in your specific industry who understand your customers and goals.

Areas of expertise

Look for expertise relevant to your needs like lead gen, branding, etc. and partner levels indicating capabilities.

Client results

Review case studies and data on real results delivered for other clients.

Communication and reporting

Ensure the partner provides clear, regular reporting and optimization recommendations.

Cost structure

Understand the fees, margins, and minimums to determine if the partner is a fit.

Cultural fit

Make sure the partner’s processes, values and working style matches yours.

Best practices for partner success

To get the most value from working with a Facebook marketing partner, brands should:

  • Provide clear goals, target audiences, and metrics for success
  • Have reasonable expectations aligned with investment level
  • Give partners access to key business data and insights as needed
  • Have open, ongoing communication and feedback
  • Allow partners flexibility to optimize campaigns
  • Be responsive to partner suggestions and requests
  • Have executive buy-in and support for the initiative

Treating the partner relationship as a collaborative partnership focused on shared goals leads to the best outcomes.

Reasons a Facebook marketing partnership may not succeed

While most managed partnerships are successful, there are a few reasons they may fail to meet expectations:

  • Lack of clarity on goals and success metrics
  • Micromanaging partner strategies instead of allowing flexibility
  • Insufficient budget relative to business goals
  • Poor communication or lack of timely feedback
  • Not providing the partner with necessary data access and resources
  • Unreasonable expectations for results based on spending levels
  • Lack of trust and unwillingness to implement partner recommendations

Setting clear expectations upfront, maintaining open communication, and aligning on goals and metrics can help avoid these partnership pitfalls.

Signs it may be time to switch Facebook marketing partners

Warning signs that indicate it may be time to evaluate switching Facebook marketing partners include:

  • Consistently missing performance benchmarks
  • Spending way over budget without adequate results
  • Recommendations not aligned with brand objectives
  • Poor or infrequent communication
  • High attrition rate on the account team
  • Too much churn and constantly shifting strategies
  • Pushback on providing reporting and insights
  • Poor customer service response times

If addressing these issues with the partner does not resolve them, it may be time to consider a new partner better suited to drive results.

Transitioning from a current Facebook marketing partner

When transitioning from a current partner, brands should:

  1. Provide adequate notice per the contract terms (typically 30-60 days)
  2. Request and review all current campaign assets, creative, and analytics
  3. Note any contracts or business accounts the current partner established
  4. Clearly communicate objectives and metrics to the new partner
  5. Develop a transition plan and timeline for campaign hand-off
  6. Introduce new partner to Facebook account manager
  7. Ensure new partner has access to all accounts and tools
  8. Communicate the change to other stakeholders

Setting clear expectations, giving proper notice, and developing a transition plan can help make switching Facebook marketing partners seamless.


Facebook managed partners provide invaluable expertise, resources, and support to help brands succeed with their campaigns on Facebook platforms. Working with a highly qualified partner can provide better performance, expanded capabilities, and deeper insights compared to going it alone. Brands should vet potential partners thoroughly, set clear objectives, maintain open communication, and align on metrics for an optimal partnership. With the right partner relationship, brands can get the most value from their investment in Facebook advertising.