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What is a good picture for a Facebook profile?

What is a good picture for a Facebook profile?

The profile picture is one of the most important parts of your Facebook profile. It’s the first thing people will see when they visit your profile or see your posts and comments. Your profile picture represents you on Facebook, so you want it to send the right message. But with so many options, how do you choose a good Facebook profile picture? Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect profile photo.

Use a clear, high-quality photo of your face

The number one rule for your Facebook profile picture is that it should clearly show your face. You want your friends and family to be able to recognize you at a glance when they see your profile picture. The picture should be sharp and well-lit, not blurry or grainy. Make sure your full face is visible – not partially hidden behind sunglasses or hair. The picture should also be current – don’t use your freshman yearbook photo if you now look totally different. Choose a photo you would be happy sharing with even your most distant acquaintances.

Smile and look friendly and approachable

Along with clearly showing your face, your expression in the photo matters too. You want to look happy, friendly and approachable in your profile picture. Choose a photo where you’re smiling or relaxed. You want to give off positive vibes so people feel comfortable connecting with you. Avoid facial expressions that could be interpreted as unfriendly, angry or sad. And stay away from overly sexy or provocative facial expressions which can give the wrong impression. A warm, cheerful smile is your best bet for putting your best face forward.

Use a headshot or upper body photo

In most cases, a headshot or upper body photo works best for your profile picture. You want people to see your face clearly and feel a personal connection. Full body shots or photos taken far away don’t allow viewers to see your facial features and expressions. Get in close and focus just on your face and upper body. You can show your full personality through your smile, eye expression and overall vibe. And save those full body shots for sharing in your regular status updates or photo albums.

Pick a flattering, representative photo of your current look

While using a current photo is advised, you also want to pick a flattering picture that represents your best self. Find a photo that you feel you look particularly nice in. But avoid using excessive retouching or filters that make you look dramatically different from real life. The goal is to share the real you, not an unrealistic ideal. Consider asking a friend to look through recent photos of you and help pick the most flattering, representative option.

Dress appropriately for the type of image you want to project

Take a moment to think about the image you want to project with your profile picture. Then choose a photo that aligns with that image through your clothing, styling and backdrop. For example, if you want to look professional, use a headshot with a nice blouse or button-down shirt. If you want to project a fun personality, consider a picture of you smiling in a bright t-shirt. If you want to look elegant, select a photo in a little black dress. Your wardrobe matters more than the background, but do make sure you are not in front of a cluttered or inappropriate backdrop.

Consider the vibe you want your photo to give off

Along with your wardrobe, think about the overall vibe you want your profile picture to convey. Do you want to give off a sophisticated vibe with a serious expression wearing elegant clothes? Or do you prefer a more casual, playful vibe with an outdoor shot in a bright sundress? If you have multiple nice photos to choose from, select the one that gives off the mood that best represents your personality. You can even ask a friend which vibe they think suits you best.

Use a picture that invites interaction

To encourage friends and acquaintances to interact with you on Facebook, choose a photo that looks interactive. For example, a close-up headshot where you are smiling right at the camera makes you look open and approachable. A picture of you laughing makes you appear fun and inviting. If you have your arm around a friend in the photo, it gives off a let’s be friends vibe. Avoid choosing photos where you are looking away from the camera or caught in the middle of talking. You want to establish a connection with the viewer.

Show off your interests and hobbies

Your profile photo presents an opportunity to show off the things you love to do. If you have a hip hobby like beekeeping or surfing, share a picture of you engaged in the hobby. This works for musical instruments, favorite sports teams, pets and any other passions of yours. Highlighting your interests helps you connect with others who share those same interests. Just make sure your face is still the primary focus – not obscured by gear or animals.

Coordinate colors with your cover photo

For a cohesive look across your entire profile, pick a profile picture that coordinates well with your Facebook cover photo. Your cover photo is the large header image at the top of your profile. If your cover photo is warm toned with yellows and reds, choose a profile picture with similar tones. For a cool toned blue or green cover, pick a matching cool toned profile pic. Or opt for a contrasting image color scheme – just make sure the combination looks pleasing to the eye.

Consider professional headshots

Professional headshots are ideal for Facebook profile pictures because they are high quality and capture you looking your best. Try scheduling a mini photo session with a local photographer to get a few professionally done headshots. Ask the photographer to capture some shots with a relaxed smile to help you look friendly and approachable. The investment is well worth it since your profile pic makes a lasting first impression.

Take multiple shots and select the best option

Don’t just snap a single selfie and call it done. Have someone take multiple photos so you can select the very best one. Take shots from different angles. Capture some with big smiles, some more muted smiles, some relaxed faces. Adjust your positioning, framing and expression until you have lots of great options to choose from. Examine the photos on a large screen later on to pick out your favorite. The more options you give yourself, the better your final pick will be.

Ask friends or family to help you choose

An outside perspective from someone who knows you well can be invaluable when selecting your profile picture. They may point out options you would never have chosen yourself. Have a parent, sibling, close friend or partner look through your photo options with you. Ask them which photo they think looks the most like you, or captures you in the best light. Let them know you’re looking for a picture that is welcoming and approachable. Take their opinions into consideration as you make the final call.

Consider taking a new photo just for your profile

You don’t have to rely on old photos from your camera roll for your profile picture. For the best results, have someone take brand new photos just for this purpose. You can control the setting, lighting, framing and styling to get the perfect shot. Experiment with different backdrops – both indoor and outdoor. Take pictures at different times of day for varied lighting. Get in the right mood by thinking of funny things or listening to upbeat music. A little planning goes a long way when taking profile picture worthy photos.

Update it periodically to keep it current

Your profile photo doesn’t have to stay the same forever. Consider switching it up every six months or year to keep it fresh. Your look and interests may evolve over time. Or you may just feel like a change. Use a current photo of yourself so you always put your best foot forward on Facebook. You want old friends and new connections to see the real you – as you are today. A regularly updated profile picture can reflect your changing style and personality.


Choosing the perfect profile picture for Facebook involves carefully considering multiple factors – from photo quality to facial expression, flattering angles to appropriate clothing. You want the photo to represent you in the best possible light while still feeling real and inviting. Put some thought into which vibe you hope to give off. Ask for outside opinions from those who know you well. Provide yourself with lots of great photo options to choose from for the winning shot. With an excellent profile picture, you can make a great first impression on Facebook.

Tip Explanation
Use a clear, high-quality photo of your face A clear photo where people can see your face makes it easier to recognize you
Smile and look friendly A smiling, cheerful expression makes you seem approachable
Use a headshot or upper body photo Close-up photos allow viewers to see your facial features and feel a connection
Pick a flattering, representative photo The photo should make you look your best while still being realistic
Dress appropriately Your wardrobe helps convey your desired image
Consider the vibe of the photo The overall mood of the picture should match your personality

Here are some additional tips for choosing a great Facebook profile picture:

Check the quality before uploading

Once you pick a photo, check that it still looks good when resized to be a small profile picture. Zoom out to make it thumbnail-sized and ensure it isn’t blurry or pixelated. Also check that it isn’t too bright or dark.

Don’t include other people or covering objects

The focus should be entirely on you. Crop out other people in group photos. And avoid hats, sunglasses or pets that hide your face.

Use a consistent look

Once you set your profile picture, keep the same look for your other social media accounts. Consistency makes you more recognizable.

Consider the camera perspective

A straight-on angle usually works best. Overhead shots can be unflattering. Take photos slightly above eye level.

Check the composition

Use the rule of thirds – position your eyes about 1/3 down from the top of the frame, with more space in front of than behind your head.

Look into hiring a professional photographer

They can help you get truly high-quality shots that capture you at your very best.

Ask someone else to take the photo

It’s hard to get good angles and properly frame the shot when taking a selfie.

Take lots of photos in quick succession

Don’t pause too long between shots so your expression stays natural.

Clean up any blemishes carefully

Light retouching is OK but avoid overdoing it. You still want to look like your real self.

Try different expressions

Capture some serious looks, some smiling shots, some laughing. See what mood fits you best.

Play around with your hair/makeup look

You might find a different style suits your photo better than your everyday look.

Use natural lighting where possible

Outdoor or bright window light generally flatters better than harsh indoor lighting.

Focus on looking genuine

Don’t force an expression that feels unnatural to you. Let your real personality shine through.

Check for red eye

Red eye can be fixed manually or with photo editing tools. This detracts from an otherwise nice photo.

Make sure the background is appropriate

Avoid clutter, objects that stick out from behind your head, or inappropriate images.

Have great posture

Sit or stand up straight to convey confidence. Slouching can read as low self-esteem.

Take photos from multiple angles

Slight shifts in perspective can dramatically change how you look. Experiment with angles.

Focus on looking approachable and welcoming

You want old friends and new connections to feel comfortable engaging with you on Facebook.

Keep your chin down slightly

Pointing your chin down a bit helps prevent unflattering distorting and shadows on your face.

Check for distracting shadows

Harsh lighting can cast unappealing shadows. Diffused natural light is best.

In summary, choosing the perfect Facebook profile photo requires thoughtfulness, planning and effort. But a great profile picture makes a fantastic first impression and represents the real you. Use these tips to show your best self on Facebook and invite meaningful connections.