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What is a good status to post on Facebook?

What is a good status to post on Facebook?

When posting a status update on Facebook, you want it to be interesting and engaging to your friends and followers. At the same time, you don’t want to overshare or post something inappropriate. Here are some tips for writing good Facebook statuses:

Be Positive and Upbeat

In general, positive and upbeat statuses tend to get more likes and comments than negative or depressing ones. Share your happy moments, accomplishments, gratitude, or inspiration. Some ideas:

  • “Loving this beautiful weather we’re having!”
  • “So grateful for amazing friends like you!”
  • “Success comes to those who hustle while others sleep.”

Positivity spreads more joy than negativity. But that doesn’t mean you should pretend to be happy 24/7. Keep it authentic.

Be Funny or Clever

A witty, funny or clever status can be very popular and get lots of feedback. But humor is subjective, so think about your audience. Some ideas:

  • “Ironic that the word ‘queue’ is just a Q followed by 4 silent letters.”
  • “Waldo isn’t hiding anymore. He’s in witness protection.”
  • “Want to hear a pizza joke? Eh, nevermind, it’s too cheesy.”

The key is to keep it clean and inoffensive. Inside jokes that only you and a few friends understand generally don’t work well as public Facebook statuses.

Ask Questions

Posting a question can spark interesting conversations in the comments. Get creative, thoughtful, or provocative. Examples:

  • “What’s your favorite childhood memory?”
  • “What’s something you believed as a kid but now know isn’t true?”
  • “What’s the most important lesson life has taught you so far?”

Engage your friends by asking for recommendations for movies, books, recipes, travel destinations, etc. Share polls or “would you rather” questions. When you ask good questions, people can’t help but respond.

Share Interesting News or Articles

See an intriguing news headline, scientific study, or article? Share it and ask people’s opinions. Some ideas:

  • “This new research on [topic] is so fascinating! What do you all think?”
  • “Just read a great article on [website] about [topic]. Recommend checking it out.”
  • “Did you all see [news event] happened? Curious to hear your thoughts.”

Sharing thought-provoking articles and discussing them is a great way to engage your thinking friends.

Post About Your Interests and Hobbies

Let people know what you’re passionate about by posting statuses related to your hobbies, activities, interests, and causes. You could share:

  • A photo from your latest adventure.
  • An inspiring quote about a cause you support.
  • A review of a restaurant you tried or movie you saw.
  • A milestone or achievement from one of your hobbies.

Statuses like this give people insight into who you are and what you care about.

Comment on Current Events or Holidays

Don’t forget to recognize important holidays, events, and cultural moments. Whether it’s International Women’s Day, the first day of a season, or a big election, share your thoughts or well-wishes.

  • “Wishing a happy Diwali to everyone celebrating the festival of lights!”
  • “Excited for the World Cup kicking off today!”
  • “Happy first day of spring! The weather is gorgeous.”

This shows you’re timely, culturally aware, and in touch with what’s happening in the world.

Post Updates From Your Day

Give friends a slice of your daily life by sharing quick updates about what you’re up to. Just don’t play-by-play every single thing you do.

  • “My puppy climbed onto the couch for the first time today! They grow up so fast.”
  • “Had a blast at the Taylor Swift concert last night! My ears are still ringing.”
  • “It’s finally Friday! Going to unwind with a glass of wine and a face mask tonight.”

Keep mundane statuses like getting coffee or sitting in traffic to a minimum. Focus on the more interesting, share-worthy moments.

Be Selectively Vulnerable

Opening up about your feelings or struggles can help you connect and build community. But heavy or extremely personal things may be better suited for close friends rather than a public status update. Some examples of being selectively vulnerable:

  • “Things have been stressful lately but I’m trying to keep my head up.”
  • “Feeling anxious about some life changes coming my way.”
  • “My health hasn’t been great but I have an amazing support system helping me through.”

Situations like grief, job loss, illness, or trauma may call for greater vulnerability. Use your judgement based on your comfort level and relationship with your audience.

Promote Your Business or Brand

If you have a business, brand, or creative/professional project, share the occasional status update promoting it. For example:

  • “Check out my Etsy shop’s new handmade jewelry collection (link).”
  • “I have 3 business coaching slots available next month. Message me if interested.”
  • “Just published my first book! Learn more here (link).”

Don’t make it all about self-promotion though. Follow the “80/20 rule” – only 20% of posts should directly market yourself. Share other interesting content the other 80% of the time.

Say Thanks

Expressing gratitude is uplifting for both you and whoever you’re thanking. Show appreciation for friends, family, coworkers, or mentors by posting:

  • “Feeling so grateful for my wonderful mom today!”
  • “Huge thanks to [name] for the excellent career advice. Really appreciate you taking the time.”
  • “Shout out to this amazing group of friends for making my birthday so special!”

Even a simple “thanks for the kind words” or “I really needed this today” when someone comments something nice can make their day.


When in doubt, post something positive, thoughtful, funny or uplifting. Share proudly about your interests, accomplishments and milestones. Engage friends by asking questions, posting articles or commenting on what’s happening in the world. Just keep things authentic to you.

Your Facebook status is your chance to let your unique personality shine!